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Live Reporting

Nick Eardley and Victoria King

All times stated are UK

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  1. Recap

    That's your lot from the Politics Live team today. It's been another busy Sunday - here's a look back at what's happened:

    • Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told the Andrew Marr show the UK and Russia will continue to have a "prickly relationship", with no clear signs Vladimir Putin will alter his intentions in Ukraine
    • Mr Hammond refused to commit his party to spending 2% of GDP on defence in the next Parliament
    • Ed Miliband said a Labour government would legislate to ensure TV debates become a permanent feature of general elections
    • A Labour candidate announced she would not be accepting a £1,000 donation from former prime minister Tony Blair
    • The Telegraph reported a new government anti-extremism strategy may include measures to ban radical Islamists from working unsupervised with children

    We're back tomorrow morning for all the latest political news and analysis. See you then.

  2. Gerry Adams predicts

    Gerry Adams

    Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has said it's unlikely he will be Taoiseach (head of the Irish government) next year - despite predicting his party will be in power on both sides of the Irish border. He vowed he would not "prop up" an administration led by Fine Gael or Fianna Fail in the Republic. "I don't think I'm going to be Taoiseach next year... it's up to the people," he told RTE's The Week in Politics. "But I do think we are going to be in government in both states on the island."

  3. Cigarette packaging

    On Monday, Mark D'Arcy says the number one Commons event may well take place outside the main chamber. The statutory instrument to bring in standardised packaging for cigarettes - highly controversial among Conservative MPs - is due to be considered by a committee. Our correspondent says we can expect protests that it is not being considered on the floor of the Commons. Indeed, Sir Gerald Howarth MP said as much to Sky News earlier today.

  4. Commons swansong

    The BBC's parliamentary correspondent Mark D'Arcy has done his usual look-ahead to what's coming up this week. Among the bills and barracking, he says we're likely to see the final Commons speeches of two of the biggest political names of recent years - Gordon Brown and Jack Straw.

  5. Telegraph Politics


    tweets: Nicky Morgan: Tristram Hunt called me 'love' during debate Read more

  6. Kenny Farquharson, deputy editor of the Scotsman


    tweets: Miliband would be daft to start talking about a post-election deal with the SNP. Today's SoS leader column.

  7. Welsh funding debate

    Welsh Assembly

    Away from Westminster politics, the Welsh finance minister has been discussing the funding deal offered to the Welsh Assembly by the coalition. Jane Hutt says the settlement offered by David Cameron does not provide enough certainty for public spending. The PM wants the Welsh government to raise some of its budget through taxes. You can read more here.

  8. Your say

    Politics Live readers have been getting in touch with their views on the TV debates. Here are some of your comments.

    Am I the only person in the UK seriously concerned that after May we could end up with a government in Westminster that has the support of only 20% (30% of a 60% turnout)? Yet the issue of the day would appear to be TV debates.

    We have a voting system that came out of the ark yet politicians continue to refuse to propose real reform.

    David McKay

    Really struggling to see the relevance of the whole debate issue:

    1) The modern politician doesn't debate or even answer questions so what does a "debate" add.

    2) We see/hear enough of all the politicians without adding more time for them to tell us exactly what they told us yesterday and the same thing that they're going to tell us tomorrow.

    3) I think we all take everything that politicians of all persuasions say with so much salt these days that its almost pointless listening to them at all.

    Frankly I'd vote for seeing less of our politicians on our TV screen not more. Judge them by their actions not by their words.

    Keith Hough

    Do you agree. Let us know your thoughts by emailing

  9. Turing's Law

    Sky News

    Andrew Pierce, Daily Mail columnist, tells Sky News he isn't in the least bit impressed with Ed Miliband's plan for a Turing's Law, which would give posthumous pardons to gay men who were convicted under the now repealed indecency laws. "It's just so cynical isn't it. What's the point? What does it do for the people involved?" he asks.

  10. Sir Menzies Campbell on defence

    Menzies Campbell

    Former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell has been discussing defence spending and whether a 2% of GDP target will be met over the next Parliament. Sir Menzies, a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee, said: "If ever there was a time to put party differences aside on defence, it is now.

    "I would support an agreement between the three main parties to commit to the maintenance of the UK defence budget at the Nato target of 2% of GDP."

    He suggested that other European nations would also have to increase their defence spending to meet their Nato obligations. "Europe has dined out on the overgenerous contribution to its defence by the USA. We can't expect that to go on forever," he said.

    "It's time to recognise our own responsibilities."

  11. Bear Grylls' PM plans

    The Independent

    Adventurer Bear Grylls is the latest person to contribute to the Independent's "If I were Prime Minister" series. My colleague Victoria is a fan. In his piece, Bear says he would champion young people and try to build stronger communities. And he says he would hold cabinet meetings at Snowdon and Ben Nevis. More here.

  12. TV debates

    The Daily Mail

    David Cameron's refusal to take part in more than one TV debate has been driven by Conservative campaign director Lynton Crosby, according to James Forsyth. He writes over at the Daily Mail that the party is "desperate" for the debates not to go ahead. Mr Crosby, Forsyth writes, has told colleagues "not to be fazed" by media interest in the debates. More here.

