
  • The Queen's Baton Relay travelled around the city of Dundee

  • It also visited Broughty Ferry, Camperdown and Caird Park

  • The baton went aboard RRS Discovery and was also carried by Dennis the Menace

  1. Well done Dundeepublished at 18:40 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Craig Frew
    BBC Scotland

    That's all for today's Queen's Baton Relay Live. What a day it has been in the City of Dundee.

    Dennis the Menace, arrived into via Broughty Ferry by powerboatImage source, Glasgow 2014

    The day started with the announcement that Usain Bolt was ready to complete at the Commonwealth Games, followed by legendary comic creation, Dennis the Menace, arriving at Broughty Ferry by powerboat.

    The tale of two football clubs - baton was greeted by both Dundee FC and Dundee United players later on.

    Baton bearer and athletics coach Dave Combe was mobbed by eager supporters at Magdalen Park, all keen to touch the Queen's Baton.

    And in one of the day's best moments Ross Maguire's daughter Lana run alongside her proud dad during his stint with baton in Caird Park.

    Ross Maguire's daughter Lana run alongside her proud dad during his time with baton in Caird Park.

    Thank you Dundee, you have been amazing!

  2. Drawing to a close in Dundeepublished at 18:34 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    If you are watching the video at the top of the page you will have noticed we stopped for a short break while the baton visited the McManus Art Gallery.

    Our final baton bearers are Rhys Paterson, Joyce McIntosh and Alison Bell.

  3. From Carnoustie to Canadapublished at 18:23 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Dorothy Horne, has also emailed in from Canada.

    She said: "I'm watching from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada this afternoon as the baton moves around Dundee.

    "I was born and grew up in Carnoustie, Angus and the baton will be travelling there tomorrow.

    "Unfortunately, unless I set my alarm for the middle of the night, I'll miss seeing my hometown on live video.

    "Lots of luck to Scotland during the Commonwealth Games!"

  4. Watching in Washington DCpublished at 18:19 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    David Proctor emailed: "Dundee was my home from 2006 - 2010 while I conducted research at the university. It's nice to see the city again, live on BBC Scotland. I'm hoping to see some friends on-screen!"

  5. Baton bearer - Gavin Cruickshankspublished at 18:13 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Gavin Cruickshanks, who is one of the final baton bearers of the day, hops along the street in Dundee city centre.

    He is heavily involved in coaching and promoting hockey in Dundee schools.

    Gavin CruickshanksImage source, Glasgow 2014

    Since 2008 he has also been a lead member of the Scottish Hockey Youth Panel, volunteering at events and for projects.

  6. Are you watching the relay?published at 18:07 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Have been out in Dundee watching the Queen's Baton Relay?

    We want your pictures and stories from today. Send an email or tweet using the hashtag #bbcbatonrelay, external.

  7. Who is running with baton?published at 17:54 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    One hundred and nine baton bearers will take to the street of the City of Dundee today.

    The latest people to run in the relay include: Richard Deacon, Christopher Ellis, Paul Golden and Kayleigh Brough.

  8. Well done Ceciliapublished at 17:47 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Richard Deacon and Cecilia McIntoshImage source, Glasgow 2014

    Cecilia is the widow of the Olympic Torch Bearer Ronald McIntosh who passed away early last year after battling a long illness.

    Ron and Cecilia promoted organ donation together, raising awareness and fundraising.

    To celebrate her 70th birthday this year, Cecilia entered her name for the Edinburgh marathon and continues to promote the cause she and Ron supported by organising marathons, races and charity events.

  9. Baton bearer - Stewart Milnepublished at 17:35 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    The sun is still shining in Dundee as 73-year-old Stewart Milne becomes baton bearer 93.

    He has certainly made a big impact in the local community, the people who nominated Stewart say: "He has the energy and spirit of someone many years younger."

  10. Get involved on emailpublished at 17:20 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    People are watching the baton relay from all over country, like Jackie Bennett in north west England.

    He emailed in to say: "I'm sitting at my desk in rainy Merseyside watching you all running (off and on - sshhh don't tell the boss) - you look like you're having a great day - the escorts particularly - keep on making me smile."

  11. Duck! It's a skateboardpublished at 17:09 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Simon Dedman
    BBC News

    Julia McCarthy was completely unfazed as skateboarders and BMX bikers jumped over her head.

    She is the co-chair of the local roller derby group and is used it.

    While holding the baton at the Factory skatepark in Dundee, Julia said its "such a nice honour, I couldn't stop smiling".

    Skate boarding break for the baton
  12. Baton bearer - Sandra Smithpublished at 17:03 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Sandra has made a massive impact in her local community.

    The people who nominated her say: "In her 45 years as a voluntary foster carer, Sandra has cared for approximately 180 young children and babies."

    She was also been an active member of Girl Guiding UK in Dundee until she retired at 65.

  13. Shout outpublished at 16:52 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Twiggy emailed in to say: "Big shout out to Julia "Crown Jules" McCarthy and Laura "Milky" Liston who are both representing Dundee Roller Girls today by carrying the baton up to and from the Factory skatepark where DRG first practiced."

  14. Baton bearer - Laura Listonpublished at 16:47 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Laura is a founding member of Dundee's only roller derby league, Dundee Roller Girls (DRG).

    The people who nominated Laura explained: "She has ensured the inclusion of all members of society and particularly women into the sport."

    In 2011 Laura was on the shortlist to represent Team Scotland in the Roller Derby World Cup.

  15. Skate boarding break for the batonpublished at 16:42 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    The baton is making a brief stop at the Factory skatepark in Balunie Drive.

    Keep your emails of support and messages on twitter using #bbcbatonrelay , externalcoming.

  16. Aerobic work outpublished at 16:32 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Elaine Mills put the security team through their paces, as she carried the baton, by doing an aerobic work out.

    Elaine runs an exercise class which is designed for the elderly.

  17. Gymnastics stars of the future?published at 16:27 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Baton bearer Mhairi Carroll posed earlier for pictures with Dundee's up-and-coming gymnastics hopefuls.

    Baton bearer Mhairi Carroll poses for pictures with Dundee's up-and-coming gymnastics hopefuls.Image source, Glasgow 2014
  18. Baton bearer - Richie Higginspublished at 16:19 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Richie HigginsImage source, Glasgow 2014

    Richie has been volunteering for five years as a sports coach with Sports Development Dundee.

    The people who nominated him say: "[Richie] has helped many people access sport and encouraged local people in his community to get healthy and active."

  19. Run Ross, Run!published at 16:00 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    Ross McGuire picks up his daughter as he prepares for his moment with the baton.

    She has to get the award for most enthusiastic person today as she runs the full distance with her proud dad.

    Ross McGuire and daughter run with the baton
  20. We're off againpublished at 15:51 British Summer Time 27 June 2014

    We hope you had a nice break. The Queen's Baton Relay is now heading to Caird Park.