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Live Reporting

Kate Whannel, Brian Wheeler and Alice Evans

All times stated are UK

  1. Recap on the morning

    We're going to pause our live coverage of developments at Westminster here for now. Follow the latest updates on the BBC News Channel and the BBC on mobile and online.

    A quick summary of the morning:

    • The UK awaits a response from the EU to its request for a Brexit extension
    • The PM has "paused" his Brexit legislation after MPs rejected his plan to fast-track it through Parliament
    • Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn met on Wednesday morning to talk Brexit
    • There was, we're told, "no meeting of minds"
    • It remains uncertain whether the UK is headed for a general election, or whether there might instead be a revised timetable which could see Mr Johnson's Brexit deal passed at some point after 31 October
  2. Labour: Highly likely EU will grant extension

    A spokesman for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the meeting with Boris Johnson before PMQs was "perfectly cordial".

    He adds that Mr Corbyn told the PM he was "sceptical" that French President Emmanuel Macron would veto a Brexit extension.

    "I think it is clear that the strong likelihood is that the EU will grant an extension of some kind on the lines requested, whether in a 'flex-tension' form or a simple kind."

  3. Irish PM: MPs should proceed with reasonable speed

    Leo Varadkar

    The Taoiseach (Irish PM) Leo Varadkar has said the Irish government's desire to "avoid the risk of no-deal" will govern the approach they will be taking to any EU discussions about a Brexit extension.

    During question time in the Irish Parliament, Mr Varadkar said that if there was not consensus amongst EU leaders about an extension, there would have to be a meeting of the European Council - possibly on Friday or Monday - to discuss the matter.

    He said he hoped the UK Parliament would "proceed with reasonable speed in concluding this withdrawal agreement."

  4. 'Don't expect further Johnson/Corbyn talks'

    A No10 aide tells the Financial Times' chief political correspondent not to expect further talks between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the leader of the opposition following this morning's meeting.

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  5. PM 'believes Brexit still possible by 31 October'

    The prime minister's spokesman added that he still believes it is still possible to deliver Brexit with a ratified deal by 31 October.

    "The time now is to get it done, the PM wants to get it done by 31 October, but obviously thanks to Parliament's letter that decision isn't necessarily in our hands.

    "We continue to wait to see what the EU will say."

  6. 'No meeting of minds' between Corbyn and Johnson - No 10

    The PM's spokesman has confirmed that Boris Johnson spoke to European Council President Donald Tusk this morning and set out why he still believes there should be no Brexit extension and that the UK should leave on 31 October.

    He also said there was no meeting of minds between the PM and Jeremy Corbyn this morning and warned not to expect further talks with the opposition leader.

    The spokesman claimed Parliament and Labour had now handed control over to the EU.

  7. 'There is a real debate in Downing Street'

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Mujtaba Rahman, of political risk consultants Eurasia Group, who used to work at the Treasury and European Commission, is a guest on Radio 4's World at One.

    He says: "Our view is that Boris will use the extension to try and shepherd the bill through Parliament in recognition of the fact there is not a majority among opposition parties for either a customs union or a referendum.

    "There is a real debate at the top of government and in Downing street as to whether that is the best strategy."

  8. 'Pointless exchanges over Brexit detail boost PM's election goal'

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    Patrick McGuire, political correspondent at the left-leaning New Statesman magazine, says Boris Johnson came out on top in today's session of PMQs.

    He says: "The more extended and pointless exchanges we have over the detail of Brexit, when we know that Jeremy Corbyn in no circumstances is going to licence Mr Johnson's Brexit plan, just boosts the message that the PM wants to take to the country.

    "That being, 'This Remoaner parliament is sabotaging the Brexit that you all want to get done, please give me a majority'."

    He adds: "The fact that this session was so meandering and didn't achieve or advance any message is evidence enough for Mr Johnson's 'let's dissolve this parliament and go back to the country' goal."

  9. Swinson: Labour helped PM 'push through bad Brexit deal'

    Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson accused Labour of helping the prime minister to "push through his bad Brexit deal".

    During PMQs, she said: "Would the prime minister like to express his gratitude to the 19 Labour MPs who voted for his deal last night and the leader of the opposition for meeting with him this morning to help push through his bad Brexit deal?"

    The Guardian's political editor tweets...

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  10. 'Two men who don't know what to do next'

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    Laura Hughes, political correspondent at the Financial Times, says Prime Minister Boris Johnson and leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn "looked like two men who didn't know what they were going to do next".

    She adds that Mr Corbyn appeared to win the debate "because if you look back on today's PMQs there are quite a few things that Mr Johnson said that simply aren't true".

    "He said there are no trade barriers between Northern Ireland and Great Britain and we know that not to be the case, and his own ministers have said that.

    "It was pretty extraordinary to watch that."

  11. Is No 10 wedded to a winter general election?

    Norman Smith

    Assistant political editor

    The fact that talks took place between Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson suggests that No 10 may not be totally wedded to the idea of a winter general election.

    Pressed in the Commons by former Tory chancellor Ken Clarke, the PM did not close the door to bringing back his deal.

    Despite this, the PM mocked the opposition parties over their reluctance to back an election.

    Mr Corbyn accused the prime minister of seeking to avoid genuine democratic scrutiny.

  12. Labour: 'Protect NHS from Trump'

    If the prime minister had got his way in Tuesday night's vote, MPs would have been spending this afternoon scrutinising his Withdrawal Agreement Bill.

    Instead, they will be debating the Queen's Speech - but Brexit is still likely to dominate.

    Labour says it will attempt to amend the Queen's Speech by calling on the government to "fully protect the NHS from all aspects of future trade agreements".

    Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s shadow health secretary, says: “The truth is that thanks to the Tory reorganisation of the NHS, where billions of pounds of health contracts are privatised every year, the NHS is on the table in any trade deal with Donald Trump."

    He adds: “The only way to protect our NHS is to bin the Tory privatisation rules and restore a public NHS for all.”

  13. What will the prime minister do next?

    Nick Eardley

    BBC political correspondent

    I'm not sure we are clear about what Boris Johnson is going to do next.

    The most pertinent of the exchanges in PMQs was from Ken Clarke - is Mr Johnson going to bring back the Withdrawal Agreement with a different timetable bill, hoping that that will get it through Parliament?

    There was no clear answer from the PM, who said: "It's in the hands of the EU, we will see what they do with an extension."

    The exchanges with Jeremy Corbyn were strange because one minute it felt like they were getting into the detail, trying to figure out if there was something that could perhaps change to get Labour backing.

    Then the next it felt like we were in a general election campaign.

  14. 'Bigotry emboldened by government,' says Labour MP

    House of Commons


    "Last Saturday Haringey football club players experienced racist slurs," says Labour's Catherine West.

    "Will the PM congratulate the manager for taking the players off," she asks.

    She also asks if the PM can "explain why bigotry had been emboldened by the current government".

    Mr Johnson says racism in football is "utterly disgusting and should be stamped out"

    "We will do everything to stamp out racism of any kind, whatever form it takes," he adds.

  15. PM will 'put the screws on the BBC' over free TV licences

    House of Commons


    Labour's Jim Cunningham asks when the PM is going to ensure free TV licences for the over-75s.

    "The BBC has the funds," replies Boris Johnson.

    "They should be funding those free TV licences.

    "He asked me to put the screws on the BBC - we certainly will."