  13. Question dodging?

    The Spectator

    Caroline Flint

    Anyone who was watching our coverage earlier will have noticed a couple of guests on the Andrew Marr show were less than forthcoming with straight answers. Philip Hammond wasn't keen to say whether his party would guarantee 2% of GDP would be spent on defence over the next Parliament, while Caroline Flint didn't want to say whether Labour would go into coalition with the SNP.

    Over on the Spectator, Isabel Hardman looks at their performances. Both, she says, "did very well because they didn't give anything away that they didn't want to". But that isn't necessarily a good thing for politics the long-run, she adds. More here.

  14. MPs to debate the debates

    MPs are to be given the chance to discuss the TV debates. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) - which has not been invited - has tabled a motion for Wednesday. DUP leader Nigel Dodds said: "In future, we need to follow the example of the US and have an independent commission arrange any such debates. Too many politicians and broadcasters can't be trusted to put their own self-interest aside and put that of the voters first.

    "This is why I've decided to give my fellow MPs in Parliament the chance to discuss this matter there.

    "Any TV debates that happen have to be for the benefit of the people who watch them, not the people who take part in them or broadcast them."

  15. Can Scottish Labour be saved?

    The Scotsman

    There has been much discussion of Labour's position in Scotland recently, with polls suggesting the party could be heading for a near wipe-out on 7 May. Scotland on Sunday political editor Tom Peterkin has been taking a look at what the party could do to prevent a disaster. He feels Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy might be key: "Much faith has been invested in Murphy in the belief that he has the dynamism to inject some genuine leadership into a rudderless organisation." More here.

  16. Sex consent lessons

    Children are to be taught about sexual consent from the age of 11 under new government plans. The classes will give young people "better understanding of the society around them", the government says, allowing them to "make informed choices and stay safe". Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, said there were "unimaginable pressures" for young people growing up today. More here.

  17. David Hughes, political reporter at the Press Association


    tweets: MPs will debate the debates on Wednesday thanks to a @duponline opposition day motion.

  18. What's the election actually about?

    The Daily Telegraph

    Does anyone know what this election is really about? That's the question Janet Daley has been asking over at the Telegraph. She says, despite being bombarded with party propaganda, she has no idea what is at the heart of the contest. More here.

  19. Lidl man?

    The Sun

    Are you a member of Lidl Britain? We've seen voters defined by where they live - remember Essex man - but now, according to the Sun, they're defined by where they shop. The paper claims Labour and the Conservatives are currently neck and neck in the race to win over the "key demographic" that is the Lidl shopper.

  20. 'No-show prime minister'

    The Guardian

    "The Tories wanted to make this election turn on the character of the Labour leader. [The debates row] has made the issue the character of David Cameron," writes Andrew Rawnsley, in the Guardian. He sys the PM has shown himself to be a man who "hates exposing himself to attack", but also one who is "extremely stubborn about changing his mind". "To surrender now would make him look weak. Yet he will no less hate being defined as the no-show prime minister."

  21. 'No war'

    Alan Soady

    BBC political correspondent

    The Treasury and No 10 have denied a report in today's Mail on Sunday which claims that the two sides are "at war" over future defence spending.

    A joint spokesman for the PM and the chancellor said: "This is untrue and without foundation. The PM, chancellor and government agree future defence spending is a matter for the spending review."

  22. Sam Lister, Press Association political correspondent


    tweets: "Parking its tanks on Labour's lawn"- UKIP is opening a Doncaster base. Interesting to see what reception they'll get

  23. Jack Sommers, reporter @HuffPostUK.


    tweets: SNP challenges other 4 Scottish Labour candidates who received Blair donation to reject it Read more.

  24. 'No chance to de-muppetise'

    Sunday Times

    "The prime minister won't say it in these terms but he doesn't want debates at a time when he thinks they might affect how people vote. Others might consider that to be the whole point." So writes Adam Boulton, from Sky News, in the Sunday Times. And of the Conservatives' view of the debates more generally? "In the colourful word coined by one interested observer, they want to deny Miliband any chance to de-muppetise himself."

  25. Tobacco packaging

    Sky News

    In reply, Luciana Berger, shadow public health minister, said the plan was for "standardised packaging", not plain packaging, and the former could still be tracked and traced to thwart counterfeiters.

  26. Tobacco packaging

    Sky News

    Away from debates and defence, a ding dong on has been going on between Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth and Labour's Luciana Berger about the introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes. Sir Gerald said Chinese counterfeiters would be "rubbing their hands in glee at the move", and fraud would inevitably hit the public purse due to lost tax revenue.

    As for the idea itself, well, that was unnecessary anyway, he said: "If children and adults cannot read on packaging today... 'smoking kills'... then there is something wrong with the education system."

  27. Labour candidate rejects Blair money

    Lesley Brennan

    As we reported earlier, a Labour parliamentary candidate has tweeted she has rejected a £1,000 donation from former party leader and prime minister Tony Blair. Lesley Brennan, who is standing in Dundee East against SNP deputy leader Stewart Hosie, said she had discussed the issue with her team and decided not to take the cash. It has been reported Mr Blair gave 106 candidates the sum to help their election campaigns. More here.

  28. Sturgeon on equality

    The Scotsman

    Marking International Women's Day, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the "time is right" to use targets to ensure more women make it into boardrooms in both the public and private sector. The SNP leader says the "glacial progress in some areas of life" illustrates efforts to promote women on merit are not working. Read more in Scotland on Sunday.

