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Live Reporting

Mario Cacciottolo, Gavin Stamp and Brian Wheeler

All times stated are UK

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  1. Recap of today's main stories

    Angela Merkel and David Cameron in Berlin

      Here's a round-up of the main political stories of the day:

    Prime Minister David Cameron met Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Lazienki palace in Warsaw and then German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin  

    Mrs Merkel said she does not rule out future treaty changes in Europe and will be a "constructive partner" to the UK in achieving EU reforms

    While in the German capital, Mr Cameron said Fifa president Sepp Blatter should stand down 

    Three Labour leadership contenders - Andy Burnham, Liz Kendall and Yvette Cooper - urged the party to move on from the past 

    Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson is discharged from Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital after suffering a suspected heart attack on Monday 

    Legal papers are lodged with the Court of Session in Edinburgh by campaigners hoping to overturn the election of Orkney and Shetland MP Alistair Carmichael 

    Education Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, Nicky Morgan, says on the ban on women driving by the ultra-Orthodox Belz sect in north London is "completely unacceptable in modern Britain"

  2. Germany's surprise

    Analysis of EU reform talks

    David Cameron and Angela Merkel

    The BBC's Berlin Correspondent Jane Hill writes: 

    The picture on the German news site Spiegel is striking: the British prime minister leaning in close to kiss a smiling German chancellor.

    But the accompanying headline was more of a surprise to Germans: "Merkel doesn't rule out treaty change!"

    Because Mrs Merkel, like the leaders of France and Poland, has thus far drawn the line at treaty change. Now she seems to be saying: "Let's look at the content of what Mr Cameron wants before we assess how - and if - we can achieve it".

    Today's working lunch at the chancellery (which reportedly consisted of shrimp tartar with salad, veal escalope, asparagus and potatoes, followed by strawberries) seems to have set a conciliatory tone.

    Her apparent willingness to compromise may irritate some. A senior German business figure told me that Mrs Merkel should refuse to negotiate with Mr Cameron while he's threatening to pull Britain out of the EU. Volker Treier, who represents the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, said they were all "astonished" by the prospect of a referendum on UK membership.

    And the overwhelming view from Berlin is: Germany needs Britain in the EU. It's an important political and economic ally and, in the words of one senior conservative politician, "we're ready to do anything that can be done to keep Britain in the EU".

  3. Driving ban

    The Equalities Commissioner has been asked to investigate whether it is lawful for Hasidic Belz schools to ban pupils from attending, if they have been driven to school by their mothers. 

    Labour's Shadow Equalities Minister Gloria De Piero has written to the Commission today, following reports that some institutions have issued such advice.

  4. A new view inside the House of Commons

    The Daily Politics

    New cameras will offer a different view of what goes on inside the House of Commons.

    Ellie Price reports on how TV viewers will see MPs from different angles at PMQs and other sittings in the chamber.

    And she hears how a team puts together the coverage for broadcasters. Watch her film

    New camera in the Commons
  5. Women driving ban 'unacceptable'

    Education Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, Nicky Morgan, weighs in with her thoughts on the ban on women driving by the ultra-Orthodox Belz sect.

    Leaders of the north London Jewish group wrote to parents saying "no child will be allowed to learn in our school" if their mother drives.   

    Ms Morgan says this is "completely unacceptable in modern Britain".

    "If schools do not actively promote the principle of respect for other people they are breaching the independent school standards.

    "Where we are made aware of such breaches we will investigate and take any necessary action to address the situation."

  6. Lammy's World Cup lament

    Former Culture Minister David Lammy says Qatar is not fit to host the World Cup and wants Britain to put forward an offer to host the tournament. 

    Mr Lammy, who is a London mayoral candidate hopeful, says that as Mayor, he would lead a campaign to "bring football home', offering FIFA a way out of its current difficulties by hosting the 2022 World Cup in the "home of football", with the final to be played at Wembley. 

    He believes the corruption allegations surrounding the Qatar bid and claims of human rights abuses mean that allowing the 2022 World Cup to go ahead there would undermine the integrity of football.

