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Live Reporting

Graham Fraser, Steven Brocklehurst, Bernadette McCague and Martin Currie

All times stated are UK

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  1. Good night

    Sandy Murray

    BBC Scotland news

    And that brings our live coverage to an end for today. It all begins again at 08:00 on Monday morning.

  2. Newspaper coverage

    Deputy Editor, The Scotsman & Scotland on Sunday Kenny Farquharson @KennyFarq: All the Scottish Sunday papers excellent today. Insight, intelligence, emotion, analysis and great photography/design. Well done us.

  3. George Square scenes

    George Square is a completely different sight now compared to the trouble that occurred there on Friday, as people continue to donate bags to food banks, as they have been doing all afternoon.

    Food bank donations
  4. Send us your comments:


    Steven Ferry: If we look at the question of Scottish independence in isolation from the rest of the UK we are in danger of forgetting that it is only a small part of the economy and the people. My time in business has shown me that you focus on the most important things first and I feel that this is now ensuring that all the people of the UK have the same level of democratic representation. Unless this is achieved there will always a section of the people who feel slighted or under represented.

    We need a full review of the way that we are represented and who has what powers. You cannot have one group having an extra assembly with extra powers without these being spread to the whole country.

    Alan Brophy: Alex Salmond is 100% correct. Like him or not he is 100% correct. The Westminster politicians promised immediate and sweeping additional powers. Gordon Brown barnstormed about powers and programme. Today David Cameron is struggling to provide anything concrete for the people who voted 'No' and is now swinging towards English powers instead.

    Gordon Brown has been backstabbed by Ed Milliband, and he is having to remind his own party that the world is watching! 'Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.'

    Dianne S Miller: Wish the politicians on ALL sides would stop the bickering and get on with the job in-hand. My greatest disappointment during this referendum process has been the TOTAL LACK of forensic examination of the claims and counter claims on both sides of the argument - particularly in the media who have wheeled out 'economic' and 'political' experts that merely backed one side or the other.

  5. Powers promise

    Watch again: Scotland's Finance Secretary John Swinney told BBC Sunday Politics Scotland's Gordon Brewer that the promise of more powers had persuaded some Yes voters to stay with the Union.

    John Swinney
  6. Referendum service

    Church of Scotland: The Moderator's sermon from the referendum service at St Giles is now available as a link at the bottom of this...

  7. Your Texts

    Text 80295

    Ed said: All three party leaders promised something in the event of a No vote. The SNP and Alex Salmond promised a referendum and kept their promise. Westminster must keep their promise or the result is null and void.

  8. Your Views

    Text 80295

    Mark said: Sad to see Alex Salmond reneging on his promise to respect the result.

    John from Airdrie wrote: What do the Yes campaign not understand? Over 2 million of us are proudly Scottish AND British. The vote had nothing to do with promises or lack of ambition. We were born that way and will die that way. Following Jim Sillars' and Alex Salmond's comments earlier today I have one word for them. NEVER!!!

  9. Referendum aftermath

    Former SNP MSP Andrew Wilson, who co-presented the BBC Radio Scotland referendum programme Crossfire, has implored those who voted for independence not to waste their referendum passion.

    Mr Wilson writes in the Scotland on Sunday: "As this weekend ends, so must our mourning of last week's result. We have had our vote. We now have to find a way to unify the energy in it to reach for the highest common den­ominator that will lift our country's sights to the next summit on our horizon."

  10. Add to the debate


    Beth Cameron: Can I just say what a lovely comment from Brian Wilson, which speaks of unity and hope for us all.

    Margaret Corrigan: Whatever you voted and whatever the reasons surely the overriding issue at the moment is the credibility of the three main Westminster parties? Is it any wonder that people generally are totally disillusioned with politicians? A definitive vow was made to the Scottish people (leave aside the diverse motives and premises behind this pledge - and indeed the feasibility of fulfilling it) and that vow must be honoured. It's as simple as that.

    Mark, Fife: Alex Salmond going without good grace, Jim Sillars still mouthing off like Father Jack... Fair enough Jim, you get the SNP conference to agree to declaring a republic and let's see who wants to be leader of that party and what happens at the ballot box in the next Scottish election.

    Can we please accept we are now in a post vote phase? A little enlightened debate and discussion please?

  11. Salmond stays

    Watch again: The first minister of Scotland said he was not going away and planned to "be part of the political process in Scotland if people in Aberdeenshire wish to keep electing me".

    Alex Salmond was speaking to Andrew Neil.

  12. Marr does Brown

    Andrew Marr amused Labour leader Ed Miliband when he impersonated Gordon Brown this morning.