  29. Philip Hammond on defence

    Philip Hammond

    Defence - and whether or not the Tories will commit to spending 2% of GDP on it over the course of the next Parliament - has been a talking point over the last few days. As we mentioned earlier, Andrew Marr asked Philip Hammond about the issue earlier. He promised there will be no "further cuts to our regular armed forces" under David Cameron's leadership. But he said "very difficult decisions" on deficit reduction would have to be made. Watch his interview and read more here.

  30. TV debates

    Harriet Harman

    Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman has been speaking about the TV debates, saying David Cameron should "have the guts" to take part.

    Speaking on Sky News' Murnaghan, she said: "Let's have a legal framework set out and then we won't have this all over again next time round.

    "I think if somebody is saying I want to be prime minister, I want to be in Number 10 Downing Street, but by the way I'm not going to go out there and debate it, it's not acceptable.

    And she added: "The bottom line is - it is not too late for David Cameron... he should have the guts to go out there and say, this is what I have done since I have been prime minister and this is what I want to do next."

  31. Sadiq Khan on Trident

    Sadiq Khan

    A bit more on Sadiq Khan's interview with John Pienaar earlier. They discussed Labour's position on Trident in light of reports Ed Miliband's senior adviser, Stewart Wood, wants to ditch the party's support for renewing Britain's Trident nuclear submarine programme.

    Asked if he could promise Labour would stick to a pledge to renew Trident, Mr Khan said: "I can and I do. And you'll see the manifesto published shortly which will say that. What we can't do, is respond to every single newspaper article, respond to everything coming out of the number 10 tactical unit. And actually what we want to do is talk about the issues."

  32. Emily Thornberry interview

    The Guardian

    Emily Thornberry

    Emily Thornberry - of White Van row fame - has been speaking to the Guardian about International Women's Day. The former former shadow attorney general tells the paper a lot of women find the atmosphere in Parliament "quite shocking". "Some of the comments you get are just, you think, Neanderthal really", the MP adds. You can read the full interview here.

  33. Margaret Curran interview

    Labour's shadow Scottish secretary and Glasgow MP Margaret Curran was on Sunday Politics earlier and was asked about whether her she would rule out a deal with the SNP in the event of a hung parliament. She didn't. You can watch the exchange with Andrew Neil here.

  34. Tim Farron, Lib Dem president


    tweets: On International Women's Day I reaffirm my party's position that women's rights & human rights are at the centre of what we are & what we do

  35. 'Tax giveaway'

    George Osborne on Budget Day 2014

    Is the coalition preparing an "income tax giveaway" for millions of voters? According to the Sunday Times this morning, the Conservatives and Lib Dems are working on a deal that would see the minimum income tax threshold rise "towards £11,000" from next year. The move could be included in next month's Budget. More here.

  36. Defence spending

    Sunday Politics

    On defence spending, Liz Truss says her party is committed to maintaining the size of the Army. But, despite a good grilling by Andrew Neil, as with Philip Hammond earlier, she won't commit to her party to spending 2% of GDP on defence in the next Parliament.

  37. PoliticsHome


    tweets: @trussliz - "if there is going to be 1 debate it ought to be with all 7 parties so the British public can see their choice in full" #bbcsp

  38. TV debates

    Sunday Politics

    Liz Truss says the key issue is the "short campaign" - after 30 March. We haven't had the proposals on time, she insists - broadcasters should had come forward with their ideas earlier.

  39. TV debates

    Sunday Politics

    Janan Ganesh, from the Financial Times, says David Cameron might be not be as damaged by an "empty chair" as people make out. He thinks most voters won't prioritise the issue when it comes to deciding who they will vote for.

  40. Iain Dale, presenter of @LBC Drive


    tweets: So Liz Truss reckons debates would be a huge distraction from the issues. Jesus wept. What does she think an election campaign is about?

  41. TV debates

    Sunday Politics

    Helen Lewis, from the New Statesman, says it will be interesting to see who blinks first. The Guardian's Nick Watt agrees: how can a head-to-head debate go ahead without one of the main leaders? He think the Tories thought the broadcasters would have blinked by now.

  42. TV debates

    Sunday Politics

    Environment Secretary Liz Truss

    Who will blink first over the TV debates? Liz Truss, the environment secretary, says the Tories have been clear they don't want to see debates during the campaign proper. David Cameron won't turn up, she says.

  43. Green conference

    Sunday Politics

    Green conference

    What goes on at the Green Party conference? Adam Fleming went to find out for Sunday Politics. A hint: it involves something called "attunement". You can watch his package here.

  44. 'Not a sensible question'

    Harriet Harman

    Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman is the latest from her party to be asked about a possible deal with the SNP after the election. She told Sky News' Murnaghan: "It's not a sensible question... The question is put forward by two sides. It is put forward by the Tories who want to talk up the SNP because they don't think they can talk up their own record.

    "It is put forward by the SNP because they know people in Scotland hate the Tories, quite justifiably. The only way to protect people in Scotland from another Tory government is not to vote SNP but to vote Labour."

    She adds: "We are planning and working towards a majority."

  45. Sunday Politics South East


    tweets: Farmer @ifordben near #Lewes: "Rural electorate is relatively small and politicians think there are more important things to talk about."

