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Live Reporting

Alex Morrison and Pippa Simm

All times stated are UK

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  1. Recap of today's main stories

    Sepp Blatter at Fifa's congress in Zurich

    Here's a round-up of the main political stories of the day:

    - David Cameron backs calls for Sepp Blatter to quit as Fifa president

    Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says David Cameron will warn European leaders that Britain will vote to leave the EU unless they agree to his reforms

    - Labour's general secretary objects to a bid by former firebrand councillor Derek Hatton to rejoin the party

    - Former MP George Galloway announces that he will seek election as the next mayor of London

    - And a heron causes a stir by paying a flying visit to Downing Street

  2. Push to lower EU ref voting age

    Caroline Lucas

    Green MP Caroline Lucas has tabled an Early Day Motion calling on the government to give 16 and 17-year-olds the vote in the EU referendum. Ministers have said the franchise will not be extended but Ms Lucas says the referendum will have a "huge impact" on young people's futures so it's "only right" they have a say. The motion has attracted six cross-party signatures so far.

    EDMs are essentially proposals for debate but very rarely does one take place. So instead they are used to allow MPs to express their opinion on a subject and to canvass support for their views.

  3. 'Insult to the House'

    Alex Salmond, who is surrounded by a large number of his party's MPs, raises concerns of safety at the naval base, citing allegations made by a Royal Navy submariner who claimed there had been serious security and safety breaches on board one of the vessels.

    Mr Salmond says "more comprehensive" information is needed than the defence secretary's 500-word written statement - something the Gordon MP describes as "an insult not just to this House but to the intelligence of members of the public".

  4. Microphones

    House of Commons

    Another of the new camera angles in the Commons means we can now see the number of microphones hanging down to capture MPs' words of wisdom.

  5. Salmond opens Trident debate

    House of Commons


    Alex Salmond

    MPs have wrapped up their debate on the Queen's Speech, meaning it's time for the final item of Commons business today: the adjournment debate.

    It's being led by Alex Salmond - former SNP leader and first minister -  and is on HM Naval Base Clyde, where Britain's nuclear submarine programme is based. The SNP opposes Trident and wants it scrapped.

  6. Fifa's 'turning point'

    Sepp Blatter says the "thin minority" of those in football who are corrupt must be caught and held responsible. "There can be no place for corruption of any kind," he tells Fifa's congress.

    Quote Message: The next few months will not be easy for Fifa. I am sure more bad news may follow, but it is necessary to begin to restore trust in our organisation. Let this be the turning point."
  7. Blatter: I'll find way to fix things

    Sepp Blatter

    Some more on the Fifa story now. Sepp Blatter says he knows "many people" hold him responsible for the "actions and reputation of the global football community", including corruption claims. But he says: "I cannot monitor everyone all of the time" and adds: "If people want to do wrong they will... try to hide it." He says he must bear the responsibility to "find a way forward to fix things".

  8. Cooper bid wins more support

    The Huffington Post

    Yvette Cooper has secured support from five more colleagues in her bid to become the party's next leader, putting her within touching distance of the 35 MP target she needs to get on the ballot paper, according to Huffington Post.

    They are: ex-Cabinet minister Liam Byrne, veteran backbencher Virendra Sharma and new MPs Judith Cummins, Ruth Cadbury and Marie Rimmer.

    (L-R) Ed Miliband and Yvette Cooper
  9. EU is 'political equivalent of nitroglycerin'

    David and Samantha Cameron

    David Cameron should "enjoy the warm embrace of a surprise victory while he can because in politics the honeymoons tend to be short-lived", writes Kevin Maguire in an article for The House magazine.

    The Daily Mirror's associate editor suggests the absence of a British Bill of Rights in the Queen's speech signals the PM is "already aware of his limitations" with a 12-seat majority. But he thinks Europe remains his "most serious headache".

    Quote Message: Bigger than Scotland, benefit cuts, the snoopers’ charter, trade union shackles or the Human Rights Act. All are danger areas but Europe is the issue that did for Major, splitting the Tories, and Cameron is aware he’s handling an unstable question – the political equivalent of nitroglycerin"
  10. Can cats read?

    Former Lib Dem special adviser tweets...

  11. Sign of things to come?

    PA political reporter tweets...