    Andrew Marr

    His impression came as he asked Mr Miliband if Mr Brown might return to frontline politics, after his successful role in the Better Together campaign.

    You can watch it here.

  13. Another referendum?

    Channel 4 News presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy tweets: On #c4news Alex Salmond now says referendum was a once in a POLITICAL generation opportunity - talking up other routes to independence. But Salmond ducks whether SNP winning Scotland in 2015 would be new mandate to negotiate with Westminister - that's one for new leader

  14. Journalist injured by Ed Balls

    It's Labour party conference time, which also means it's time for the 'Labour vs. lobby journalists' charity football match.

    And if you thought Labour had been through a difficult battle against Scottish independence, spare a thought for Northern Echo reporter Rob Merrick, who was up against Ed Balls and his flailing elbows.

    Rob Merrick

    Mr Merrick tweeted about the incident: Starting #Lab14 at Manchester Royal Infirmary....but worth it! @LobbyXI 3-1 victory. Injury a complete accident

  15. Carlaw criticises Salmond

    Jackson Carlaw, deputy leader of the Scottish Conservatives, has hit out at Alex Salmond's comments to the BBC on the result of the independence referendum.

    Mr Carlaw said: "The first minister's grace in defeat barely lasted a day. He claimed on Friday that he accepted the outcome of what was the largest democratic vote in Scottish political history, yet going by today's ‎extraordinary outburst there is anything but acceptance in the Salmond household.

    Jackson Carlaw

    "Instead there is petulance, bravado and a crass finger cocked at the majority of Scots.

    "Scotland spoke very clearly and quite decisively, the majority made clear that the "sovereign will" of the people of Scotland is to remain in a UK in which further responsibilities are devolved to Holyrood. Mr Salmond misunderstood the will of the majority during the campaign and now he seeks to misrepresent it in defeat.‎"

  16. 'Created divisions'

    Scottish Labour is also critical of Mr Salmond's comments.

    James Kelly, the MSP for Rutherglen, said: "Alex Salmond has created divisions in Scotland where there was none. Now when the nation should be healing, the retired Salmond seeks to divide Scotland further. He should be true to his word and accept the result. Let Scotland move on without him rather than allow him to ferment division.

    "Rather than speculate on how individuals voted he should accept Scotland's settled will. Instead of talking about tricks he must accept that Scotland refused to be tricked into separation. Scotland has spoken. Scotland will move on. The silent majority has spoken and it befits Salmond now to fall silent if he has any regard for his country at all."

  17. Add to the debate


    Robert Reid, Glasgow: That Scotland are in the unique position of voting against independence and being the first country to do so says something important about we Scots. My feeling is that a large proportion of voters were either ill-informed, confused or both and fear of the unknown prevailed.

    Yes, the issues were complex. However, no attempt was made to present any integrated economic argument by the independence campaigners. Scotland is not a country where most folk could feel that they were well off and the possibility of significantly (worse) austerity put off a large proportion of voters.

    Politicians need to find a way of improving their engagement with the public and properly representing their need. I feel that the referendum has highlighted clearly the great need for this. Rather than having reactive knee jerk politics, please let us have a time of reflection, investigation and analysis before parties make profound changes. It is a time for clear thinking and consultation... the UK people deserve that much.

    Alan Skinner, Shetland: Having watched the "Politics" programme, it is very obvious that Messrs Salmond and Swinney are set on a course of immediate historical revisionism.

    I am not remotely political, and actually think the SNP are doing a decent job of running Scotland. However, the reasons that I voted "No" had nothing whatsoever to do with promises from the three main parties.

    Incidentally, I was reminded that we do have some very impressive and credible Scottish politicians, but, unfortunately, they are plying their trade at Westminster. It would really bring credibility and gravitas to Holyrood, if we could persuade Messrs Brown, Darling and Alexander to forsake Westminster and bring their considerable skills and experience to the benefit of Scotland.

  18. Devolution in Wales call

    Labour politicians from Wales will urge party leaders to back a fair deal over funding and powers in any discussions on further devolution within the UK.

    Scotland's vote to reject independence is dominating the Labour conference beginning in Manchester today.

    Party leader Ed Miliband has proposed a constitutional convention to discuss the future pattern of powers in the UK.

    Wales First Minister Carwyn Jones has called for a "fair share" of Treasury funding and more power in matters like energy.

