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Live Reporting

Edited by Chris Giles

All times stated are UK

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  1. Thanks for joining us

    Today's live page was brought to you by: Aoife Walsh, Jack Burgess, Richard Morris, Dulcie Lee, Jeremy Gahagan and Chris Giles.

  2. What happened today?

    We are pausing our live coverage of the Tory leadership race shortly. But before we go, here's a recap of the latest developments on another busy day in Westminster:

    • Kemi Badenoch was knocked out of the leadership race after receiving the lowest number of votes from MPs
    • She has since said she is "grateful" to her colleagues who supported her bid
    • Three MPs remain in the contest - Rishi Sunak, Penny Mordaunt and Liz Truss
    • Sunak gained three votes in the latest poll, putting him on 118 - just shy of the magic 120, which would guarantee him a place in the final contest
    • Mordaunt came second with 92 votes, increasing her share by 10
    • Despite coming in third place again with 86 votes, Truss picked up 15 votes - more than any other candidate - and is closing on Mordaunt
    • As we've reported, the vote to pick the final two takes place tomorrow afternoon
    • BBC One will broadcast a final televised debate with that duo on 25 July at 9pm
  3. When is the vote tomorrow?

    We will finally know which two candidates have made it through to the last round of the Tory leadership contest tomorrow afternoon, with it largely expected to be Rishi Sunak versus Liz Truss or Penny Mordaunt.

    Voting begins at 1pm and closes at 3pm, with results announced at 4pm by Sir Graham Brady who is chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers.

    At that point, over the course of the summer, Conservative party members will vote for the next prime minister.

    We will know the result by 5 September at the latest.

    Read more here.

  4. Post update

    Rishi Sunak performance against other candidates graph

    A YouGov survey of 725 Conservative party members suggests former chancellor Rishi Sunak could lose the race to be the next PM to all of his remaining rivals.

    The survey suggests Foreign Secretary Liz Truss would beat Sunak by 54% to 35% if they stood against each other.

    It says Trade Minister Penny Mordaunt would also beat him 51% to 37% if they were both in the final two.

  5. Leadership candidates take part in more hustings

    Tory leadership candidates are now taking part in more private hustings with the Northern Research Group of Conservative MPs and the Onward think tank ahead of tomorrow's vote.

    Rishi Sunak took the floor first, followed by Penny Mordaunt, who said she was feeling "good" as she entered the room.

    Liz Truss will speak to the groups later.

  6. Truss woos Badenoch supporters

    Campaigners backing Liz Truss to be the next Tory leader are urging Kemi Badenoch's supporters to unite behind the foreign secretary.

    "Kemi Badenoch has run a fantastic campaign and contributed enormously to the battle of ideas throughout this contest," a Truss campaign spokeswoman said.

    "Now is the time for the party to unite behind a candidate who will govern in a Conservative way and who has shown she can deliver time and again."

  7. Mordaunt: We are nearly across the finish line

    Penny Mordaunt, who finished in second place in the latest ballot with 92 votes, has thanked colleagues who have supported her leadership campaign.

    She says: "This afternoon colleagues once again put their trust in me and I cannot thank them enough. We are so nearly across the finish line.

    "I am raring to go and excited to put my case to members across the country and win."

    She praised Kemi Badenoch who was knocked out of the contest earlier. Her 59 votes will be crucial in deciding which candidates make the final two tomorrow.

    "I want to pay tribute to my friend Kemi Badenoch who electrified the leadership contest with her fresh thinking and bold policies. She and I both know that the old way of government isn't working as it should," Mordaunt says.

    "Voters want change and we owe it to them to offer a bold new vision for this country".

  8. Badenoch backer says he hasn't decided who to support next

    Ben Bradley

    Conservative MP Ben Bradley says he will probably "ignore the calls and have a glass of wine instead" as he still hasn't decided who to back in the leadership election, now that the candidate he was supporting, Kemi Badenoch, has been knocked out

    He says over the last 12 days Badenoch has "done an incredible job," and he wants to see her in the next cabinet.

    "I'm disappointed that the prime minister's going," he says, "in the current climate" people are looking for "something different".

    He says his constituents like Badenoch's views as she speaks "common sense".

    He says he thinks "Penny [Mordaunt's campaign] seems to have stalled in the last few days... there are more anti-Penny people than there are anti-Liz [Truss] people".

  9. Candidates scramble for Badenoch's votes

    Pete Saull

    Political Correspondent, BBC Westminster

    In the corridors of parliament, the remaining campaign teams are trying to put positive spins on the results.

    Liz Truss is making up ground on Penny Mordaunt but one of the Trade Minister’s backers stresses that “she is still in second place".

    She might have only just been eliminated, but the scramble for Kemi Badenoch’s votes is well under way.

    One of her supporters tells me he’s “disappointed” that she’s been knocked out but expresses pride in her campaign.

    “She’ll be Prime Minister one day”, he says.

    The same MP says the other campaign teams have already been phoning him: “It’s like relatives turning up at the reading of a will.”

    He also tells me there is an “anyone but Rishi” camp in the party.

    Many MPs admit there is tactical voting going on, making it very difficult to predict what happens next.

  10. Badenoch 'grateful' and thanks her supporters

    Kemi Badenoch has said on Twitter she's "grateful" to her colleagues and the Conservative Party members who supported her leadership bid.

    After being knocked out of the contest this afternoon, she praised the progress her campaign made, saying it began "less than two weeks ago".