  12. 'Britain gave me refuge' - peer

    House of Lords


    Baroness Helic, an adviser to William Hague when he was foreign secretary, has used her maiden speech to urge the government to continue its fight against sexual violence.

    "It angers and saddens me that, 20 years after tens of thousands of women endured hell in rape camps in Bosnia, the world is tolerating the rampant abuse and enslavement of women and girls in Syria and that rape and torture are becoming preferred tools of militias and terrorist groups across the world with impunity," she told peers.

    Recalling how she fled to Britain as a refugee from Bosnia in 1992, Lady Helic praised the welcome she received here.

    Quote Message: Britain allowed me in, gave me refuge and opportunity and never once put a wall in front of me... I want to plead that Britain does not ever turn its back on the world, if not for the sake of others than for our own."
  13. SNP to be 'good parliamentarians'

    House of Commons


    Tommy Sheppard

    Eradicating poverty is the theme of new SNP MP Tommy Sheppard's maiden speech. He says he knows parts of his constituency where "aspiration has all but been extinguished, where families are living on the margins".

    He also says that the SNP comes here "not to disrupt but to be constructive and to be good parliamentarians."

  14. Rail strike announced

    RMT union members at Network Rail are to go on strike next month after rejecting a pay offer.

    They will hold a 24-hour strike from 17:00 BST on 4 June and a 48-hour strike from 17:00 BST on 9 June.

    Read more here.

  15. What's behind the clapping ban?

    Brian Wheeler

    Houses of Parliament

    You can wave your order papers, shout until you are purple in the face, hurl abuse across the chamber, join in with frankly weird displays of mass groaning or that elongated "hear, hear" thing they do.

    But try joining your party comrades in a sincere appreciation of a point well made in the traditional way and you will have Speaker John Bercow on his feet telling you to respect the traditions of the House.

    So why is applause banned in the Commons?  

  16. Starmer: Equal rights for all

    More from new Labour MP Sir Keir Starmer's speech. He told MPs it was “ironic” that the government was considering scrapping the Human Rights Act in the year which marks the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.

    It will be “those in low pay, those in poor housing, those with physical and mental health needs, the vulnerable, the put upon and the bullied” who will be “the losers if we abandon the guarantee of equal rights for all”, he said.

  17. Unexpected visitor

    Government special advisor tweets...

  18. Rollecoaster ride?

    The Spectator

    Over at The Spectator, James Forsyth looks at the challenges that may lie ahead for the prime minister in his attempts to secure EU reforms.

    Quote Message: "There is a danger for Cameron in trying to crack on too quickly. As party grandees are warning privately, if he rushes the renegotiation he will irritate those in his party who don’t want to leave the EU but do want substantial change to Britain’s terms of membership. This could sour relations with the parliamentary party and make governing with a majority of 12 almost impossible."
  19. New MPs finding their feet

    The Daily Politics

    Alan Mak, Helen Hayes and Stephen Gethins

    On the Daily Politics, Giles Dilnot heard from three MPs who were elected for the first time at this month's general election.

    He spoke to Conservative Alan Mak, Labour's Helen Hayes and the SNP's Stephen Gethins about how they are finding life at Westminster.

    Watch the clip

  20. New faces

    We've seen lots of new faces popping up in the Commons today, from the 2015 intake of MPs. Here's a selection.

    Labour MP Sir Keir Starmer
    Image caption: Former Director of Public Prosecutions Sir Keir Starmer - now a Labour MP - focused his maiden speech on human rights
    New SNP MP Ian Blackford
    Image caption: New SNP MP Ian Blackford paid tribute to his predecessor in the seat, ex-Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy
    Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent North Ruth Smeeth
    Image caption: Labour's Stoke-on-Trent North MP, Ruth Smeeth, asks her first question
  21. Betting on new Labour top team

    The Daily Politics

    Ladbrokes' David Williams

    Who could be the next Labour leader and deputy? Andrew Neil hears where the betting money is going when he spoke to Ladbrokes' David Williams in aDaily Politics clip 

  22. Can prince beat Blatter?

    BBC Newsnight chief correspondent tweets...

  23. Flouting rules

    PA political reporter tweets...

  24. Russia's bid 'better' than England's

    Sepp Blatter pulling a card saying "Russia" out of an envelope

    Russian Sports Minister Vitaliy Mutko has said Russia was chosen to host the 2018 World Cup because it came up with a "better concept" than England did.