  19. Get involved


    Jim Gray: The Scottish people voted No - not only because of the so-called promises of the main Westminster parties, and not because, as one of your correspondents has expressed as being unambitious, but because it was the right thing to do. I exercised my right in Thursday's historic referendum, based on what I thought, not because it was the preference of an MP or MSP. Like so many others, I do not trust Westminster, but trust them slightly more than their Edinburgh counterparts. Now is the time for all our Parliamentarians to stand up and be counted - forget the playground squabbling - and be paid for the job you are supposed to be doing - running our proud country in a manner befitting the millions who voted on Thursday.

    David Kerr: Interesting to note that Mr Salmond was the only Scottish parliamentary leader not to attend the service in St Giles, leaving it to John Swinney to represent the SNP. He seems to be more interested in continuing to foment division and grievance than national reconciliation.

    Robin Holland: I have a nagging worry that the UK is going to be 'bounced' into a rushed, unsatisfactory and, potentially, divisive settlement following the referendum in Scotland. The struggle should not be a 'nationalist' struggle. It should be all of us, together, fighting to maintain and improve the lot of all the people in the UK.

    Brian Wilson: After the initial disappointment of the No vote, I have had to accept that I am both Scottish and British. I had never in my whole life said "I am British" until 5:30am on Friday when I went to bed and my wife asked 'well?'. I ,like so many of my countrymen have a contrast between the romantic, passionate, honour driven Scottish ideals and the pragmatic politics and reserve of our British nature. I am now coming to terms with this contrast and becoming happy with it. The wonderful thing about this process has been the education of a nation like I have never witnessed or known. We now need to make sure that the momentum gathered helps to change our political system within the UK for the better to represent all areas of Scotland, England, Wales and N. Ireland.

    Alastair: The SNP just lost a referendum that might never have been afforded them. Their enthusiasm for their conceited and divisively motivated and argued cause has not been in doubt since their rise over recent decades. There has never been a realistic economic analysis that even approaches their assertion that an independent Scotland would maintain or benefit its residents. The opposite is far far more probable. The UK government should take a reasonable space to consider constitutional reform based on reasoned probabilities of outcomes for the entire union. The old allegiances need to be confronted as they have never been before.

  20. Behind the scenes

    Take a peek behind the scenes of the BBC's coverage of the referendum results programme.

    BBC gallery

    In a Sunday Politics film, reporter Adam Fleming spoke to MPs Jim Murphy and Danny Alexander, Yes campaigner Tommy Sheridan and BBC political editor Nick Robinson about how the story unfolded through the night.

  21. Watch again

    Labour leader Ed Miliband earlier told the BBC's Andrew Marr his party guaranteed further powers for the Scottish parliament - "no ifs, no buts, we're going to deliver on that promise."

    Key video

    You can watch this and other clips of today's developments by clicking the "Key Video" tab at the top of this page.

  22. A question of Britishness

    The UK will never be the same again.

    The Union has held together - just, but almost half of the Scottish electorate have said they no longer wish to belong to the UK, on a record turnout of 84.6%.

    Union and Scottish flag

    That has long-term consequences for the way the country functions and - just as important - how its people see themselves.

    Read the reflections of Richard Weight on what now for Britishness.

  23. Braveheart II?

    David Jack, late night editor of The Times, shared the work of the Daily Telegraph's pocket cartoonist Matt Pritchett on Twitter.

    He tweeted: Matt's great on Braveheart II

    Daily Telegraph
  24. Back to the budget

    Douglas Fraser

    Business and economy editor, Scotland

    So it's back to austerity. The battling over future projections for an independent Scotland's budget can be binned.

    It's time to focus on the budgets which Holyrood will have, rather than the ones it might have had.


    And that day of reckoning, to coin a phrase, is coming soon.

    John Swinney, the finance secretary, has been busy campaigning of late. But back at St Andrew's House, at the top of his "to do" list are the final stages of putting together a draft budget for next financial year.

    Read Douglas Fraser's full blog

  25. Sillars' independence plan

    Former Labour and SNP politician Jim Sillars has called for Scottish independence to happen without the need for another referendum.

    In a series of tweets, Mr Sillars said: Let Yes assert new indy rule - no more ref - majority votes and seats at Holyrood 2016 enough. What's this about waiting a generation - indy remains on agenda now. Queenie intervened for No as she did in 1979. So no more softly-softly - we go for Republic. I'll explain to all new #SNP recruits why the Independence Mandate matters at the next Party conference.

  26. Get involved


    Jo: Better together must mean working together. The politicians are powerless. Scotland, you are the leaders now. You have shown the world how democracy works. Confront the problems that face this disunited kingdom. Could there be a formula for equality and inclusion?

