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Live Reporting

Edited by Sam Hancock

All times stated are UK

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  1. 'I take responsibility very seriously' - new Labour MP

    Labour Party candidate Gen Kitchen celebrates with her family after being declared winner in the Wellingborough by-election at the Kettering Leisure Village, Northamptonshire

    Labour's Gen Kitchen, the new MP in Wellingborough, says she is “over the moon” to have won the seat and thanks the voters of the constituency.

    “I take the responsibility very seriously, so I’ll be representing and working hard to earn their trust,” she says.

    She says she won the seat by fighting a “positive campaign” with a focus on local issues, including the state of the area's high streets and access to public services.

    She adds that the inbox of the local councillor responsible for potholes is going to be “very, very full with my e-mails”.

    Asked about renewed questions over antisemitism in Labour, and whether the party had really changed under Sir Keir Starmer, she says it was “night and day different” since she stood at the 2019 election.

    “[Different] in both discipline and how we conduct ourselves,” she says. “So from my experience, we have changed.”

  2. Helen Harrison intends to stand at general election

    The defeated Conservative candidate in Wellingborough, Helen Harrison, has told BBC reporters on the ground that she intends to stand in the constituency at the next general election.

    Asked if she is disappointed with the result, Harrison says: "Of Course, yes of course. But I'll be back and fighting again for the general election."

    Responding to whether she blames Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for the loss, she says: "Of course not."

    Harrison is the partner of former Tory MP Peter Bone, who won the seat in 2005 but lost it in December following a recall petition by his constituents.

    The petition came after Bone was suspended as an MP over bullying and sexual misconduct claims, which he denies.

    The next election has to take place by January 2025, but is widely expected to be held before the end of this year.

  3. Analysis

    Second biggest swing from Tories to Labour in any post-war by-election

    Professor Sir John Curtice

    Polling expert

    The big headline is that this is a terrible result for the Conservatives.

    Their share of the vote is down by nearly 38 points compared with the general election. That is the biggest ever drop that the Conservatives have suffered in a post-war by-election in a seat that they were trying to defend.

    No doubt they will want to try and argue that the scale of their defeat is a consequence of the particular circumstances in which the by-election arose, and then the decision perhaps to have Peter Bone’s partner – the former MP who was forced to resign – as their candidate.

    The second key feature is that Reform got 13% of the vote in Wellingborough – that is a record result for them.

    Although in this instance, their share of the vote is less than Labour’s majority.

    It was a very good performance for Labour. The swing from Conservative to Labour is the second biggest in any by-election in post-war history.

    But again we should note that the size of Labour’s increase is roughly half the size of the Conservative decrease – much as was the case in Kingswood.

    So much for Labour to be congratulated about. But again a by-election that tells us more about the way in which the Conservatives are in deep trouble, rather than necessarily an indication of the extent to which the electorate have necessarily bought into Labour as the preferred alternative.

  4. Swing of 28.5% from Tories to Labour in Wellingborough

    The swing from the Conservatives to Labour in Wellingborough was 28.5%.

    That's the second largest swing from Tory to Labour at a by-election since the Second World War.

    Labour won with a majority of 6,436 votes.

  5. Post update

    Bar chart showing the results of the Wellingborough by-election with vote share for the top six parties: Labour 45.9% up 19.5 points, Conservative 24.6% down 37.6 points, Reform UK 13% up 13 points, Lib Dem 4.7% down 3.1 points, Independent 3.7% up 3.7 points, Green Party 3.4% down 0.1 points
  6. Wellingborough result 'must send a message to Downing Street' - Kitchen

    The new MP for Wellingborough, Labour's Genevieve Kitchen, delivers her victory speech

    The new MP for Wellingborough, Labour's Gen Kitchen, is delivering her victory speech now.

    She says she is "delighted" to have been elected and "honoured" that voters have placed their trust in her and the party.

    "But I also know from the thousands of conversations I have had during this campaign how desperately people want change and a fresh start for our country," she says.

    "This is a stunning victory for the Labour Party and must send a message from Northamptonshire to Downing Street."

    She says people in the constituency are patriotic and hopeful for the country, but also feel they are "paying more and getting less" from public services.

    She adds: "Whether you voted for my party, another party, or no party at all, I will serve you and work to earn your trust again."

  7. Starmer: By-election results 'show people want change'

    Labour leader Keir Starmer says the "fantastic results" in Wellingborough and Kingswood "show people want change and are ready to put their faith in a changed Labour Party to deliver it".

    "By winning in these Tory strongholds, we can confidently say that Labour is back in the service of working people and we will work tirelessly to deliver for them," he says in a statement.

    "The Tories have failed. Rishi’s recession proves that. That’s why we’ve seen so many former Conservative voters switching directly to this changed Labour Party.

    "Those who gave us their trust in Kingswood and Wellingborough, and those considering doing so, can be safe in the knowledge that we will spend every day working to get Britain’s future back.”