    "In the world of sport, everyone should be equal. Let me say again that we did not offend anyone in any way. We conducted an honest election campaign. We want it [the World Cup] in Russia. We want to show off the new Russia in 2018," he told Russian state television

  25. Leader purge?

    Wes Streeting

    The newly-elected MP for Ilford North says the next Labour leader should be removed a couple of years before the election if it looks like the party isn't on course to win.

    Wes Streeting, former National Union of Students president, told The House magazine the party needed to learn lessons from its failure to remove Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband.

    Quote Message: I will absolutely back whoever is chosen as the next leader of the Labour Party. But if we’re a couple of years out from a general election and we’re not doing well enough, then we can’t carry on demanding that people are silent in the name of unity."
  26. 'Follow the British example'

    France’s far-right National Front  has called on the government in Paris to “follow the British example” and allow a referendum on whether France should stay at the heart of the EU.

    “The British government has done it: UK citizens will be consulted by the end of 2017 (perhaps even in 2016) on whether or not their country should stay in the EU. With this referendum, the UK appears in a position of strength to demand real improvements," FN vice-president Florian Philippot says.

  27. Blatter 'should go'

    Match of the Day presenter tweets...

  28. Galloway for mayor

    George Galloway

    Former Respect MP George Galloway has announced on Twitter that he will run for election for London mayor in 2016.

  29. Platini backs Prince Ali

    Michel Platini

    Michel Platini calls on all world football federations to support Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan in Friday's vote for Fifa president.

    He describes Sepp Blatter as a "friend" and says he calls for his removal with "tears in my eyes", but says it would be best for Fifa and for football for Blatter to go.

  30. 'Sick joke'

    Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent South, Robert Flello, uses his moment to speak in the Queen's Speech debate to challenge the government on its welfare record. 

    He says:

    Quote Message: I've seen people with profound learning disabilities being sanctioned for, quote, 'not trying hard enough' and people with terminal cancer told they are fit for work. Indeed it's almost become a sick joke that the DWP will say you're fit for work if you're breathing."
  31. Putin accuses US

    Vladimir Putin

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticised the US criminal investigation into Fifa corruption, accusing the US of illegally meddling in matters beyond its borders.

    He says he believes the arrests of Fifa officials were aimed at blocking Sepp Blatter's re-election as president of the organisation.

  32. Blatter under pressure

    Michel Platini

    Sepp Blatter has refused to resign as Fifa president following a request from Uefa chief Michel Platini.

    The two men met in private after Mr Blatter held an emergency meeting with key Fifa officials.

    Read more here.

  33. Migration targets

    House of Commons


    Former Public Accounts Committee chair Margaret Hodge condemns the government's Immigration Bill.

    As with many Labour MPs in the House, she criticises the government's pledge to cut net migration to the tens of thousands. They will "fail to deliver on that ambition", she says. 

    It is "conning the British public" by giving them a "false prospective to cut migration" and so "erode trust in their political leaders".

  34. Claptrap: Why can't MPs

    SNP MPs applaud

    Britain's Parliament has some pretty bizarre rules - as the new intake of SNP MPs found out when they were given a stern warning for clapping during the Queen's Speech debate. So why is applause banned in the Commons?

    You can wave your order papers, shout until you are purple in the face, hurl abuse across the Chamber, join in with frankly weird displays of mass groaning or that elongated "hear, hear" thing they do.

    But try joining your party comrades in a sincere appreciation of a point well made in the traditional way and you will have Speaker John Bercow on his feet telling you to respect the traditions of the House.

    Read more about why MPs can't clap

  35. Dutch support?

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    David Cameron and Mark Rutte

    BBC Europe correspondent Damian Grammaticas says David Cameron has received a "fairly warm welcome" in the Netherlands as he continues to meet European leaders to build support for the EU changes he wants.

    He says Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is "sympathetic" to Mr Cameron on some issues - but the more pro-European Dutch are not "allies as such".

  36. No Uefa boycott

    BBC Newsnight chief correspondent tweets...

  37. Football coming home?

    BBC assistant political editor tweets...

  38. 'Fundamental' EU change

    George Osborne's father-in-law, Lord Howell, has suggested the Conservatives should have started sooner on the "search for allies" in Europe on reforming the UK's EU membership.