  46. Labour/SNP deal?

    There's been much said in the last few days about whether or not Labour should rule out a coalition with the SNP. In the Sunday Mail today, Gerry Hassan argues that the party actually can't rule such a deal in or out. More here.

  47. John Rentoul, columnist, Independent on Sunday


    tweets: Support for EdM's tuition fee "cut" up to 54% with YouGov (from 49%). Low for such a superficially attractive policy Read more.

  48. UK defence future

    Sunday Politics

    Gen Sir Mike Jackson says the UK could put a brigade in the field, but admits it may be hard to sustain it. He says defence will be an issue at the election and says "people need to think quite deeply" about the UK's defence future.

  49. David Singleton, news editor, Politics Home


    tweets: Public not that bovvered about the TV debates, says pollster Rick Nye on #murnaghan "There are bigger fish to fry..."

  50. UK at risk

    Sunday Politics

    Gen Sir Mike Jackson says the terrorist threat to the UK is "increasingly serious" as fighters return to the UK from IS areas. Their motivation to hurt us is as strong as it ever was, he adds.

  51. IS threat

    Sunday Politics

    Are we witnessing the partition of Iraq, Andrew Neil asks? Prof Hollis says yes - "absolutely".

  52. IS threat

    Sunday Politics

    Gen Sir Mike Jackson says there has to be the taking and holding of ground in the Middle East, but it is a job for indigenous forces.

  53. IS threat

    Sunday Politics

    Gen Sir Mike Jackson - former head of the Army - says there is little appetite in the West for re-entering the Middle East arena. He says there is space for equipment and training, though.

  54. Complex picture

    Sunday Politics

    Prof Rosemary Hollis, from City University, says part of the charisma of IS, what makes it appealing to a minority, is the idea nothing is too brutal. She says those fighting against the group are not universally popular either - there are monarchies and regimes lined up in a battle for power for power's sake. They are the same regimes which people rose up against during the Arab Spring.

  55. Adam Smith Institute, think tank


    tweets: TV debates and pointless, counterproductive laws have become pinnacles of human achievement. Read more.

  56. 'Nick's up for it'

    Sky News

    "If Cameron's not willing to do it, Nick's up for it." That's Lynne Featherstone's opinion on the need for at least someone from the coalition to defend its record in the TV debates.

  57. IS threat

    Sunday Politics

    Mark Urban - Newsnight's diplomatic editor - says Islamic State has so far not been able to bring about large attacks on western or African societies. But they are killing many people in the territory they have got - more than al-Qaeda ever did.

  58. More women

    Sky News

    Lynne Featherstone, minister for crime prevention, says her party may "consider a mechanism to get more women through" to Parliament.

  59. David Singleton, news editor, PoliticsHome


    tweets: HHarman on #Murnaghan insisting Cameron must do TV debate. In 2001 when Blair was refusing, Harriet was his trusty solicitor general

  60. 'Sensible'

    Sunday Politics

    Are we seeing a progressive alliance in UK politics? Janan Ganesh says yes, because Labour has had to be sensible about austerity.

  61. Post update


    tweets: Would be good if broadcasters exercised as much time asking David Cameron to rule out coalitions with the various minority parties #GE2015

  62. 'No coalition'

    Sky News

    "We don't want to have a coalition with anyone," Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman says.

  63. 'Prickly relationship'

    Philip Hammond

    A bit more on Philip Hammond's comments on the Andrew Marr show earlier. He predicted the UK and Russia would continue to have a "prickly relationship" with no clear change in Vladimir Putin's intentions in Ukraine. And the foreign secretary said Moscow had chosen to enter a "strategic competition" with the West rather than being an ally. Here's our story.

  64. More on a deal

    Sunday Politics

    Guests on the Sunday Politics

    The FT's Janan Ganesh says Ed Miliband should rule out a deal with the SNP. "It probably won't happen anyway," he says, and it would make things easier for candidates always being asked questions about a deal (and giving the same answer, as we've seen this morning).

    Nick Watt, from the Guardian, says ruling out a deal would be portrayed as being "anti-Scottish" by the SNP.

  65. Brown's seat

    Sunday Politics

    Helen Lewis, from the New Statesman, says the scale of change in Scotland is "shocking". She points to a poll suggesting Labour could lose Kirkcaldy - its safest Scottish seat last time and Gordon Brown's constituency.

  66. Kate McCann, Whitehall correspondent at the Sun


    tweets: "All male teams will make different sorts of decisions" Harriet Harman tells #Murnaghan - that's why we need more women in politics

  67. Cameron 'boost'

    Sunday Politics

    The Scottish people don't believe Labour's scare tactics, Andrew Neil suggests to Margaret Curran. She says you don't vote for coalitions at an election, you vote for a party and every Labour seat lost "is a direct boost" for David Cameron.

  68. SNP question

    Sunday Politics

    "I am getting frustrated with you," says Margaret Curran, as she's still being pressed by Andrew Neil to rule out a deal with the SNP. She says she wants to talk about the issues her constituents are facing in Glasgow East.

  69. 'Dead heat'

    Sunday Politics

    Margaret Curran, Labour's shadow Scottish secretary

    We're not planning a deal with the SNP, Margaret Curran says. If you look at polling in Scotland, it's a dead heat between Labour and the Conservatives to win the election, she says. "If you don't vote Labour, you could actually get the Tories back," she adds.