    Ruth Mckinstry: Can I say to Alec Salmond and all the sore losers I voted no because I believe in UK unity. I was not tricked. I did not switch my vote after a promise of more powers. I am a native of Edinburgh and have lived in Edinburgh for most of my adult life and I have never been, nor do I intend to be a Tory voter. I believe that the referendum has shown beyond all doubt that there is a disaffected, deprived section of the Scottish community who want and need change. I believe there are such people in English cities such as Newcastle and Liverpool and probably many others. Scotland already has a reasonable deal from Westminster and for me Westminster's first priority should be to address inequalities throughout the UK.

  27. Barnett Formula

    Former chief secretary to the Treasury Joel Barnett - who devised the Barnett Formula - has told BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend programme it should no longer be used.

    Lord Barnett said: "It was never a formula until Margaret Thatcher and John Major kept it going for 18 years - that's when it was called a formula. Before that, it was just a method of allocating expenditure.

    "The thinking behind it was simply to get me through a year or two to get me through difficult times.

    "All three leaders are saying it should stay, but all three leaders don't have the authority to do that. Parliament should decide. And if they want to give the Scots more money, let them do so openly. It should be based on need. You can't continue with a formula that's clearly wrong."

  28. Food bank donations

    After disorder in George Square on Friday night, Glaswegians have since used the area to show their compassionate side.

    The RestoreGeorgeSq account posted this message and picture this afternoon:

    "Massive foodbank collection in George Square. Donations still arriving."

    food bank in George Square
  29. Get involved


    Bert, Fife: Harriet Harman has just said on Sky News that Labour Leader Ed Miliband needed the Scottish Labour MPs to convince Scottish voters to vote No. Miliband was obviously incapable of doing it himself so is he a leader for the England Labour Party only?

    Robin Gwynne: A second tier government for England is the only way to level the playing field between Scotland, Wales and England. Until that happens, England and UK will be synonymous and therefore the perception will be that England stands above the other two. This is the model in Canada but the downside is the huge cost of yet more politicians. Sort that out and you have a winning formula in my opinion. Just the thoughts of one Canadian/British citizen.

    Stuart Ramsay: Lord Smith will first of all consult the political parties. The Yes and No campaigns both got thousands of people involved with no party membership. Party membership has fallen through the floor. Consult with people and tell the politicos what they are required to do.

  30. Iannucci on Scottish politics

    Armando Iannucci, Scottish creator of the political comedy programme The Thick of It, writes in The Observer that there is a "new way of doing politics" thanks to the independence referendum - and that's not going to change.

    Mr Iannucci writes: "The challenge, then, is to turn that Scottish no vote into something positive and enduring. For the other feeling I get as the debate dies down is that Scotland wanted this whole argument to mean something, irrespective of the result.

    "A nation conversing with itself and about itself can be just as extraordinary as the decision it eventually makes. What Scotland has now bequeathed the UK is a fascinating demonstration of total political engagement in action."

  31. Post-referendum relaxation

    Question: What are the politicians doing to unwind now that the referendum's over? Answer: Beach volleyball.

    Well, for Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale, anyway.

    Kezia Dugdale's tweet

    Ms Dudgale tweeted: Sunshine, sand and international volleyball? - Not South Beach but Porty beach right now folks #amazing

  32. Send us your comments


    Peter, Stonehaven: Much as I appreciate Alex Salmond as an efficient leader, I think he is mistaken when he lays the blame for the NO vote at the decision of the three main parties for their "Vow" to pass on more powers. In my opinion the reason is much more prosaic than that, the reason was more likely to be financial. People were concerned at to what would happen to their savings etc. were there to be a YES vote. With no decision on what currency might have been used, plus the scare stories put about re banks moving south, people were scared of the uncertainty.

    People, in the main, are not stupid, and would have taken the claims of "more powers" with a pinch of salt.

    A. Liddiard: The media keep repeating that 45%, or nearly half, of the Scottish electorate supported independence. In reality, of the 4.8 million who registered to vote, only 1.6 million turned out to vote Yes. Surely this means that only one third of the electorate wholeheartedly embraced the idea?

    Nick, Paisley: I would like to see Mr Salmond and the rest of the SNP be more constructive in their comments now. Scotland spoke and the majority said No. Discussion and debate is now needed to determine what powers are going to be devolved and how this will be managed to ensure it is done properly and in the interest of the people. Holyrood needs to work with Westminster to ensure that we get the powers that have been promised and that these powers benefit not only Scotland but the rest of the United Kingdom as a whole.

  33. SNP membership up again

    Earlier we brought the news that over 8,000 people had joined the Scottish National Party since the referendum vote. That figure has now increased by a further thousand.

    SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell tweets: At Thursday 5pm @theSNP membership was 25,642. Sun midday, great to welcome 9,063 newbies.

  34. Rennie's advice to Salmond

    Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie has called on Alex Salmond to "calm down" after the First minister claimed "No" voters were "tricked" into voting that way.

    Mr Salmond claimed party leaders were showing signs of reneging on a last-minute further devolution vow.

    Mr Rennie said: "On Friday the First Minister said he would work constructively with other parties. By the time he recorded his interview on Saturday he had changed his mind. Within hours of a result he said he accepted he showed that he just can't help himself.

    "The First Minister still has a real role to play in the process on more powers that is already underway, as promised. I hope that he will take some time for reflection and embrace the positive agenda for change rather than scrabbling round for a new grievance to nurse."

  35. Together forever?

    Yes campaigner George Kerevan told Sunday Politics Scotland: "When we woke up to the reality, we won.

    "We are getting - according to Gordon Brown - home rule that we have argued for for 100 years. Home rule means we can do all the things we want to do in terms of social justice. It looks also like England will get home rule.

    "If we get, ten years down the line, Scotland going towards social democracy and social justice, and England goes much more towards the politics of Nigel Farage, then tell me we are going to be together in ten years? I don't think so."

  36. Have your say


    Lawrence Armour: There was no technical need for Alex Salmond to stand down. It wasn't through political embarrassment of the result of any major gaff. This is what the man does because he knows that he should be like a marathon runner and stand behind the front to be ready for the next time. Nothing Westminster has "pledged" is assured. Even before the voting results came in, we were getting probable reasons why the government probably won't be able to deliver to the timetable they set. The time for Alex Salmond to retake the reins may not be so far off. Nicola would be an excellent First Minister and is very capable of leading Scotland forward. She is not in competition with Alex Salmond and between them, if the situation arises, we will see them team up once more.

    Paul Riddle: With all the additional powers promised to Scotland, the West Lothian issue is bound to be ten times more important. Also the discussions on major constitutional change for Scotland cannot be separated from the changes being demanded by England Wales and NI. Democracy must evolve over time.

    David: If the party leaders at Westminster do renege on their promises then Scottish voters should act to make them do so. At the next General Election the Lib Dems will be virtually wiped out, UKIP won't really play any role and so we will have the prospect of both Labour and the Conservatives holding the majority of seats, certainly in England and Wales

    If Scotland sent 50 SNP members to Westminster then they would almost certainly hold the balance of power and be in a very strong position to demand major policy changes for Scotland. Acting as a body they could change the face of regional politics throughout the UK.

  37. SNP poll boost

    A poll for The Mail on Sunday indicates the Scottish National Party is leading when it comes to the 2016 Scottish parliamentary election. Of the 871 adults who took part, 49% back the SNP, 33% go with Labour and the Conservatives are at 13%.

    Mail on Sunday
  38. Four candles

    At the conclusion of a service at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, SNP, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat representatives lit candles together.

    Party leaders
  39. Watch again

    This morning the leader of the Better Together campaign Alistair Darling called the promise of more powers to Scotland "non-negotiable" which "must be delivered".

    Watch this clip and others by clicking on the "Key Video" tab at the top. You can also catch up with full programmes in the "Live Coverage" tab.

  40. Analysis

    David Clegg, the Daily Record's Political Editor, told Sunday Politics Scotland: "We are going to have a fairly complicated constitutional few months, where the promises made by the Westminster leaders are going to have to be delivered or else there is going to be anger. I think the SNP are right when they say that anger will spill into people who voted No in the referendum.

    "That is the reason why it will have to happen. The best guarantor of these powers is the prospect of another referendum which all the unionist parties will be determined to avoid.

    "The referendum was very conclusive. The turnout was fantastically high. Independence is not something that the Scottish public want, but what they do want is more powers in Edinburgh."

  41. Get involved


    Maurice Pannell: For heaven's sake give Westminster a chance to honour its commitments before starting to use words like "renege" Mr Salmond. The vote was only final on Friday morning and a clear timetable laid out. MPs should be judged by what happens over the next few months.

    Paul Clark: What other true country would choose not to be an independent nation? It's simply mind blowing that Scotland should vote no. This sends a message to the rest of the world that we are an unambitious people only concerned with the here and now. A nation who would choose to be ruled rather than rule ourselves and shape our own destiny and that of our children. What has happened to the free thinkers, the pioneers of the modern world, the brave, intellectual, forward looking Scots that we are regarded throughout the world to be?