    The former Conservative minister also said there was a need for "fundamental" treaty change - and that talk of “red lines” and “concessions” was "not nearly enough".

  39. Don't bet on Labour race

    One more thing from Ed Miliband's former comms director Bob Roberts on Daily Politics. Asked about the odds being offered in the race to be next Labour leader he says anyone who bets on the result would be "a bit crazy" given how open the contest is. 

  40. Lunchtime recap

    Cup of tea

    Whether you're enjoying a sumptuous home cooked feast, having a quick break for a cuppa, or enjoying an "al-desko" lunch, here's a round-up of today's political stories so far:

    * David Cameron has begun an EU-wide tour to warn leaders Britain will vote to leave the EU unless they agree to his reforms

    Labour has objected a bid by former firebrand councillor Derek Hatton to rejoin the party

    * David Cameron joins calls for Fifa president Sepp Blatter to resign in the wake of arrests of senior officials over corruption charges

    * MSPs are expected to back plans to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in elections to the Scottish Parliament and local government

  41. Cameron's strategy

    The Daily Politics

    Isabel Hardman

    David Cameron should try to do everything now he thinks he can't achieve when he's less powerful, says the Spectator's Isabel Hardman. That's why it's "so interesting" that they've delayed human rights reform, she adds, as he could have more rebellious backbenchers and a strengthened opposition further down the line, which could make the task more difficult.

  42. Where's the #EdStone?

    The Daily Politics

    Ed Miliband in front of Labour's six pledges on stone

    Ed Miliband's former communications director Bob Robert says he's read it's in a warehouse in Woolwich "but I'm afraid I don't know".

  43. Miliband 'had a decent campaign'

    The Daily Politics

    Where did it go wrong for Labour? Bob Roberts says  "uncertainty and worry" over the SNP lost Labour support on the day. He rejects the idea it was anything more fundamental than that, such as the party's policies or leader. Ed Miliband had a decent campaign, he adds.

    Steve Hilton thinks differently. He says it was because the government delivered on what it promised - a stronger economy. And people didn't see Ed Miliband as a credible PM, he adds.

  44. 'Difficult, not impossible'

    The Daily Politics

    Bob Roberts says Labour needs to "move on" from the Blair and Brown eras. He thinks all of the leadership candidates will recognise that the party needs to get "a modern majority" in the country.

    What about Labour's prospects of winning in 2020? "It will be difficult but it's not impossible," he says.

  45. Labour deputy leader race

    A Labour MP tweets...

  46. 'We thought we'd win'

    The Daily Politics

    Bob Roberts

    Ed Miliband's former communications director, Bob Roberts, was asked whether Labour thought they'd become the largest party at the election. "Yes, we thought so," he says. He says they couldn't know for sure but they felt there was a "decent chance" of winning. And when did it dawn on them it wasn't going to happen? When the results came in for Nuneaton, he replies. "We looked at each other and said that exit poll is right."

  47. Cameron in the Netherlands

    David Cameron in the Netherlands

    Arriving in the Hague for talks with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, UK Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about the first of his meetings today to discuss the UK's future role in the EU. 

    Quote Message: We will be talking about European reform, growth and jobs and, as you (Mark Rutte) said 'Europe when necessary and nation states whenever possible'. We will discuss my plans for European reform, before we meet for the European summit in June."
  48. Not meritocratic?

    The Daily Politics

    Steve Hilton on Daily Politics

    "There's a group of people, not just in politics, but across the board, who control too much of what goes on in the country," says Steve Hilton. But he's swift to point out that this isn't something that began under this government or this prime minister. "It's about the whole system", he says.

  49. Carswell 'happy' with EU question

    The Daily Politics

    On the EU, Douglas Carswell says he's "very happy" with the expected question for the EU referendum, saying it is "fair". The MP adds that it's an "incredible opportunity" to get Britain out of the European Union.

  50. Carswell on commentators

    The Daily Politics

    Douglas Carswell says he thinks the protesters were "looking to legitimise violence and frustration". He says in a free society he should be able to stand at a bus stop and make his way home peacefully. Some of the protestors were shouting "racist" at him. The UKIP MP says he wonders whether:

    Quote Message: Maybe one or two commentators... might want to ask themselves has stuff they've said over the past seven or eight months created the intellectual space that allows a mob to feel its justified to attack on an MPs."
  51. Carswell: I was incredibly frightened

    The Daily Politics

    Douglas Carswell12:29

    Anti-austerity protests were held in central London last night. UKIP MP Douglas Carswell got caught up in a demonstration and had to be escorted away by a police van. He tells the programme it was "pretty ugly" and he was "incredibly frightened". Asked if it was an anti-UKIP protest, he said he thought not as the crowd had started chanting anti-Conservatives things before realising he was a UKIP MP.