    David Lammy
  7. Cartoon suggestion 'silly'

    The suggestion by Lord Pearson that Britain should hold a contest for artists to draw the Prophet Mohammed is dismissed by the Muslim Council of Britain in the Huffington Post.

    A spokesman says: "Baron Pearson of Rannoch often makes silly propositions, and this is one of them."

    UKIP has distanced itself from its former leader’s question, saying: “Lord Pearson is asking the question in a personal capacity and is not doing so on behalf of UKIP.”

  8. UKIP peer in Mohammed cartoon call

    UKIP's former leader, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, put forward a question to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport yesterday, it has emerged. 

    He asked whether the government plans to "support a contest in the United Kingdom between artists depicting the Prophet Mohammed, and if so, whether they will provide security protection for such an event".

    Two gunmen were shot dead earlier this month in a suburb of Dallas after opening fire outside a conference where such cartoons were being drawn.  

    Lord Pearson
  9. Hatton bidding to rejoin the Labour Party

    The Daily Politics

    Former Liverpool councillor Derek Hatton has been explaining his bid to rejoin the Labour Party, and conflicting messages he received about his application.

    He spoke to Andrew Neil about his background with the party, and the Militant Tendency, and how claims about job losses by former leader Neil Kinnock were untrue, but had since entered the history books. Watch his interview

    Derek Hatton
  10. Ethnicity among House of Lords staff

    There are no black or minority ethnic staff reported in the top seven pay levels of the House of Lords administration, according to data obtained by the BBC.

  11. 'Audacious' leadership bid

    Ms Kendall also acknowledged that - after just five years as an MP - she did not have as much parliamentary experience as the other Labour leadership candidates. 

    She said:

    Quote Message: I recognise some people might think it's audacious to suggest that I might lead our party and ask the country to elect me as our prime minister. But I believe the magnitude of the defeat that our party has suffered and the scale of the challenge we face means taking the safe option and repeating the remedies of the past just won't cut it for our party or country any more.
  12. Kendall stakes claim

    Labour leadership candidate, Liz Kendall, tells about a hundred supporters in Leicester - where she's an MP - that education and social mobility are at the heart of correcting what she said was the "crippling inequality" in Britain today. 

    Liz Kendall
  13. SNP not Keen

    The SNP says the appointment of one of Scotland's leading lawyers,  Richard Keen QC as the UK government's most senior adviser on Scots law, sends further clear signals of the Conservatives' intention to backtrack on further powers for Scotland.

    "Mr Keen has previously argued that more powers are not the answer and his appointment comes less than 24 hours after the publication of the Scotland Bill, which falls far short of implementing the Smith Commission recommendations," the party says.

  14. 1922 chairman

    Graham Brady is re-elected unopposed to chair the influential 1922 committee of Conservative backbenchers.

    With a majority of just 12, David Cameron will be relying on the loyalty of his MPs over the next five years to see through some potentially tricky legislation. 

    Among the nominees for the two vice-chairman posts are former Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan and Simon Burns, the former health minister seen as very loyal to the prime minister.

    Former deputy speaker and Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans is one of three nominees for the two posts of Secretary, where he is up against right-wingers Peter Bone and Bob Blackman. 

  15. Keen appointment

    One of Scotland's leading lawyers, Richard Keen QC, has been appointed as the UK government's most senior adviser on Scots law.

    He is stepping down from his position as chairman of the Scottish Conservative Party to become the new Advocate General for Scotland.

    Richard Keen
  16. Will SNP MPs continue to clap in the Commons?

    The Daily Politics

    New MP Tommy Sheppard has been speaking about the "abnormality" of House of Commons procedures and how SNP members would probably not clap again in the Commons after a “gentle rebuke” from Speaker John Bercow.

    The SNP MP spoke to Andrew Neil about the white roses worn by his colleagues in the chamber, and how the Speaker had praised their attendance record in the first few days of the new parliament.

    Watch his interview

    Tommy Sheppard
  17. Seven down, twenty to go...

    David Cameron has been criss-crossing the continent over the past week, holding face to face meetings with seven other European leaders. But that is only the start of his European "charm offensive", it would appear. Downing Street sources have told the Press Association that the prime minister will have spoken to all his 27 counterparts in the European Union by the time of the European Council summit next month. 