  70. Scottish Labour

    Sunday Politics

    Margaret Curran, Labour's shadow secretary for Scotland, tells Sunday Politics that Scottish Labour is "moving forward". She denies a story which said Scottish MPs called on Ed Miliband to rule out a deal with the SNP is accurate.

  71. Patrick Wintour, political editor of the Guardian


    tweets: Sturgeon's vow "SNP will never, ever, put the Tories in government". So if Lab rejects SNP deal, no downside. So keep in play for LD talks ?

  72. Andrew Neil


    tweets: Sunday Politics coming on NOW!!! BBC1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. Nicky Morgan on women in politics

    Sky News

    Over on Sky News, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has been talking about the role of women in politics. She says David Cameron is a feminist and. She told the Murnaghan programme: "He [Mr Cameron] absolutely is a feminist. He is on the side of women and he has done a huge amount to get women into the cabinet.

    "You think about all the women who are in the cabinet at the moment, they are Conservatives. The Lib Dems have not put any women MPs into the cabinet.

    "The prime minister is absolutely on the side of making sure that women have the best possible opportunities, as is the chancellor, as are, I think, all of my male colleagues."

  74. David Singleton, news editor, PoliticsHome.


    tweets: TUC boss Frances O'Grady says there's a need for more women in Parliament, but she doesn't want "golden skirts" #Murnaghan

  75. 'Pathetic record'

    5 Live

    Lib Dem MP Tessa Munt says her party's record on getting more women into Parliament is "pathetic", but "it's not for the want of trying". She said lots of women stand for the party, but the Lib Dems have fewer safe seats so it is harder to get them elected.

  76. 'Shocking' inequality

    5 Live

    Labour's Heidi Alexander says she has never experienced sexism in her party or in the Commons chamber. But she says there are things in politics that could done differently and that the rate of female MPs is "shocking" in 2015.

  77. Jason Beattie, @DailyMirror political editor


    tweets: And of course, the only party to have done a deal with the SNP is the Tories which propped up Salmond in Holyrood from 2007-11

  78. Women's Day

    5 Live

    Laura Sandys - Tory MP for South Thanet - says Parliament is obsessed with gender and background, not what people want to achieve. We need diversity of personalities, not just gender, she adds.

  79. Ed Miliband, Labour leader


    tweets: We must make sure we have true equality not just in law, but in our economy, our society and our culture. #IWD2015

  80. Lesley Brennan, Labour's candidate for Dundee East


    tweets: Received donation from Tony Blair. Instinct was to not accept. Discussed with team. Dundee East is not accepting the £1000.

  81. More powers

    5 Live

    Angus MacNeil says his party isn't interested in ministerial position - it wants more powers for Scotland and a better life for people north of the border.

  82. On Trident

    5 Live

    Angus MacNeil, the SNP MP, tells John Pienaar that promises in the Labour manifesto "often don't mean much", in reference to Sadiq Khan's insistence that a commitment to the renewal of Trident will be in his party's soon-to-be-published document. He says the SNP will vote against Trident.

  83. Trident commitment

    5 Live

    Sadiq Khan says Labour will stick to its plan to renew Trident if it wins the election.

  84. 'Jiu-jitsu move'

    5 Live

    On Scotland, Labour's Sadiq Khan says his party doesn't need a coalition with the SNP. He's repeating what Ed Miliband and Caroline Flint have both said this weekend - but again doesn't explicitly rule it out. He says the Conservatives are trying to switch focus from the TV debates row to the SNP issue and calls it "a jiu-jitsu move".

  85. David Singleton, news editor, PoliticsHome


    tweets: Ukip's Mark Reckless on how to tackle illegal immigration: "We need to be more pro-active in terms of enforcement." #Murnaghan.

  86. Work ban for extremists

    5 Live

    Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan

    Sadiq Khan, the shadow justice secretary, says new counter-extremism measures which could ban radical Islamists from working unsupervised with children, make "perfect sense". He says the idea of an allegiance to British values is a good thing, but there are some people in the UK who do not understand such rights and responsibilities now.

  87. Peers should 'reflect carefully'

    5 Live

    On the Lords, Baroness Stowell says the chamber exists to give people confidence in Parliament. To maintain and increase that, she says peers who were jailed before 2014 should reflect on whether they should resign from the House. Recent changes in the law mean peers who are jailed for a year or more will be automatically expelled, but the law does not apply retrospectively.

  88. 'Move on'

    5 Live

    Kevin Maguire says Mr Cameron has been making "disingenuous excuses" not to take part in the TV debates and "a bit of honesty" would be good. Baroness Stowell says most people "want us to move on from the TV debates now". Mr Maguire adds: "You want to move on."

  89. TV debates

    5 Live

    Baroness Stowell says David Cameron made it clear early on he would take part in leaders' debates but didn't want them to dominate the election campaign. The process has been going on "forever", she adds.

  90. Progress on women

    5 Live

    If there was no progress and women were not being allowed to get on in politics, Baroness Stowell says, we would have to look at what we were doing. But progress is being made, she insists.

  91. Kate McCann, Whitehall correspondent at the Sun


    tweets: Nicky Morgan refuses to comment on "leaked" document about banning extreme speakers in schools but admits there are "concerns" #Murnaghan

  92. Shortlists

    5 Live

    Baroness Stowell says all-women shortlists are "not what women want" - progress can be made in other ways.