  52. Devolution discussion

    The Daily Politics

    The government is pressing ahead with plans to give English MPs an effective veto on laws that affect England only. SNP MP Pete Wishart says the problem with this comes when an English matter impacts on Scotland, citing health spending as an example. 

    On devolution, John Redwood suggests there will be changes to the Barnett formula to reflect that Scotland will be getting more powers over taxes. "There needs to be a new formula," he says and adds that he hopes it will give England more control over its spending.

  53. TUC: New growth plan needed

    TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady says that "weak" growth and "extreme cuts" are a dangerous combination for the UK economy.

    Commenting on the release of the latest GDP statistics by the ONS, Ms O'Grady said "the slowest recovery in modern history is slowing down again".

    Quote Message: The government must think again because its economic plan is failing. The economy urgently needs a new plan for growth, based on the strong foundation of investment in infrastructure and good jobs with decent pay."
  54. Hilton: No question of EU change

    The Daily Politics

    Steve Hilton, David Cameron's former "blue skies thinker" senior adviser, says the EU is "a classic example of big bureaucratic institutions that are driving people mad", because it makes them feel they have no control. How would he vote? He says there's "no question" there'll be change in the EU but declines to give his personal view.

  55. Hunt: Better in than out

    The Daily Politics

    Daily Politics

    Shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt says the PM's Bloomberg speech on the future of the European Union was "very good" and set out clear negotiating points, but he adds that he would like to see more details about the terms of his negotiation.

    Mr Hunt says he'd vote to stay in. Pressed on whether Labour would campaign to remain an EU member even if no changes to membership terms were agreed, Mr Hunt says the party thinks it's better to be in than out.  

  56. Redwood 'happy' with referendum

    The Daily Politics

    The EU referendum is under discussion over on BBC 2's Daily Politics programme. Eurosceptic Tory MP John Redwood says he's happy there'll be a vote on Britain's membership of the EU and he's not concerned about the wording of the question.

  57. 'It puts us to shame'

    Yvette Cooper

    Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper is scathing in her critique of government plans for a British Bill of Rights. Ministers want to replace the Human Rights Act, which incorporates the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into UK law.

    Ms Cooper says it puts Britain "to shame" and "shrinks and diminishes us".

    Quote Message: We still stand up for our human rights, for responsibility and respect for our common humanity and I hope this whole Parliament will too."
  58. A quick poll?

    Today in Parliament reporter tweets...

  59. Economic growth figures

    It's been a busy morning so far, largely dominated by political reaction to the Fifa arrests and events in the Commons. One other piece of news was the first revision of the latest UK economic growth figures. Although it turned out there was little in the way of revision.

    The UK economy grew 0.3% in the first three months of the year, according to the Office for National Statistics. The lack of revision to the growth figure came as a surprise as most analysts had expected the ONS's initial estimate to be revised up to 0.4%.

    More here.

  60. Cameron backs Blatter quit calls

    David Cameron supports calls for Fifa president Sepp Blatter to quit, Downing Street has said. It comes after the arrest of senior Fifa officials on corruption charges. The PM is also calling for widespread reform of the world football governing body.

    Read more

  61. Other new peers

    Andrew Dunlop, David Cameron's former adviser, also took his seat today. He'll serve as Scotland minister in the new all-Conservative government.

    The remaining ministers - Ros Altmann, Jim O'Neill, George Bridge and David Prior - will take their seats next week.

  62. From green benches to red

    Lord Maude takes his seat

    Francis Maude has taken his seat in the House of Lords after being appointed a  government trade minister. The former MP, who stood down at the 2015 election, takes the title Lord Maude of Horsham.

    He's one of six  appointments to the Lords to allow people to be government ministers.

  63. Privacy v security

    The government will be bringing forward potentially controversial legislation to give Britain's intelligence agencies more powers to monitor people's internet and phone use, as part of efforts to tackle terrorism.