  18. Hatton's return?

    Appearing on the Daily Politics show earlier was former firebrand Labour councillor Derek Hatton, who wants to rejoin the party. 

  19. Welfare 'fairness'

    David Cameron has also shed light on "some good progress" made in his earlier talks with Polish PM Ewa Kopacz. 

    "We agreed that this is not about trying to get rid of freedom of movement. 

    "It's right there is freedom of movement to go and take a job and live in another European country. 

    "But we've got to make sure, though, that our welfare systems are not acting as an unfair or unnecessary draw to countries."

    Poland's Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz greets Prime Minister David Cameron
  20. Shrimp and strawberries

    David Cameron and Angela Merkel

    Now the press conference is out of the way, we can concentrate on the important business of David Cameron's visit to Berlin - what was on the menu for lunch. According to the Press Association, the leaders were served shrimp tartar with salad, followed by veal escalope, asparagus and potatoes and then strawberries. This comes on top of breakfast in Warsaw, where smoked trout, strawberry salad and Polish cheese were among the delicacies on offer to the PM and his entourage. Aides to the prime minister indicated that he may have skipped some of the courses. 

  21. Burnham on EU and welfare

    Border Force official checking a passport

    Labour leadership contender Andy Burnham has told the BBC the party "needs to get off the back foot" and address issues like Europe, immigration and business. 

    "Let's grasp the nettle and have the debate," he told Radio 4's World at One. 

    "I am also saying to David Cameron, he must deliver a package of reform on immigration that meets the public's test of fairness and commonsense. And that is a package about freedom to work, yes, but not freedom to claim. 

    "So I am putting Labour in a leadership position on this issue." 

  22. On the road

    Allegra Stratton, political editor for BBC Newsnight, has a video diary of her time tracking the prime minister on his quick tour of Europe. 

  23. Spending cut 'options'

    George Osborne

    It is understood the Treasury is "looking at options" ahead of the Chancellor's planned budget in July, and further spending cuts planned for 2016/17 and 2017/18. 

    But Whitehall sources are clear there's no target for in-year savings. 

    The prime minister's spokesman said: 

    Quote Message: The Chancellor set out his position in a speech to the CBI last week when he said that - as you would expect under the principles of good financial planning - the Treasury has asked departments to look at the scope for efficiency savings and the like. But as the Treasury has explained there is not a savings target for 2015/16.
  24. UKIP v Labour

     The fight between Labour and UKIP is heading to Wales, writes the BBC's Ross Hawkins

    Nigel Farage's party is challenging in seats where Labour traditionally dominate at the general election, and it could be on course for electoral success there within the year.  

    Cardiff polling station
  25. Spending cuts

    Chief Secretary to the Treasury Greg Hands has written to government departments asking them to identify possible savings from this year's budgets.

    Treasury sources said it was "part of a process" of identifying areas in which money could be saved, but denied non-protected departments had been asked to cut 5% from their budgets this year.

  26. Merkel on Fifa

    The press conference with David Cameron saw Angela Merkel decline to comment on Fifa president Sepp Blatter, who is expected to be elected to a fifth term as Fifa president later on. 

    She did say: "For me it's important that there is an end to corruption, that there will be transparency again. The dirty side [of football] as David Cameron has put it, needs to be cleaned up."

    David Cameron and Angela Merkel
  27. 'Reformed settlement'

    Mr Cameron has said again that Britain's national interest can best be served by staying in the European Union on the basis of a reformed settlement. 

    "That is what we both want to happen and that is what we will work together in the coming months to achieve," he said at his press conference with the German leader.

  28. Problem solving

    During the press conference, Mr Cameron said the European Union has "shown before that when one of its member states has a problem that needs sorting out it can be flexible enough to do so. And I have every confidence that it will do so again".

  29. Penalty plea

    David Cameron suggests there should be no more penalty shoot-outs in future, and that international football matches should simply keep playing "for as long as it takes" to find a winner.

    This would generate a "level playing field between Britain and Germany, the two greatest footballing nations on Earth", he says. 