    David Copping: I don't think Nicola Sturgeon would make a good leader of the SNP. She is too closely identified with losing the referendum. Scotland needs someone new who will unite the country and go forward as a full member of the United Kingdom.

  42. 'Disgraceful' Cameron

    Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna accused Mr Cameron of behaving in a "disgraceful" way over his response to the referendum.

    He told BBC Radio 5 Live's Pienaar's Politics: "What you are seeing is the Prime Minister here behaving in a dishonourable way and in bad faith, because he has been seeking to link English votes for English MPs to the issue of Scottish devolution and what was agreed before the referendum.

    "There was no mention of tying that - English votes for English MPs - to the reforms that we need to look at that have been agreed in Scotland."

    He added: "We have just seen the Scottish people vote to maintain this wonderful, successful union that we have got, maintain the solidarity and togetherness that we have, and all the Prime Minister now wants to talk about is separating out different parts of our country, setting them up against each other."

    Dismissing Mr Cameron's "back of the fag packet" approach he added: "I think the way he has behaved has been disgraceful."

  43. Labour crisis?

    Asked on Sunday Politics Scotland if Labour was in crisis following the independence referendum, with many Labour supporters voting Yes, Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander dismissed the suggestion.

    He highlighted how the majority of people in traditional SNP areas such as Moray and Perth and Kinross voted No. He also accepted Labour had "work to do".

  44. Have your say


    Nick: As an Englishman I secretly hoped Scotland would remain part of the United kingdom as I genuinely see us all as one multifaceted family. However, I think Alex Salmond is the modern day William Wallace and so admired his clear love and passion for the Scottish people. I was saddened to see him step down as First Minister and hope it is not a kneejerk reaction that he will regret in years to come. He is a great politician - use his talents, find him a job.

  45. Sturgeon announcement imminent?

    SNP MSP Jamie Hepburn tweets: Looking forward to announcement from @NicolaSturgeon for leadership of @theSNP. She is going to be an outstanding First Minister for Scotland.

  46. Kirk service

    These are notable excerpts from Right Reverend John Chalmers' sermon at the service for reconciliation in Edinburgh.

    "Today and in the weeks to come Scotland needs magnanimity all round and it needs a process for shaping our future which allows every voice, (the 45% as well as the 55%) not just to be heard but to be listened to. This process has engaged those who have otherwise been disengaged and we cannot allow that engagement to evaporate.

    "Today in Scotland, those who may be feeling let down, bereft, anxious, angry - need to find that on the other side there are those who are prepared to be magnanimous, generous and inclusive in their approach to what happens next. And although it is not possible for the result to be reversed so that the first shall be last and the last shall first - there is an imperative that we make the last feel like they are first."

  47. Kirk service

    Vanessa Barford

    BBC News Magazine

    Elizabeth McClelland, an elder at St Giles, believes the service is an "extremely good idea".

    Elizabeth McClelland

    Ms McClelland said: "We want to acknowledge a huge feeling of unease. Everyone is waiting to see if the government fulfils its vows and it's creating tension - but the whole of Scotland should be proud."

  48. Kirk service

    Vanessa Barford

    BBC News Magazine

    Outside the historic cathedral, situated between Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace on the Royal Mile at the heart of the city, there are still signs of the schisms of the past few weeks.

    "Yes" chalk message

    "Yes" is emblazoned across the statue of influential Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith. The cathedral is also marked with a few messages of "Yes", though some may argue with respect - written in chalk that can easily be wiped away.

  49. Kirk service

    Vanessa Barford

    BBC News Magazine

    On a warm, sunny morning in Edinburgh, the bells of St Giles's Cathedral are ringing with optimism.

    St Giles's Cathedral

    The Kirk wants this service - which it says isn't just for Scotland's capital city but the whole nation - to be a message of unity and to help heal the divisions of the referendum by reminding the congregation of their "shared values" and "common purpose".

    More than 1,000 people are expected to fill the aisles and stretch out their hand of friendship to fellow Scots who did not support the same side in the service.

    Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander and Scotland's Finance Secretary John Swinney will each give a reading.

  50. The irony of victory?

    The outgoing First Minister said: "One of the ironies that is developing so quickly after the referendum might be that those who lost on Thursday - the Yes side - end up as the political winners, and those who won end up as the losers."

  51. Salmond book

    Mr Salmond also said on the BBC's Sunday Politics Show that he is going to write a book entitled '100 days' which will be coming out before Christmas. In it, he said he may reveal the things he would have changed about the Yes campaign.

  52. Kirk service

    Senior politicians from both sides in the Scottish independence campaign, including Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael, are at a service of reconciliation at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.

