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Live Reporting

Rob Corp and Aiden James

All times stated are UK

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  1. A resignation, a hustings and an early Budget

    A quick recap of a day which has been dominated by debate over the future of the Labour Party but which began with an announcement from the Conservatives.

    Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy is to resign just months after taking on the job - despite surviving a vote of no confidence at a meeting of the party's national executive in Glasgow.

    Contenders to succeed Ed Miliband as UK Labour leader have taken part in a hustings event organised by centre-left think tank Progress. Differences emerged over the last Labour government's record on spending and over immigration.

    Chancellor George Osborne has announced the date of the next Budget - 8 July. An unusual move, since the most recent Budget took place in March.

     "I don't want to wait to deliver on the commitments we have made to working people," said an impatient Mr Osborne.

    Thanks for reading. More coverage tomorrow, when the Andrew Marr Show is on BBC One at 09:00, and throughout the day.

  2. Murphy departure 'destructive'

    Labour MP John Woodcock, chair of the Progress think tank whose conference is being held today, said Jim Murphy's departure was "so destructive".

    Quote Message: We have lost the man who was head and shoulders the best leader of the Labour Party for Scotland. Everyone involved in this has got to decide now what is it that they want for the future of our party and the country that they all profess to stand up for. We are all devastated for Jim... It was madness to try to depose the man who had won (the leadership) so clearly last year, and had given such direction to the Scottish party, before the dust has even settled on defeat."
  3. Harman pays tribute to Murphy

    Harriet Harman

    Acting Labour leader Harriet Harman pays tribute to departing Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy.

    Quote Message: Jim has given so much to the Labour Party over the last 20 years. He, I know reluctantly, took the responsibility for leading Scottish Labour at the most difficult election they have ever faced. He did so with incredible energy, purpose and dignity."
  4. Daily Telegraph leader writer's variation on 'reverse ferret'

  5. Daily Telegraph leader writer's variation on 'reverse ferret'

  6. Popular with Progress

    The audience at the Progress conference gives Dan Jarvis a standing ovation.

    Will he feel more pressure to stand for the leadership?

  7. Labour 'did not cause banking crisis'

    Dan Jarvis echoes arguments made earlier by leadership contenders Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham.

    Quote Message: Let's be clear - Labour did not cause the global banking crisis... but we were hamstrung because he hadn't set the record straight."
  8. 'Clause One moment'

    Dan Jarvis

    Addressing the Progress conference, Barnsley East MP Dan Jarvis refers to Labour's "Clause Four moment" - when the party agreed with then-leader Tony Blair to drop a clause committing it to public ownership of industry from its constitution.

    He claims that Labour must make even more fundamental changes.

    Quote Message: "This is not a Clause Four moment. This is a Clause One moment."
  9. 'Tough questions' for Labour

    Labour MP Dan Jarvis - who recently ruled himself out of the leadership race - is addressing the Progress conference.

    He tells colleagues that "this is not a time to mourn" but to "reflect [and] renew".

    But "we also need to ask tough questions of ourselves", he adds.

    The Conservatives presided over "the slowest economic recovery in 100 years... vandalised our National Health Service... and failed in its core promise to balance the books", he says.

    "Yet still we lost."

  10. Jarvis won't stand

    BBC political correspondent at Progress annual conference

  11. Co-op 'to continue funding Labour'

    The Co-operative Group will continue funding the Co-operative Party - which has close ties to Labour - to the tune of around £1m a year, following a vote at its annual general meeting.

    The Co-operative Party stands election candidates jointly with Labour.

    Today's motion to approve political funding "not to exceed £1m per annum" was carried by 55.17% to 44.83%.

    You can read our full story here .

  12. Channel 4's political correspondent ponders

  13. Labour contest 'a farce'

    Chancellor George Osborne has been scathing about the Labour leadership contest, calling it "a farce":

    Quote Message: The Labour leadership contest has descended into farce. But it's not actually about personalities. I don't think the Labour Party any more represents the working people of this country who aspire to a better life. And it's the Conservative Party who does now speak for the working people of Britain. And in our Budget, we will have a Budget for working people"
  14. The immigration question

    The Labour leadership candidates taking part in the Progress hustings are asked: What do you say to people who feel they are being squeezed out and undercut by migrants, and left behind by technology?

    Liz Kendall: "One of the mistakes of the last government was to be a bit too cavalier about the impacts of globalisation... [but] we can either seek to blame others for the problems we face... all we can say to people is 'We will give you the skills, knowledge, confidence, chances and choices to make a better life for yourself'... We cannot try and simply turn the clock back."