    "What we've achieved demonstrates the level of support for our vision of change for our country and for the Conservative Party", she says.

    She finished her tweet by saying "Thank you".

    Kemi Badenoch
  11. Badenoch is campaign's breakthrough candidate

    Jonathan Blake

    BBC political correspondent

    Kemi Badenoch

    Although she's left the race, Kemi Badenoch is undoubtedly the breakthrough candidate of this campaign.

    She won support and gained attention with her straight talking approach, pitch for honesty and firm grasp of complex issues.

    While other candidates scrapped about whether to cut taxes, Badenoch was clearly trying to set a new agenda.

    Whether colleagues agreed with her or not, many admired her command of social and cultural issues which have divided the party.

    One MP, backing a rival candidate, described her as "the new darling of the right"

    With a group of 59 MPs behind her, she could still have a big influence on the outcome of the race by openly backing one of the remaining contenders.

  12. Mordaunt's team confident she can take on Sunak

    Maria Miller

    Maria Miller MP says she is "absolutely" confident Penny Mordaunt can take on Rishi Sunak if she secures a place in the final two tomorrow.

    Miller says Mordaunt's team will be focusing on trying to win over those who were supporting Kemi Badenoch, who was eliminated from the contest this afternoon.

    "We'll be continuing to press Penny's strong policies on the economy and the fact that she is really a fresh choice for our membership to be able to have on their final ballet paper," Miller says.

    She adds Tory MPs want "more than anything else" to win the next general election and Mordaunt is the strongest candidate to do that.

  13. Truss has the momentum - Iain Duncan Smith

    Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

    Former Tory leader and Liz Truss-backer Iain Duncan Smith has been telling the BBC he thinks she "has the momentum" after Kemi Badenoch was knocked out of the contest during the latest round of voting.

    He said he believes Truss has "garnered a wide range of support" among Conservative MPs and her supporters "cover everybody".

    She came third in the latest ballot, with 86 votes, and is through to tomorow's final vote.

    She picked up 15 new supporters compared to the previous round - that's around half of people who had been backing Tom Tugendhat who left the contest yesterday.

    Meanwhile Rishi Sunak won today's vote with 118 - Penny Mordaunt came second with 92.

  14. Truss makes it through to final MPs voting round

    Liz Truss

    After making it through to the final round of MPs’ voting, Liz Truss’s backers will now be shoring up her support to try to secure a place in the final two.

    They'll be buoyed by the latest result - she's narrowed the gap between herself and her rival Penny Mordaunt, who remains in second place but just six votes ahead.

    Truss has set out a markedly different vision for the UK than the apparent man to beat, Rishi Sunak, promising immediate tax cuts and the reversal of the rise in National Insurance.

    The foreign secretary sought support from the right of the party, and early into her bid won the backing of Johnson loyalists Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries and Brexit opportunities minister Jacob Rees-Mogg.

    We’ll find out in about 24 hours’ time whether she’s succeeded in finding enough support to get her over the line.

    Find out more about Truss - including the time she played Margaret Thatcher in a play - here.

  15. WATCH: The moment Badenoch is knocked out of leadership race

    Video content

    Video caption: Kemi Badenoch fails to make final three in Tory leadership contest

    Kemi Badenoch has failed to make the final three in the Conservative leadership contest after receiving the lowest number of votes from MPs.

    Sir Graham Brady has just been announcing the results of the latest round of voting.

  16. Post update

    Graphic on how Tory contenders have fared so far
  17. A very tight race that's impossible to call

    Jonathan Blake

    BBC political correspondent

    LIz Truss, Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt

    The placings haven't changed but a close look at the numbers tells us how unpredictable this contest is.

    Thirty one votes were up for grabs from Tom Tugendhat's supporters after he was eliminated in the last round.

    It's clear they haven't moved as a block as all the candidates have gained votes.

    Liz Truss has kept up her momentum but not enough to leapfrog Penny Mordaunt who picked up enough votes to stay in second.

    Rishi Sunak only gained three votes, showing that while he's been in front from the start it's not a runaway lead.

    It's a very tight race and at this point, impossible to call.

  18. Post update

    A graphic showing the result of the fourth ballot
  19. BreakingSunak leads voting again as Badenoch eliminated

    Kemi Badenoch has been knocked out of the leadership race after coming last in the latest round of voting.

    Rishi Sunak secured the most votes in the fourth ballot among Tory MPs, with Penny Mordaunt coming second.

    The votes were as follows:

    • Rishi Sunak - 118
    • Penny Mordaunt - 92
    • Liz Truss - 86
    • Kemi Badenoch - 59

    The three remaining candidates will face another vote tomorrow, where MPs will pick a final two candidates.

    Voting will then be thrown open to all Conservative Party members to pick the winner, after a series of hustings throughout August.

    The new Conservative Party leader and prime minister will be announced on 5 September.

  20. BreakingKemi Badenoch knocked out of the race

    Kemi Badenoch

    Former Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch has been knocked out of the leadership race after coming last in the latest round of voting with 59 votes.

    Badenoch is seen as being on the right of the party and stood on an "anti-woke" platform while arguing for the state to be slimmed down.

    Before the contest began, the 42-year-old was rarely mentioned as a major contender to succeed Boris Johnson, but she saw off some big names early in the race, placing fourth in Monday's round of voting.

    Team Badenoch had been hoping to gain enough momentum to surpass her rival Liz Truss, after she trailed the foreign secretary by just 13 votes on Monday.