    Alistair Carmichael
  53. Salmond on moving forward

    "This is, for the SNP, a very favourable political time. My concern is the opportunity for Scotland and how that can be moved foward."

  54. More Salmond

    Alex Salmond to Sunday Politics: "I've been leader of the party for 20 of the last 24 years and I think it's time to give someone else a shot."

  55. 'Swift movement'

    Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael insisted that the English issue would not be allowed to derail progress on the delivery of extra powers to Holyrood.

    He told Pienaar's Politics there was a "popular mood" to discuss the status of English and Scottish MPs but added: "It's good that we can have this wider conversation but that does not act as any sort of brake or hindrance on our meeting the timetable that we have previously given an undertaking on."

    The Liberal Democrat UK government minister said the Tory plan to link the two matters was an attempt to encourage swift movement on reform across the UK.

    "But if that agreement is not achievable then we still keep to the work in the Scottish Parliament and the work of Lord Smith," he said.

  56. Salmond on reasons for resigning

    Mr Salmond added: "I am not really an agoniser. I take a look at things. When you get beaten in an election or referendum, then you have to consider standing down as a real possibility.

    "I know taking responsibility in politics has gone out of fashion but there is aspect to which if you lead a campaign and you don't win, then you have to contemplate whether you are the best person to lead future political campaigns and in my judgement it was time for the SNP and the broader yes movement would benefit from new leadership."

  57. Salmond on the referendum

    First Minister Alex Salmond tells the BBC's Sunday Politics Show: "For most of the referendum I thought we would win."

    Alex Salmond
  58. Love-bomb

    The Scotsman's Deputy Editor Kenny Farquharson tweets: Depressing conversation with English relative this morning. They think we hate them. Let the love bombing of the English commence. #indyref

  59. Get involved


    Keith: I hope that what I am hearing is not true. The three main parties promised the Scottish people that they would get new powers if they voted No in the referendum. Now that the poll is over and the vote to go independent was No, the English politicians can't seem to agree exactly what benefits they are going to give to the Scottish people.

    I hope they are not going back on their promise. I am English, but I feel that a promise is a promise.

    No wonder nobody trusts any politicians.

  60. 'Yes Alliance'

    The Sunday Herald's Investigations Editor Paul Hutcheon has said three senior SNP MSPs have proposed they fight the next general election together with the Scottish Green Party and Scottish Socialist Party.

    Mr Hutcheon writes: "Leaked emails reveal that three Nationalist MSPs, including an aide to the outgoing First Minister, would like to contest May's Westminster poll as either a "Yes Alliance" or a "Scotland Alliance"."

  61. Sturgeon's Deputy?

    Glenn Campbell

    BBC Scotland news

    Back in 2004, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon stood on what was seen as a joint ticket although the election for SNP leader and deputy leader are separate votes. You don't buy one and get one free.

    It is not clear if Ms Sturgeon - assuming that she declares herself a candidate in the next few days - if she will choose to run with a deputy leadership contender or allow there to be a contest and work with whoever wins that contest.

    Among the people whose names are most often mentioned, the External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf, the Local Government Minister Derek Mackay, Richard Lochhead, Shona Robison, Angela Constance have been suggested by some. Nobody declared so far, and I don't think that contest will really get under way until the leadership process becomes clearer.

  62. 'Yes' voters in Labour

    Ed Miliband said: "I know we've got a big job to do, to reach out to those people who voted Yes who are Labour voters.

    "We're going to show that we're going to make a difference. It's people on low and middle incomes who don't think their hard work is being rewarded and we are going to change that."

  63. What about Gordon Brown?

    Asked if Gordon Brown was likely to ask him for a job, Labour leader Ed Miliband told the Andrew Marr Show: "I don't think that's going to happen. He played an important role in the referendum but he's not going to come back to front-line politics in Britain."

  64. 'Parties agree'

    "I think the parties are, by in large, in agreement on a lot of things," says Lord Smith of Kelvin, the man tasked with bringing more devolved powers to Scotland.

    "I've just come off the Commonwealth Games and people said that might not have gone quite so well. I enjoy a challenge."

  65. SNP membership rise

    The SNP's chief executive Peter Murrell confirms that more than 8,000 people have signed up to join the Scottish National Party since the independence referendum vote.

    There has also been an increase in Scottish Green Party membership with more than 2,000 new joiners.

  66. 'Darling's decision'

    Ed Miliband on Alistair Darling's future: "I think he played an incredibly important role in the referendum. He's a very strong member of Labour's team but he's got to make his own decision about what he wants to do."