    Mrs May says she can't provide full details about the bill's contents yet, but pledges that the government will look to balance "privacy and security".

  64. Tackling extremism

    The government's counter-extremism bill - announced in yesterday's Queen's Speech - will "promote social cohesion and protect people from extremism", says Theresa May. 

    Quote Message: It's imperative we work together to tackle extremism and we challenge it from every possible angle."
  65. Daily Politics returns at noon

    The Daily Politics

    Steve Hilton

    The Daily Politics returns this lunchtime after a break, with Steve Hilton, a former adviser to David Cameron, as guest of the day joining Andrew Neil from 12:00 BST. 

    Other guests will include UKIP's Douglas Carswell, plus reaction to the Queen's Speech from Conservative John Redwood, Labour's Tristram Hunt, and the SNP's Pete Wishart. And there will be a look at new MPs with reporter Giles Dilnot meeting Conservative Alan Mak and Labour's Helen Hayes.

    Viewers in Scotland will see the second half of the programme, after watching live coverage of FMQs. All viewers on the desktop site can watch on the Live Coverage tab above.  

  66. Fresh angles

    Theresa May

    There's a range of new camera angles allowed in the Commons since the election. As shown here, at least one of them catches people who might otherwise have been able to leave the chamber unnoticed.

  67. More on those donation figures

    Public funding for the first quarter of 2015 totalled £2,366,125, according to the elections watchdog. Meanwhile the parties between them owed £13,259,605 in outstanding loans - up £278,024 on the final quarter of 2014.

  68. Record breaking donations

    Pound notes

    UK political parties received more than £30m in donations in the first three months of the year - the highest sum on record. Donations were up by more than 50% on the amount reported to the Electoral Commission in the corresponding period ahead of the 2010 general election campaign.

    Here's the breakdown:

    •  Conservatives - £15,404,569
    • Labour - £9,334,757
    • Liberal Democrats - £3,007,691
    • SNP - £1,055,250
    • UKIP - £986,327
  69. Queen's Speech debate begins

    Theresa May at the despatch box

    The debate on the contents of the Queen's Speech has resumed in the House of Commons. Today's focus is on the home affairs and justice aspects of the government's legislative programme. Batting for the government is Home Secretary Theresa May, who outlines the various proposals on the table.

  70. On track

    The Conservative government is one step closer to delivering their manifesto pledges as the HS2, the EU Referendum and the Scotland Bills are presented to the House for "first reading". This stage is merely a formality. MPs will get their first opportunity to debate the contents of the bills at second reading.

  71. Culture secretary to meet FA

    BBC political correspondent tweets...

  72. Why no British investigations?

    Graham Stuart, the Tory MP for Beverley and Holderness, notes that allegations of corruption at Fifa have been around for several years. He says the British authorities "could and should have done more". He wants to know what lessons will be learned.

    John Whittingdale acknowledges allegations have been around "a long time". On why no criminal investigations have taken place, he says he believes the Serious Fraud Office "have been looking at this". And he promises to speak to the attorney general and home secretary.

  73. World Cup boycott?

    John Whittingdale
    Quote Message: I don't think we're yet at the stage of boycotting the world cup, which might cause concern to a large number of people... but there is no question that something has got to be done."
  74. Allegations 'swept under carpet'

    Conservative backbencher Philip Hollobone questions why it was left to US authorities to carry out the Fifa investigation, when the country is "not known as a leading soccer nation"? John Whittingdale says ideally it shouldn't have been left up to any national authority at all, saying Fifa should have undertaken the investigation itself rather than "sweeping [allegations] under the carpet".

  75. 2018 World Cup bid re-run?

    Responding to Labour's Chris Bryant, Culture Secretary John Whittingdale says "it is too soon" to say there should be a re-run of the competition for the 2018 World Cup bid:

    Quote Message: But obviously we wait to see what the outcome of the criminal investigations are and whether or not there was serious malpractice."
  76. Labour: Blatter should go

    Chris Bryant asks "is it not inconceivable that Sepp Blatter should continue in his post [as Fifa president]"? The shadow culture secretary also suggests the bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups should be re-opened.

    Quote Message: If not, is it not time for the major football associations of the world to consider creating alternative competitions for those dates?"
  77. Labour: Fifa rotten to the core

    Shadow culture secretary Chris Bryant begins by welcoming John Whittingdale to his new post as culture secretary. Mr Whittingdale was previously chair of the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee.