    Will Mrs Merkel remind him that Britain doesn't have a unified national football team? 

  30. Interests served

    Mr Cameron says the EU is better off with the UK as a member state, and that Britain's national interests are better served within the union. 

  31. Scale of accusations

    More on Sepp Blatter's leadership of Fifa from Mr Cameron: "You cannot have accusations of corruption at this level and on this scale in this organisation and pretend that the person currently leading it is the right person to take it forward."

  32. Flexible thinking

    David Cameron says the EU should have the "flexibility of a network, not the rigidity of a block".

  33. Political will

    Mr Cameron also said there was no "magic" solution to the question of EU reform, but "where there's a will, there's a way".

  34. Cameron: 'Blatter must go'

    Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are holding a press conference in Berlin.

    The first question from the press, by the BBC's James Landale, is about whether Fifa president Sepp Blatter should resign in the wake of corruption allegations at football's global governing body. 

    "In my view he should go," Mr Cameron says. "The sooner this happens the better".

    He added: "What we have seen is the ugly side of the beautiful game."

  35. Carmichael challenged

    Legal papers have been lodgedwith the Court of Session in Edinburgh by campaigners hoping to overturn the election of Orkney and Shetland MP Alistair Carmichael.

    Mr Carmichael has faced calls to resign over the leak of a memo which wrongly suggested Nicola Sturgeon wanted David Cameron as prime minister.

    The Scottish Liberal Democrat MP won the support of his local party earlier this week.  

    Alistair Carmichael
  36. German alliance

    The BBC's Berlin correspondent Jenny Hill, speaking on the Daily Politics show, says she has been told by a source close to Angela Merkel that Germany is ready to do "anything that can be done to keep Great Britain in the EU". 

  37. Maynard appointment

    Tory MP for Blackpool North and Cleveleys, Paul Maynard, has some news about becoming a Parliamentary Private Secretary in Westminster.

  38. Troop inspection

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister David Cameron in Berlin

    Mrs Merkel and Mr Cameron listened as the band in Berlin played the national anthems of their two countries. 

  39. Warm welcome

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister David Cameron

    The two leaders were clearly happy to meet up again, as they kissed one another on the cheek.

  40. Cameron in Berlin

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister David Cameron

    Prime Minister David Cameron was greeted upon his arrival in Berlin by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  

  41. Messages 'appreciated'

    Mr Robinson also thanked the cardiac team at the Royal Victoria Hospital and "all who sent messages of support & encouragement in the last week. Your thoughts & prayers have been really appreciated".

  42. Robinson discharged

    Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson says in a tweet that he has been discharged from Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital after suffering a suspected heart attack on Monday. 

    Peter Robinson
  43. Cameron in Berlin

    Prime Minister David Cameron has arrived in Berlin for his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The pair began by inspecting troops as a military band played the national anthems of both countries.

  44. 'Shocking' Fifa

    Ms Cooper also says the controversy over alleged corruption at Fifa is "shocking" and a "disgrace" and that Britain should be putting maximum pressure on football's world governing body for reforms.

    The 209 members of Fifa are to vote for their new president at a congress in Zurich later. Sepp Blatter, the favourite, is seeking what would be a fifth term, but in the face of rather loud opposition.

  45. 'Narrow' focus

    Yvette Cooper tells the BBC she is getting support from around the country, "not just Westminster" in her bid to become Labour leader. 

    The party has been "too narrow and needs to reach out," she says, adding that she's been speaking to entrepreneurs at Tech City and pensioners in Peterborough as part of her "listening" process. 

  46. Kendall campaigns

    So Mr Burnham is already doing the Labour leadership campaign rounds, and Ms Cooper will officially launch her campaign in Yorkshire later. Elsewhere, shadow care services minister Liz Kendall will speak in the Midlands as she launches her bid for Labour's top job.   

  47. A future in Labour?

    Andy Burnham arrives to give a speech in London, accompanied by shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves

    A heavily-pregnant Rachel Reeves introduced Andy Burnham at his campaign event. "This is Rachel's last day at work before she goes on maternity leave", said Mr Burnham, "so if she is not the living embodiment that Labour is the party of hard work I don't know what is."

