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Live Reporting

Kate Whannel, Thomas Mason and Richard Morris

All times stated are UK

  1. Recap: What happened today in Parliament

    MPs approved two significant changes to the Northern Ireland bill - intended to make it harder for a new prime minister to prorogue Parliament and force through a no-deal Brexit.

    They endorsed last night's Lords amendment, to ensure Parliament sits for a fortnightly debate - on government updates on the restoration of power-sharing in Northern Ireland.

    And they backed the Burt-Benn amendment by 315 to 274 votes, to ensure that debates and ministerial statements on this topic go ahead, even if Parliament has been suspended.

    The Leader of the House of Commons set out the business for next week, saying:

    Quote Message: I feel sure that there will be an opportunity for the House to hear from the new prime minister next week, although clearly I cannot comment on the precise circumstances that may pertain to that; that will be a matter for him, whoever he is. from Mel Stride Leader of the House of Commons
    Mel StrideLeader of the House of Commons

    Next week will also include any necessary consideration of Lords amendments, and a debate on Tuesday 22 July on on body image and mental health. Mr Stride said that, at the conclusion of business on Thursday 25 July, Parliament would rise for the summer recess and return on Tuesday 3 September.

    If you want to know more about the day's events, tune into Today in Parliament on BBC Radio 4, at 11:30pm.

  2. Johnson supporter Burns: blocking prorogation helps no-one

    BBC News Channel

    Conor Burns MP, a Boris Johnson supporter
    Quote Message: It's a distraction and it's a disappointment... I regret these amendments being attached to this important piece of legislation in Northern Ireland - the negotiations to restore devolution, to get a devolved executive and assembly back up and running in Stormont - at a very sensitive time. I think it's actually slightly irresponsible to be messing around with this piece of Northern Irish business. from Conor Burns MP Boris Johnson backer
    Conor Burns MPBoris Johnson backer
  3. Blackford: Feeling positive after MPs back bid to block Parliament suspension

    SNP's Westminster leader, Ian Blackford
    Quote Message: We have to stop no deal. That is the responsibility that we have, and no prime minister will be able to stop Parliament doing that if we seize control, we seize the moment… I'm much more hopeful today that we can find a way forward that will stop no deal. from Ian Blackford SNP's Westminster leader
    Ian BlackfordSNP's Westminster leader
  4. Non-invasive precision cancer therapies: MPs call for £250m funding

    House of Commons


    Labour's Grahame Morris and the Lib Dem Tim Farron are leading a debate in which they are calling for £250m up-front investment in UK radiotherapy services, plus an additional £100m a year.

    They argue the current commissioning system for radiotherapy is "suboptimal" and discourages NHS trusts from implementing advanced, modern, effective treatments, such as proton-beam therapy.

    They say the UK spends approximately 5% of its overall cancer budget on radiotherapy, which "compares badly with most other advanced economies, where the percentage varies from 9% to 11%".

  5. Margot James: Why I resigned as digital minister

    BBC Newsnight's political editor tweets...

    BBC Newsnight

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    Nick Watt says Margot James has also told him a lot of like-minded colleagues are prepared to serve Jeremy Hunt. But if Boris Johnson wins, "quite a number of people... will leave the government and will be doing everything they can... to make sure we leave with a deal".

  6. MPs debate persecution of Christians overseas

    House of Commons


    The Commons considers a motion deploring the persecution of Christians overseas, and supporting the freedom of religion or belief in all countries throughout the world.

    It calls on the government to use diplomatic and other tools more forcefully, to encourage countries that tolerate or encourage persecution, to end the practice.

  7. Greg Clark defends decision to abstain on Brexit amendment vote

    He tells BBC News...

    Quote Message: There hasn’t been a discussion in cabinet about whether we should prorogue Parliament; in other words, shut the doors of Parliament to prevent it meeting in the context of Brexit. Clearly, given the views the government have taken and the views I’ve expressed to you and have taken all the time I’ve been in this post, I couldn’t support the idea that we would allow the doors of Parliament to be locked against MPs at this crucially important time. That would be a constitutional outrage. from Greg Clark Business Secretary
    Greg ClarkBusiness Secretary

    Four cabinet ministers abstained on the vote to ensure that Parliament continues to sit - even if a new prime minister suspends it in an attempt to force through a no-deal Brexit.

    Seventeen Tory MPs rebelled, including the Digital Minister, Margot James, who has resigned.

  8. PM 'disappointed' by abstaining ministers

    Downing Street confirmed that Margot James has resigned as the digital minister after voting against the government this afternoon.

    A Downing Street spokesman said: “The prime minister is obviously disappointed that a number of ministers failed to vote in this afternoon’s division.

    "No doubt her successor will take this into account when forming their government.”

    In addition to the 17 Conservative MPs who rebelled against the government, four Cabinet ministers abstained - Greg Clark, David Gauke, Philip Hammond and Rory Stewart.

  9. Minister says government will not pull NI bill

    House of Commons


    During a point of order, shadow Northern Ireland secretary Tony Lloyd raises concerns the Northern Ireland Bill will be withdrawn by the government.

    He asks Speaker John Bercow to "confirm that would be unacceptable".

    Northern Ireland Minister John Penrose tells MPs there is no intention to pull the bill.

  10. MPs approve remaining Lords amendments

    House of Commons


    MPs have approved the remaining Lords amendments - 325 votes to 65 votes.

    The bill will now return to the House of Lords for its approval.