    Andy Burnham: "We have to deal with it more upfront than that... We have haemorrhaged votes amongst C2s, DEs in the last decade... As a party we must always defend free movement, but... we shouldn't say it follows that we support freedom to claim."

    Yvette Cooper: "Britain's long been an outward-looking country and we have to stay so, and we know how much we depend on the investment from Europe... We have to make sure the [immigration] system is controlled and managed so that it's fair."

    Mary Creagh: "It is totally wrong that agencies are recruiting exclusively from abroad... I'm talking about the exploitation of people coming in... I think it's really important that we keep to the principle of free movement."

    Tristram Hunt: "These are the huge challenges facing the future of the UK... Immigration has put pressure on wage rates... The uncomfortable truth is... [people who are being undercut] have to go up the value chain, and the state has to support [them]. The way you get through immigration questions is education and skills."

  15. From the victor to the vanquished?

    First minister of Scotland tweets about outgoing Scottish Labour leader

  16. Jobs a good 'un?

    At the Progress think tank conference in central London

    Labour leadership candidates are asked: how could you encourage a UK equivalent of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs? 

    Tristram Hunt: "It begins with school and education, and it begins with creativity, and valuing creativity."

    Liz Kendall: "The best ideas that I've seen in creating incredible new industries and companies come by bringing people from different backgrounds together."

    Andy Burnham: "Take taxes off aspiration."

    Yvette Cooper: "If we're really going to think about the Steve Jobs of the future... One of the questions has got to be: 'Why is it Steve Jobs, and not Stephanie?'"

    Mary Creagh: "We need to make sure all of our towns and cities and villages are connected - the future is digital."

  17. A different beast

  18. The way of the dodo?

    A political journalist for the Scotsman writes

  19. Murphy not seeking Holyrood seat

    One last thing to mention from outgoing Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy's press conference of the last hour - he won't, as was originally the plan, now be seeking election to the Scottish Parliament at next year's Holyrood elections. You can read our story about today's dramatic developments here .

  20. 'We'll be back, we'll win again"

    Outgoing Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy is asked about his future career plans. "I'll take some time to reflect, I'll always be on call if anyone seeks any point in calling me, I won't be a back-seat driver, I will offer my permanent, unconditional support to my successor," he says.

    Quote Message: I will never leave the Labour Party - I love the Labour Party and the Labour Party will be back, it'll be back strong because it's built from an idea, not from machine politics. We'll be back, we'll win again."
  21. Murphy: More power to the party

    Jim Murphy

    So what happened there in Glasgow? Basically, despite surviving a no-confidence vote today, Jim Murphy is quitting as Scottish Labour Party leader and he wants a new head in place by the summer. He wants to leave the party's top job with a plan for reform - he criticises the electoral college system used for electing a leader and replacing it with one member one vote. He speaks of a decade of demise for the Scottish Labour Party, acknowledging its problems did not began last week at the general election.

  22. Murphy 'to quit next month'

    Speaking to reporters in Glasgow after winning the backing of his executive in a no-confidence vote, Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy says he will come up with a plan to reform the party next month but will also tender his resignation as leader because of divisions over his election to the post - however, he states, it will be up to the party's executive committee whether it accepts his resignation.

  23. Murphy survives as Scottish Labour leader

    Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy, ex cabinet minister and ex-MP for East Renfrewshire, has survived a vote of no confidence at a meeting of his party's executive committee.

  24. Meanwhile, as the media waits in Glasgow for news

    Back to the Labour leadership "hustings" in London

  25. Is Jim Murphy still leader of Scottish Labour?

    The under-pressure ex-MP is expected at a press conference at Scottish Labour HQ in Glasgow - after a meeting of the party's executive following the general election which saw Labour lose all but one of its Westminster seats in Scotland - all to the dominant Scottish National Party.

  26. As Bill Clinton said, it's the economy, stupid

    Back at the Labour leadership "hustings"

    Labour leadership candidates are asked: How will you rebuild economic credibility for the Labour party?

    Mary Creagh: "People have forgotten the econoic credibility that the last Labour government had... Were we wrong to run that structural deficit before the crash? Probably not, but this was a question of a few billion."

    Tristram Hunt: "We should admit that we spent too much in the last Labour government."

    Liz Kendall: "The effective stewardship of the public finances is essential to winning back people's trust... There's absolutely nothing progressive about spending more on debt interest payments than educating our children."

    Andy Burnham: "We must demonstrate to people that we can run sound public finances, that you can get the deficit down but in a balanced way, not all from tax increases, nor from spending cuts."

    Yvette Cooper: "At the heart of this has to be a strong economy in all parts of the country, not just some."