    Commenting on the Fifa arrests, Mr Bryant says: 

    Quote Message: Yesterday the whole world saw that beneath the mask the beautiful game has a very ugly face. Can anyone be in any doubt that Fifa is rotten to the core and needs swift and wholesale reform?"
  78. Sepp Blatter criticised

    Conservative MP Stephen Phillips - who tabled the urgent question - criticises Fifa president Sepp Blatter. Mr Blatter is not among those charged in the investigation. Mr Phillips also calls for the elections for a new president to be postponed.

  79. Whittingdale: Postpone Fifa elections

    The culture secretary endorses Uefa's call for Friday's elections for Fifa's next president to be postponed, and adds that more sponsors should reflect on their support for the governing body.

    "These revelations have dragged the game's reputation into the mud," he says, and adds that "the time has come for change".

  80. Whittingdale: Fifa reform needed

    John Whittingdale says Fifa should be "the guardian" of world football and not one "whose members seek to profit personally from the passion of the games' fans".

    He tells MPs he welcomes the investigations into allegations of corruption and bribery and "fully supports" the Football Association's position that "significant and wide-ranging" reforms are needed at the top of Fifa - including a change in leadership.

  81. Minister: Fifa 'flawed and corrupt'

    MPs move on to the urgent question on Wednesday's Fifa arrests. Culture Secretary John Whittingdale says the arrest of several senior Fifa officials was shocking in "scale and scope", "but far from surprising".

    Quote Message: Anyone who has spent time looking at Fifa... will know that this is merely the latest sorry episode which suggests that Fifa is a deeply flawed and corrupt organisation."
  82. 'The beast' finds his voice

    Dennis Skinner

    Dennis Skinner, dubbed "the Beast of Bolsover" - who stayed uncharacteristically silent in yesterday's Queen's Speech ceremony - stands to correct the Commons leader's pronunciation of Chutzpah. He moves on to attack to government plans to union funding. He says the move is "vindictive and mean".

    Quote Message: Will [the bill] be drawn wide enough for us to include hedgefund and city institutions that give money to those people in the Tory party that sit on millionaires' row?

    Chris Grayling says those who donate to the Tories take "an individual decision" to do so - unlike, he says, union affiliates."I think it is time they have a choice," he adds.

  83. Rules relaxed

    Parliamentary aficionados may notice a few new MPs intervening and asking questions, even though they haven't made their maiden speeches. 

    Until 2010, MPs weren’t allowed to speak in the Commons until they had delivered their maiden speech. This practice has been relaxed slightly, so now MPs can contribute but not attempt to legislate: eg introduce or oppose a ten minute rule bill, amendment or motion.

  84. Call for Middle East debate

    The Middle East is in "a very dangerous situation", says Alec Shelbrooke, the Conservative MP for Elmet and Rothwell, citing Islamic State as just one example. He urges the government to find time for a debate on how to bring about a peace process in the region.

    Chris Grayling tells him MPs will be debating foreign affairs next week,as part of the Queen's Speech debate and indicates there'll be another debate "in the near future".

  85. Labour NHS claims 'not believed'

    Chris Grayling fields a question from Labour MP Lilian Greenwood, who raises concerns about the NHS. Responding, the Commons leader tells her the British public "did not believe" Labour's claims during the election campaign that the Conservatives were "destroying" the health service in England. That's because "we have stewarded it forward", he adds.

  86. Commons bait?

    Labour shadow minister tweets...

  87. Call for more "English votes" scrutiny

    Peter Bone

    More on the government's plans to give MPs from English constituencies an effective veto on laws affecting only England. Conservative Peter Bone suggests the proposals should be considered by a Business of the House Committee - saying this would allow for property scrutiny. SNP MP Pete Wishart nods his head in approval from a sedentary position.

  88. MP: Well done Ireland

    Conservative MP Nigel Evans strays from his question to congratulate the Republic of Ireland on voting in favour of gay marriage . More than 62% backed amending the country's constitution to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry in an historic referendum last week.

  89. Procedural complaint

    The SNP's Pete Wishart complains about government plans to press ahead with so-called "English votes for English laws" by changing Commons procedures, rather than through new legislation. He thinks this will limit scrutiny of the proposals. He's heckled for taking too long to ask his question.