  8. Wellingborough by-election result in full

    Here are the results in full:

    • Labour: 13,844
    • Conservatives: 7,408
    • Reform UK: 3,919
    • Liberal Democrats: 1,422
    • Marion Turner-Hawes (Independent): 1,115
    • Green Party: 1,020
    • Kevin Watts (Independent): 533
    • Britain First: 477
    • The Official Monster Raving Loony Party: 217
    • Andre Pyne-Bailey (Independent): 172
    • Ankit Love Jknpp Jay Mala Post-Mortem (Independent): 18
  9. BreakingLabour gains Wellingborough

    Labour has won the Wellingborough by-election, overturning a majority of more than 18,000.

    Stay with us as we bring you the full results.

  10. Result in Wellingborough expected shortly

    The candidates in the Wellingborough by-election are gathering on the stage

    The candidates in the Wellingborough by-election are gathering on the stage at the count so we're expecting the result very shortly.

  11. Many voters switched directly from Tories to Labour - Bryant

    Shadow minister Chris Bryant says he is "delighted" at Labour's win in Kingswood.

    Speaking from the count, he says there were a lot of voters who switched directly from Conservative to Labour, including some who voted Labour for the first time.

    "We won today because we put in the hard yards - both in terms of changing the party and knocking every door and talking to all the voters," the Labour MP says.

    "We have got to put in all that in every constituency we need to win. This was a mountain and there is a whole mountain range ahead of us."

  12. Limited recount completed

    Three men sat on the floor at the election count in Wellingborough.

    The limited recount of two trays of ballots in Wellingborough has now been completed, officials say.

    It's just as well. Some at the count are beginning to show signs of fatigue.

  13. 'Mild encouragement' for Greens, says polling expert

    Polling expert Sir John Curtice sat in the BBC newsroom

    Despite Labour's advance, the Green Party managed to win 3.4% of the vote in Kingswood - the fifth best result the party has ever achieved in a by-election.

    Polling expert Sir John Curtice says this will be a "mild encouragement" for the Greens that they can make progress in areas where they have a degree of local strength, against a backdrop of concern over climate change.

    However, Curtice says that in a general election the Greens may still struggle to hold on to their only seat in Brighton, where incumbent Caroline Lucas is standing down.

    "But we shouldn’t ignore the fact they are managing to pick up some votes," he adds.

  14. Limited recount taking place

    We're being told that a limited recount is taking place in Wellingborough.

    Officials have said the recount is of the ballots in two trays, both on the same table.

    We're still expecting a result to be announced shortly, once the recount has been completed.

  15. Analysis

    Kingswood voters shape narrative ahead of general election

    Hannah Miller

    Political correspondent

    The Labour win in Kingswood wasn’t unexpected, but that shouldn’t take away from the fact that the prospect of the party overturning an 11,000 Conservative majority would have seemed almost absurd less than five years ago.

    "Another domino has fallen," to quote shadow minister Chris Bryant.

    After more than a decade out of government, there’s a noticeable glint in his eye at the prospect of power.

    For the Conservatives, the result was "not as bad as expected," said Jacob Rees-Mogg. But this is a seat that has almost always voted for the party that has won power, with the single exception of 1992.

    And the fact that Reform have risen to a (distant) third will raise the eyebrows of some on the Conservative backbenches.

    The Liberal Democrats lost their deposit, a result that perhaps indicates their voters are willing to vote Labour when it comes to a two-horse race.

    This was the last hurrah for voters in Kingswood - the constituency will be abolished and reshaped at the next general election. But tonight the voters here have played a part in shaping the narrative as that unknown date looms ever closer.

  16. Watch: Labour’s Damien Egan gives victory speech

    Video content

    Video caption: Watch: Labour’s Damien Egan gives victory speech

    Here's the moment Kingswood's new MP, Damien Egan, delivered his victory speech, thanking voters in the constituency and pledging to "work to give Kingswood its future back".

  17. Tories have now lost nine by-elections this Parliament

    Labour's win in Kingswood means the Conservatives have now lost nine by-elections in the course of this Parliament - more than any government since the 1960s.

    It is one more than the eight defeats suffered by the 1992-97 Conservative government led by John Major.

  18. Labour still not matching previous wins in Kingswood - Curtice

    The Conservatives may find a “silver lining” in the fact Labour’s win in Kingswood has failed to match its past performance in the constituency, says Sir John Curtice.

    Speaking to BBC News, he says Labour has won tonight by a margin of 10 percentage points, compared to larger majorities in 1997, and 2001, and 2005.

    “Yes, clearly a bad result for the Conservatives, but it’s not quite the big success for Labour on quite the scale that perhaps Sir Keir is trying to claim,” he says.

    “This isn’t a result where Labour has managed to do as well as the party managed to do under Sir Tony Blair.”

  19. Post update

    Graphic showing percentage point change in share of the vote since 2019 in the Kingswood by-election
  20. Conservative candidate makes swift exit in Kingswood

    Pete Simson

    Political reporter, Bristol, reporting from Thornbury

    Tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg talking to a group of reporters

    Jacob Rees-Mogg is left doing the explaining after Conservative candidate Sam Bromiley made a swift exit following the announcement that Labour had overturned a Tory majority in Kingswood.

    Rees-Mogg has downplayed its significance but admits his party “needs some fresh ideas".