  48. Regaining trust

    Conor Pope, writing in the LabourList blog, says many within Labour now see the idea of "concede and move on" as the only option to regain economic trust. 

    He adds: "Certainly, it seems all of the leadership campaigns are signed up to the idea that fighting a third election at odds with the public on pre-2008 economics is not a strategy that delivers power." 

  49. Tech City tour

    Yvette Cooper at Tech City

    Ms Cooper met young entrepreneurs during her time at Tech City in north London.

  50. Jobs focus

    Ms Cooper is setting out on what she calls a "listening tour," the first leg of which will see her meeting pensioners in Peterborough and members of a working men's club in Nottinghamshire, among things. She said Labour should be encouraging new tech-start-ups outside London, reshaping public services and encouraging jobs growth beyond Britain's large cities.

  51. Looking ahead

    Mr Burnham isn't the only Labour hopeful on the campaign trail today. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper, speaking at Tech City in north London, says Labour needs to start talking about the future of the country, not the past of the party.

    Yvette Cooper
  52. Shopping around

    Mr Burnham has a message  for all the nation's shoppers out there. "Aspiration is not the preserve of those who shop at John Lewis. Aspiration is universal; it is felt by Asda and Aldi shoppers too."  

  53. 'Anti business' failures

    Rowena Mason, political correspondent at the Guardian, tweets that Mr Burnham says no party can win a general election in Britain if they convey a sense of being anti business and anti success. 

  54. 'Heroic' efforts

    Labour should treat entrepreneurs as "heroes", leadership contender Andy Burnham says.  Addressing workers at Ernst & Young in London this morning, he claims his party has neglected them in recent years.    

  55. Country-wide reach?

    Andy Burnham, speaking on the Labour leadership campaign trail this morning, says Labour remains "the only political party with reach into all parts of the country", according to the New Statesman's George Eaton.

  56. Boy done well

    George Eaton also reports via Twitter that Andy Burnham described himself as "the comprehensive lad" who made it to Cambridge and the Cabinet.  

  57. Burnham's speech

    George Eaton, political editor of the New Statesman, tweets this image of Labour's Andy Burnham speaking this morning.

  58. Firm handshake

    Number 10 tweets an image of the two PMs, ahead of their breakfast meeting.

  59. Establishing boundaries

    The BBC's Europe correspondent, Chris Morris, says it was thought to be a "good meeting" between the two prime ministers in Warsaw.

    He also says that Mr Cameron is "feeling his way around, seeing where the boundaries lie", but adds that unless all 28 EU member states agree to reforms, then they will not agree to anything particularly significant.

  60. Palace meeting

    Lazienki Royal Palace in Warsaw

    David Cameron has a grand setting for his breakfast this morning - this is the Lazienki Royal Palace in Warsaw, where Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz is seen waiting to greet him earlier. 

  61. Manifesto pledge

    Mr Loughton also says some of the welfare reforms the party put forward as part of its election manifesto are key to the negotiations so "that people can not just come to the UK and claim benefit". 

  62. Reform support

    Conservative MP Tim Loughton, founder of the Fresh Start group of MPs which wants the UK to stay in the EU but with far-reaching reforms, says Mr Cameron is right to seek reform of the EU, especially over immigration. 

    "The basic principle of the European Union on free movement of labour is about free movement of labour. It's not about free movement of people claiming benefits," he says. 

  63. Breakfast in Warsaw

    David Cameron meeting Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz

    Mr Cameron met Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz bright and early in Lazienki palace in Warsaw - although, by the look of things, breakfast was in short supply. 

  64. EU reforms

    David Cameron is on a whistle-stop tour of Europe in his continuing efforts to raise support for changes he wants made to the European Union, before the UK's EU membership referendum is held.  

  65. The day ahead

    Good morning and welcome to Friday's live page taking in all the day's political events. 

    Prime Minister David Cameron is in Poland for breakfast with the country's prime minister, Ewa Kopacz. By lunchtime he'll be in Berlin, meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.