    Chris Grayling defends the English votes plans, saying it is about creating "a fair devolution settlement for the whole of the UK". It will be properly debated in the House, and there will be a vote, he adds.

  90. Grayling sets out business

    Chris Grayling at the despatch box

    Chris Grayling - former Justice Secretary - is making his first appearance at the despatch box in his new role as leader of the House of Commons. 

    He's setting out the forthcoming parliamentary business and taking topical questions from MPs. The business statement is also an opportunity for MPs to request parliamentary time on matters they feel merit attention.

  91. Date set for EU ref debate

    BBC assistant political editor tweets...

  92. English votes question

    Alex Salmond

    On Wednesday, SNP MP Alex Salmond raised concerns with House of Commons speaker John Bercow about government plans to ensure Scottish MPs could not have a "decisive say" on matters that "affect only England or Wales".

    Responding to this, Mr Bercow says: "It is for the House to decide how and whether to change its standing orders."

  93. 'Time for Blatter to go'

    Victoria Derbyshire

    Sepp Blatter

    Asked about Fifa president Sepp Blatter, former UK sport minister Gerry Sutcliffe says: "It's time for him to go."

    He tells Victoria Derbyshire that Fifa has now "got to change" following the arrest of senior officials on corruption charges.

  94. Votes for under-18s

    MSPs are expected to back plans to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in elections to the Scottish Parliament and local government.

    The move follows a similar extension for the independence referendum last year - but 16 and 17-year-olds cannot vote in Parliamentary elections and will not be able to vote in the EU referendum.

    Read more here.

  95. Fifa question

    Huffington Post executive editor tweets...

  96. Positive noises?

    Times columnist tweets...

  97. EU vote 'possibly' next year

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says the referendum on the UK's membership of the EU could "possibly" take place next year, but he discourages speculation about the date.

    The Conservatives have promised to hold the vote by the end of 2017.

  98. Cameron to face 'hard line'

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    Philip Hammond says Britain expects some EU leaders to adopt a "hard line" at the start of the negotiations.

    But he says Mr Cameron's visits to fellow leaders are only the "beginning of a process" and Britain has a "clear set of requirements" for EU change.

  99. Hammond on EU reforms

    Today Programme

    BBC Radio 4

    UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond tells the BBC if David Cameron cannot secure EU reforms the government "will not win" the referendum on Britain's membership.

    He says ministers believe the UK's interests are best served by staying in a reformed EU.

  100. Scotland Bill due to be published

    A Scottish flag flying outside the Palace of Westminster

    Legislation giving more powers to the Scottish Parliament is due to begin its journey through Westminster.

    The Scotland Bill, outlined in the Queen's Speech, could become law by February 2016 if approved by MPs.

    Read more here.

  101. Fifa controversy

    Sepp Blatter

    There seems to be growing political reaction to events involving football's governing body. Fifa is due to open its annual congress despite warnings from sponsors that they may review ties over the arrest of senior officials on corruption charges. Coca-Cola, Adidas and Visa are among the companies to voice their concern.

    Read more here.

  102. Labour objects to Hatton bid to rejoin party

    Derek Hatton

    Labour's general secretary has objected to a bid by former councillor Derek Hatton to rejoin the party.

    Mr Hatton, the former deputy leader of Liverpool City Council, was thrown out of Labour in 1986 for belonging to the left-wing Militant faction.

    Read more here.

  103. The morning papers

    Newspaper front pages

    Allegations of corruption at world football's governing body, Fifa, dominate the front pages.

    The papers also reflect on the Queen's Speech, which included an EU referendum by the end of 2017 and a Trade Unions Bill dealing with strike ballot turnouts,

    Read more here.

  104. Cameron begins European tour

    David Cameron

    David Cameron is starting a tour of European capitals as a bill paving the way for the UK's EU referendum is introduced in the House of Commons.

    The prime minister will attempt to persuade the Dutch, French, Polish and German leaders to back his changes to the UK's EU membership.

    Read more here.

  105. Good morning

    Hello and welcome to a day which looks set to be dominated, politics wise, by the planned referendum on the UK's membership of the EU. We'll also have all the fallout from the Queen's Speech and the rest of the day's political developments - including reaction to the Fifa allegations.