  93. Women in politics

    5 Live

    On International Women's Day, Baroness Stowell tells John Pienaar the Tories are doing a "huge amount" to get women into politics. She says there has been a lot of good work done in the party - more female candidates and a female Scottish Conservative leader among them.

  94. Morgan on Murnaghan

    Sky News

    Education Secretary - and Women's Minister - Nicky Morgan is currently appearing on Sky News' Murnaghan programme. She says the tone of the debate in the Commons when two women are at the despatch box is much better than when it's two men.

  95. Pippa Crerar, Evening Standard political reporter


    tweets: Love @ShippersUnbound 's suggestion that Cameron go on Goggle Box and be filmed watching the TV debates, glass of warming claret in hand.

  96. Stowell on Pienaar

    5 Live

    Baroness Stowell, the Conservative leader in the House of Lords, is the first guest on Pienaar's Politics. The former secretary says she always wanted to be the best she could - her goal wasn't to be leader of the Lords. Her success, she says, is down to her attitude.

  97. Scotland decides?

    5 Live

    Kevin Maguire, associate editor of the Daily Mirror, says Scotland is the story on his mind - and the growing feeling that the country may decide the outcome of the entire general election.

  98. TV debates

    5 Live

    Paul Waugh, editor of the website Politics Home, says it seems "almost certain" that any TV debates will have to happen without David Cameron. He thinks there might be one debate, with six party leaders appearing.

  99. Hammond on extremism

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Philip Hammond has finished speaking to Andrew Marr, but he covered a huge range of subjects in very quick time, so we'll go back over his interview and pick out more snippets for you.

    One thing he was asked about was tackling extremism here in the UK, following this story doing the rounds today. Asked if there was going to be a tougher line against extremism - activities that might fall short of criminality but were still very damaging - in Britain, his answer is a definitive "Yes".

  100. Pienaar's Politics

    BBC Radio 5 live

    Pienaar's Politics is live on BBC Radio 5 now. Follow it above on the live coverage tab on desktop.

  101. Nicholas Watt, the Guardian


    tweets: It's true our politics has become a little dull...says @PHammondMP

  102. 'Cautious man'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Philip Hammond admits to being "fairly cautious" and says that sort of attitude to politics has emerged because of the 24-hour news cycle.

    And the programme wraps up with a piano performance from Noriko Ogawa.

  103. More from Marr

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Philip Hammond tells Michael Sheen he will take plans to end violence against children forward.

  104. 'No little helper'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Asked if he sees himself as a future prime minister, Philip Hammond says "absolutely not". He says he is committed to getting David Cameron back into 10 Downing Street "without his little helper" - presumably Nick Clegg, not George Osborne.

  105. More on migration

    The Andrew Marr Show

    We are working with "likeminded" partners to reform the rules, Philip Hammond says on immigration in the EU. He says the UK is not the only country with concerns. People must be coming here to work, he adds.

  106. Philip Cowley, Professor of Parliamentary Government, Nottingham University


    tweets: FFS. Stop asking questions about 'coalitions'. Just allows people to dodge, so easily. Ask about deals.

  107. On immigration

    The Andrew Marr Show

    People want to see a reduction in the numbers of people coming to the UK, Philip Hammond says. Our partner nations acknowledge there is a problem and are willing to work with us on the issue, he says.

  108. EU 'part of our plans'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On the EU, Philip Hammond says he "wouldn't be comfortable leaving the EU". Continued membership is a vital component of Tory plans. But we can only do that if we get a deal that is fit for purpose, he adds. It must be reformed to deliver for our agenda.

  109. Nigeria crisis

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On Boko Haram, Philip Hammond says he has seen the group as part of the Islamic extremist movement for some time. Their declaration of support for so-called Islamic State does not change things on the ground, he adds.

  110. Ben Riley-Smith, political correspondent, Daily Telegrap


    tweets: How many times did Hammond dodge qu on commitment to 2% defence spend in next parl? Five? Six? #marr

  111. Islamic State threat

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On Iraq, Philip Hammond says the assault on Tikrit is down to the Iraqi government to deal with. The UK will offer support, but the Iranians are also helping, he adds.

  112. 'Difficult decisions'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Philip Hammond says David Cameron is "passionate" about our armed forces. But he says difficult decisions need to be made in spending. He says the prime minister isn't prepared to see further cuts to the size of the regular armed forces.

  113. Defence review

    The Andrew Marr Show

    We will have a review at the start of the next Parliament and set out our plans then, Philip Hammond goes on. He says the government is committed to the 2% figure now, but won't say whether that will continue.

  114. Defence spending

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On defence spending, Philip Hammond - a former defence secretary - says we are spending 2% of GDP on defence just now. We are the second largest defence spender in Nato, he adds. But he won't commit to doing the same in the next Parliament.

  115. Tom Newton Dunn, political editor of the Sun


    tweets: "We are not going to fight the Russians in Ukraine," Philip Hammond tells #Marr. Uncustomarily unbelligerent this morning.

  116. Russian influence

    The Andrew Marr Show

    We believe the countries liberated from Russia should be able to choose their own paths, Philip Hammond says. But President Putin has another view, he wants them in his sphere of influence.