  27. Waiting for the verdict

    BBC Scotland correspondent brings us a Jim Murphy update

  28. UK ambitions

    The Labour leadership candidates are asked: What does Britain look like under your Labour government?

    Yvette Cooper: "We want it to be stronger and fairer... We have to unite our communities, we have to defend that core Labour value that we are stronger when we stand together than when we leave people to sink or swim alone."

    Mary Creagh "I want to see a country that is united, outward looking, and can face the future with confidence."

    Tristram Hunt: "I'd like to see cultural confidence, where people fell they can celebrate their Scottishness, their English identity, their Welsh identity, a Labour party that supports that." He adds he wants "a much smarter level of public expenditure".

    Liz Kendall: "I came into politics because I believe in the equal worth of every single human being in this country."

    Andy Burnham: "I want [people]... to feel an emotional connection with [a Labour government].

  29. Pic: Heir to Blair

    Ex-PM Tony Blair's son Euan at Prospect Labour think tank conference

    Euan Blair
  30. Too late?

    The Sun political correspondent on Labour leadership hopefuls

  31. Leadership hopefuls grilled

    Leadership hopefuls

    The Labour leadership candidates (and a potentially undeclared candidate in the case of Tristram Hunt) at the Progress meeting are asked a question, and each given the chance to respond.

    How come the shadow cabinet are only saying now that Labour's election campaign was wrong?

    Andy Burnham: "We are a team, and politics is about loyalty... Ed was the leader, I was loyal to Ed, loyal to Gordon, loyal to Tony. That's right. I think, we should be loyal in politics."

    Yvette Cooper: "We have to take responsibility for this."

    Mary Creagh: "We all have to take collective responsibility."

    Tristram Hunt: "I didn't think the result was going to be as bad as it was... The Conservatives are frankly surprised at the scale of their victory."

    Liz Kendall: "I did argue that we needed to focus on reform of our public services to get better value for money... Ed was our leader, he got our loyalty and support."

  32. Dance of the seven veils

    Executive politics editor, HuffingtonPost, writes

  33. Tristram mobbed

    Executive poltics editor, HuffingtonPost writes...

  34. Crosby comment

    Economist public policy editor writes...

  35. Fatboy Slim connection

    Daily Mail political reporter writes...

  36. Former MP Sir Peter Fry dies

    Sir Peter Fry, who was the Conservative MP for Wellingborough for 28 years, has died at the aged of 83.

    He won the Northamptonshire seat in a by-election in 1969 and held it until he lost it by 187 votes in 1997. That election was also marred by Sir Peter having a heart attack during the campaign. He blamed his defeat on UKIP intervening to poll 1,192 votes.

  37. Farage to 'purge plotters'

    Nigel Farage is to sack UKIP economic spokesman Patrick O'Flynn as part of a "purge" of UKIP "coup plotters", The Telegraph reports . Other people who face possible disciplinary action are UKIP deputy chair Suzanne Evans, and Douglas Carswell, the party’s only MP.

  38. Rainy day mistake

  39. Preaching to the choir?

  40. Election 'disaster'

    Meanwhile, back at the Prospect conference

  41. Edstone: Access denied

  42. Generation gap

    Iain Watson

    There is an element of generational contest in the Labour leadership battle, political correspondent Iain Watson told BBC News earlier. Liz Kendall and Mary Creagh weren't involved in the last Labour government. "On the other hand, we've got Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham who will potentially have to defend their record in government," he says.

  43. 'D-Day' for Scottish Labour

    Laura Bicker

    Today is "D-Day" for Labour in Scotland, as our correspondent Laura Bicker tells BBC News. "This is about the future of a party which once dominated Scotland."

    Labour leader Jim Murphy faces a motion for a vote of no confidence after Scottish Labour was wiped out at the polls by the SNP.

  44. 'Serious players'

    Sunday Times political editor on Labour leadership contender's team

  45. So that clears that up then

    Commentator confirms "big news" about Labour leadership contender's bid

  46. Murphy faces the music

  47. People 'rejected Miliband leadership'

    BBC political correspondent at Progress think tank conference

  48. 'Voters betrayed'

    Lynton Crosby

    David Cameron's Australian election strategist Lynton Crosby has said that UK voters were "betrayed" by pollsters and commentators before the election, in an interview with the Telegraph. He called for a ban on polls in the three weeks running up to an election.