  117. Baltic threat

    The Andrew Marr Show

    "We are not going to fight the Russians in Ukraine" says Philip Hammond. "We have been very clear about that." But he says incursion into the Baltic states would mean Nato articles would be enacted - although he doesn't say explicitly it would mean military action.

  118. Joe Watts, political correspondent at the Evening Standard and London Live


    tweets: Thought Caroline Flint gave a v credible performance on #marrshow this morning. Particularly on the broader SNP/economic stuff.

  119. Supplying arms

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On arming Ukraine, Philip Hammond says international boundaries must be protected. We will keep things under review, he says, but are already providing a lot of non-lethal support.

  120. Ukraine crisis

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond

    An attack on Mariupol would see increased pressure on Russia, Philip Hammond says. But he won't be drawn on whether it would mean a new cold war.

  121. Hammond on Marr

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Philip Hammond MP, the foreign secretary, says there has been a reduction in violence in Ukraine, but he doesn't detect that President Putin's strategy has changed. It's now about which tools he uses to meet his objectives. Any more aggression will see increased sanctions, which Mr Hammond says are "significant" and "really hurting" Russia.

  122. Amol Rajan, Independent editor


    tweets: This is what @UNICEF ambassador @michaelsheen is talking about on @MarrShow right now:

  123. Passionate politics

    The Andrew Marr Show

    There is a danger in rhetoric and passion, but it is important to believe what you say and encourage dialogue, Michael Sheen says. If you want to watch Mr Sheen's rousing speech on the NHS last week, here it is.

  124. Sheen on the NHS

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Michael Sheen says there has been a "systematic undermining" of the core values of the NHS - by both the coalition and Labour - in recent years.

  125. Isabel Hardman, assistant editor, the Spectator


    tweets: If you're into politicians dodging questions, Caroline Flint's performance just then on Marr was v.good as she avoided ruling out SNP pact.

  126. David Singleton, news editor, PoliticsHome


    tweets: Caroline Flint refuses to rule out Labour-SNP deal on Marr. Three times.

  127. George Eaton, political editor, New Statesman


    tweets: Impressively fluent performance by Flint there under some tough questioning. #Marr

  128. Sheen on Marr

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Michael Sheen is now talking to Andrew Marr about his work as a UNICEF ambassador. He says violence against children often happens in the home and other places where kids should be safe. Mr Sheen wants more of a focus on the issue and talks about his recent visit to Guatemala.

  129. Nicholas Watt, the Guardian


    tweets: We do not want, we do not need + we are not planning coalition with @theSNP which is not social conscience of @UKLabour - @CarolineFlintMP

  130. Labour deal?

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Could Labour do a deal with the SNP, Andrew Marr asks? In reply, Caroline Flint swerves and lists her party's policies instead. Labour is the party of equality, she says, and she won't take lectures from the SNP on that.

  131. SNP in power?

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Caroline Flint says her party is focussed on winning a majority - but she won't rule out a deal with the SNP. She repeats much of what Ed Miliband said yesterday at the Scottish Labour conference - votes for the SNP make a Tory government more likely.

  132. Tax plans

    The Andrew Marr Show

    What if George Osborne is planning a tax cut bonanza before the election? Caroline Flint says the government is guilty of giving with one hand and taking away with the other. Just 60 days before the election, many promises will be uncosted, she says. Ms Flint won't commit to backing Mr Osborne over an increase in the income tax threshold until she sees the plan.

  133. Green credentials

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On climate change, Caroline Flint - who also speaks on the subject for Labour - says there needs to be more investment in clean energy. The rate at the moment is just half of what it should be. We need to have a de-carb target, give the green investment bank powers to borrow and follow Labour's policy of issuing "green bonds", she says.

  134. Alberto Nardelli, data editor at the @Guardian


    tweets: 60 days to the election - latest @guardian projection: CON 274 seats, LAB 271, SNP 52, LDEM 27

  135. 'No real recovery'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    "Ordinary working people do not feel they are benefitting from this recovery," Caroline Flint says. That isn't a real recovery, she adds.

  136. Cost of living

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Caroline Flint says working people are worse off - not better - than before the financial crisis. Families are given opportunities with one hand, but other costs are imposed in other ways. Families, she adds, will be £1,000 worse off at the end of this Parliament.

  137. 'No fines'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Companies wouldn't be fined because the regulator would force energy companies to freeze prices, Caroline Flint insists. People need to have confidence in the market, she adds.

  138. 'Fall under a freeze'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint

    Caroline Flint says Labour has said from day one bills could be cut under their energy price freeze policy. We need to reform the market to make sure people feel they are paying a fair bill, she says.

  139. Flint on Marr

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Caroline Flint, the shadow energy secretary, says the big six energy firms could continue under a Labour government, but she wants there to be more companies. It's not about numbers though, she says, but about getting people the best deal.

  140. Ben Riley-Smith, political correspondent, Daily Telegraph


    tweets: Home Office source confirms Sunday Times story -- Theresa May will scrap ACPO within weeks.

  141. Hugo Rifkind, Times columnist


    tweets: Yes, the SNP might help govern UK and want to scrap it. Like Ukip does with EU Parliament, or Lib Dems do in unelected Lords. Calm down.