  49. Caroline Flint speaks at Progress

    BBC political correspondent at Labour think tank conference

  50. Curiouser and curiouser

    Telegraph commentator throws out cryptic teaser

  51. Labour's Scottish leader and deputy arrive

    Unity ahead of potential no-confidence vote

  52. Labour leader contender and partner split

    Political commentator tweets:

  53. Are polls any good?

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    With polls prior to the election almost completely failing to predict the outcome, statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University says the crucial point about polls "is whether they are any good or not?".

    So what went wrong?

    "It was a very bad day. Many reasons are given: there might have been a Conservative undercount. But I think the industry's got to face up to basic design problems. These polls at the moment: they're just not very good. The huge numbers of cheap and cheerful surveys done really is PR because they know the media absolutely lap them up. And they use online panels and phone surveys, they're just as bad. I don't know what you would say if someone cold-called you and asked you what you were going to vote on your phone: I think I wouldn't be very polite. 30% or fewer actually give an answer. So these are really poor initial data."

  54. 'Need to restore trust'

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    The Scottish people "didn't trust the Scottish Labour Party to stand up for their voices at Westminster", Labour's sole remaning MP in Scotland Ian Murray says. "We don't restore that trust by turning in on ourselves and creating division, we need to be listening to what the Scottish people are saying, and we need to be responding to that, and we need to be regaining their trust."

  55. 'We lost because we were weak'

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    Is it impossible to for Labour to appeal to voters up and down the country, given the shift to the SNP in Scotland, and UKIP and the Conservatives south of the border? Labour MP John Woodcock, the chair of Progress, tells Radio 5 live it is not:

    "We didn't lose in Scotland because we were not nationalist enough, we didn't lose votes to UKIP because we were not sufficiently like UKIP, nor to the Tories because we weren't enough like the Tory party. We lost because we were weak, because people didn't understand what our vision was, or they didn't think we were capable of delivering it. If we can address that, if we look like we can reconnect with people's lives, and if we can set out a vision for the future which is both more credible but also more ambitious then I think those people who have lost faith in us and gone to other parties - we can win them back."

  56. Murray: Scottish Labour should keep Murphy

    Ian Murray, the only Labour MP who held on to his seat in Scotland, says now is not the time to get rid of Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy. "I don't think this is a time for the Scottish Labour Party to be dividing, I think this is a time for us all to be coming together as a Labour movement, and a Labour family under Jim's leadership taking us forward to 2016." He said Mr Murphy and his team were only put in place in December last year. "They had five months to try and turn around what has been a problem in the Scottish Labour Party for many years now."

  57. Shadow culture secretary announces preferred candidate

    Rhondda Labour MP tweets

  58. Media spotlight

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    Chuka Umunna decided not to stand as Labour leader after being under a huge amount of scrutiny.Caroline Flint says she has had "a taste" of the kind of media attention which he said contributed to his decision. "It is something you have to deal with, and it's something you have to reflect on, and I've reflected long and hard about what I should do to help the Labour party... [Media attention] is not always fair... and it's not always necessarily in the public interest... I respect Chuka's decision yesterday."

  59. 'A small deficit'

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    Labour didin't cause the financial crisis, and the framing of that argument by the Conservatives is "unfair", Labour's Caroline Flint tells the Today programme. "But the truth is we did, when the economy was growing, create a small deficit, and that is something we shouldn't do in the future. We should make sure, that... when the economy is growing, that we don't create a deficit, and we manage to balance the books."

  60. Labour deputy bid

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    Caroline Flint

    Caroline Flint has put her name forward for deputy leader of the Labour Party. She tells the Today programme: "The important decision we make between now and 2020 is who we are going to elect as our leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party... It's about understanding why we lost this election and what we need to do to win in 2020, and that's why, at this point in time, I fell I should step up and stand for the job of deputy leader."

  61. Extra Budget

    Chancellor George Osbourne has said there will be an extra Budget on 8 July, which will be used to set out welfare and departmental savings.

  62. UKIP leadership

    Douglas Carswell and Nigel Farage

    UKIP MP Douglas Carswell calling on party leader Nigel Farage to "take a break" is "intriguing", political correspondent Iain Watson tells BBC Breakfast. "UKIP, of course, has the entirety of one MP, so if he is saying something about the leadership, people have to sit up and listen," Iain says.

  63. Leadership question

    BBC Breakfast

    Iain Watson

    In Scotland, some Labour supporters such as the trade union Unite are trying to create a vacancy in the leadership, while in Westminster Labour is trying to fill a leadership vacancy in a search for a Ed Miliband's replacement, political correspondent Iain Watson tells BBC Breakfast. Chuka Umunna has stepped down from the contest, but there are plenty of other candidates to choose from, he says, including Yvette Cooper, Andy Burnham, Mary Creagh, and potentially Tristram Hunt.