  142. International Women's Day

    The Andrew Marr Show

    What position do women have in the UK? On International Women's Day, Amol Rajan says Angela Merkel is arguably the most powerful person in the world right now. In a couple of years, it could be Hilary Clinton. Sarah Baxter says Theresa May is one to watch after the election.

  143. Hung parliament?

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On Scotland, and polls suggesting Labour could be set to lose many of its seats, Amol Rajan says it seems we're on the verge of a constitutional crisis if the SNP is in a position to be kingmaker after the election.

  144. George Eaton, political editor, New Statesman


    tweets: Can Osborne reconcile desire to cut defence spending with his ardent neoconservatism? #Marr

  145. Paper review

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Now we're onto defence and reports of a possible Tory mutiny if real-term spending is cut. Amol Rajan says it seems not everything can be ring-fenced and defence can't be seen to be exempt from cuts. Sarah Baxter says America is concerned about Britain's role.

  146. TV debates row

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Amol Rajan and Sarah Baxter

    On the TV debates, there is speculation over who might blink first - broadcasters or the prime minister. Amol Rajan mentions suggestions David Cameron may be interviewed instead - possibly at great length by some hard-headed hack - if he doesn't part in debates. Sarah Baxter says she doesn't think the public cares at all - she asks why Ed Miliband is talking about this rather than the big political issues.

  147. Tim Montgomerie, Conservative blogger and Times columnist


    tweets: Despite what @SarahbaxterSTM says on #Marr: 85% of benefit of higher income tax thresholds goes to the 50% highest earners.

  148. Paper view

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Sarah Baxter starts the paper review on Marr talking about a story in the Sunday Times about a "tax bonanza" ahead of the election. She says such a political chancellor would leave something for his last Budget. Amol Rajan says Mr Osborne is all over the papers this morning and says it feels like "David Cameron is the face of an Osborne government."

  149. Front pages

    You can also cast your eyes over our own newspaper review here. The ongoing battle over the TV debates is among the stories making the headlines.

  150. Paper view

    The Andrew Marr Show

    On this morning's paper view we have Amol Rajan, editor of the Independent, and Sarah Baxter, deputy editor of the Sunday Times.

  151. Nicky Morgan MP, women's minister


    tweets: Getting ready to join @helenpankhurst to #walkinhershoes Women and girls everywhere deserve time for work or school #womensday

  152. John Pienaar, BBC Radio 5 live's chief political correspondent


    tweets: On Pienaar's at 10am on @bbc5live I'll be speaking to the Leader of the House of Lords, Baroness @tinastowell and Labour's @SadiqKhan.

  153. William Hague, leader of the House of Commons


    tweets: This #InternationalWomensDay let's remember those who suffer appalling #sexualviolence in conflict. Rape in war cannot go unpunished

  154. Marr line-up

    The Andrew Marr Show

    The Andrew Marr show is getting under way shortly. On the show today are Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint and Michael Sheen, the actor and UNICEF ambassador. You can follow the show on this page via the live coverage tab on desktop.

  155. Labour on anti-extremism

    Shadow home affairs minister Diana Johnson has been responding to reports the UK government is considering banning radical Islamists from working unsupervised with children. She says: "Theresa May abolished control orders, weakened counter-terror powers, downgraded Prevent work and has failed to properly support the police, or communities, parents and local organisations who are trying to counteract radicalisation. As always the rhetoric doesn't match the reality."

  156. James Cook, BBC Scotland correspondent


    tweets: Let's stop talking about a formal Labour/SNP coalition. It's not going to happen

  157. Saturday recap

    There was plenty of political news around yesterday. Here's a quick recap of the biggest stories of the day in case you missed them:

  158. David Jack, business reporter on the Times


    tweets: Tories lead by 1 point in latest @YouGov/SundayTimes poll: Con 34%, Lab 33%, UKIP 15%, Lib Dems 8%, Green 5% Read more.

  159. Women candidates under-represented

    The BBC has found that women are heavily under-represented among general election candidates in Scotland. Fewer than three in 10 standing for the five largest parties are female. More here.

  160. Man arrested after Parliament roof incident

    Man on roof of Parliament

    A 23-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and trespassing after a man spent several hours on the roof of Parliament. Police were alerted to the incident at 21:15 GMT on Saturday. Police say it is too early to know why the man had been on the roof.

  161. TV debates

    Ed Miliband

    Labour has announced it would legislate to ensure TV debates become a permanent feature of general election campaigns. Ed Miliband told the Observer it was time "these debates belong to the people not the prime minister of the day". On Friday, David Cameron repeated that he would not take part in more than one debate before polling day. Full story here.

  162. Anti-extremism strategy

    The Daily Telegraph

    The Sunday Telegraph is reporting that the Home Office has drawn up plans that could see radical Islamists banned from working unsupervised with children. The newspaper also says the document suggests Sharia courts and councils are areas of concern. But the BBC understands the document has yet to be signed off by the coalition. More here.

  163. Good morning

    Good morning from the Politics Live team. We're up bright and early for another day covering the run up to the general election. We've got the Andrew Marr Show starting at 09:00, followed by Pienaar's politics and the Sunday Politics programme. We'll bring you all the latest updates and analysis over the course of the day.

    As ever, we want to know what you think of the day's big issues. Email us or tweets us @bbcpolitics.