  67. Lord Smith's plan

    Lord Smith of Kelvin, the man tasked with overseeing the process of bringing more devolved powers to Scotland, has told BBC Radio Scotland his task it to get the energy from the millions of Scots who voted and "transfer it into action now".

    He said: "First of all, I will be speaking to all the political parties. Secondly, I am going to reach out to the institutions - the trade unions, voluntary groups. I want to get back to them and say 'tell me again what exactly you think should change here to make life better'.

    "Thirdly, I want to reach out to the people of Scotland who may not be involved in these institutions , may not be involved in these political parties.

    lord smith

    "4.2m people means most of the people in Scotland were involved in this and I want to hear from them, so I am going to try and find a way to reach out and get feedback from all of them."

    Who is Lord Smith? Read our profile here.

  68. Young voters

    Ed Miliband said, under Labour, 16 and 17-year-olds would be able to vote in general elections - just as they did in the Scottish referendum.

    He said: "We can't go back on this now. It wasn't our original proposal to have 16 and 17-year-olds vote in this referendum but I'm glad it happened.

    "I was on the campaign trail in Scotland talking to young people who were making very sensible thoughts about the future."

  69. Swinney on further powers

    James Cook

    Scotland Correspondent, BBC News

    Scotland's finance secretary John Swinney suggests the SNP will argue for devolution of all powers except defence and foreign affairs, during talks on Scotland's future. He says if the UK parties "don't honour in full their commitments" then "No" voters will believe they were "utterly deceived".

  70. Cameron statement

    Prime Minister David Cameron has posted a Facebook status outlining exactly why he believes the rest of the UK must have the same powers due for Scotland.

    Mr Cameron writes: "But this moment must not just be about securing Scotland's future in the UK - and celebrating that fact - but settling other questions whose time has come.

    "The challenge is to make sure our UK works for all nations. Millions of people in the rest of the UK have been listening to these debates, watching this campaign and rightly asking: 'What will change for us? Why can't we have the same powers and the same rights as those in Scotland?'

    "These are questions the Conservative Party itself has been asking for a long time."

  71. One the Barnett formula

    When asked if the Barnett formula, which calculates the budget given to Scotland, is unjust, Mr Miliband said: "The Barnett Formula has served us well and should continue because it is oriented towards need. For example, Scotland has more older people and there is a greater need.

    "But there is a big injustice here, which is the way public spending is apportioned in England. There are huge issues about what the government has done to the poorer areas of this country."

  72. Salmond tribute

    Kevin Pringle, SNP strategic communications director and former special advisor to Alex Salmond, has penned a tribute to the first minister in the Sunday Post.

    Mr Pringle writes: "He entered public life because he has a positive vision for the future of Scotland. And his instinct in every situation is to work with others in the best interests of Scotland who may not share that vision."

  73. Sturgeon the clear favourite

    Glenn Campbell

    BBC Scotland news

    I think either a coronation or a contest for the new SNP leader is possible but at this moment in time it seems to me a coronation is more likely.

    While there are some in the party that think a contest would be desirable as that is the democratic way and it would confer legitimacy on whomever becomes the leader, no-one really seriously thinks anyone other than Nicola Sturgeon would win a contest so some are asking 'what's the point?'

    Some of the other big names who might fancy their chances are ruling themselves out.

  74. 'Two-tier parliament'

    The Labour leader said he is not in favour of a separate English parliament with an extra tier of English MPS.

    He said: "I am in favour of one House of Commons with 650 MPs because we've fought tooth-and-nail over the last two years to avoid our parliament being split up."

  75. 'Losing Scottish votes'

    Ed Miliband has denied losing the votes of Scottish MPs could cost Labour a future majority at Westminster. He told the Andrew Marr show: "The history is that when Labour have won majorities in the United Kingdom, we've won majorities in England too."

  76. English votes

    Ed Miliband on the row over English votes for English laws: "We've spent two years trying to keep our country together. Let's have a proper constitutional convention, let's look at the issues, but let's not drive our country apart."

  77. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCScotlandnews

    @testedbylife tweets: #Miliband on #Marr Not his, Miliband, best performance. Unfortunate start to a critical 6 months

    @BrynTeilo tweets: #Miliband wants to preserve the #Westminster parliament as is. That sums him up.

  78. Miliband on Cameron

    "People right across the country are going to say David Cameron made a promise, he didn't make a conditional promise, and he's going to be kept to that."

  79. People say 'it's not working'

    Ed Miliband tells Andrew Marr: "I was in Paisley and met a Yes voter, a woman pushing a pram, who said 'I can't get a house, I want to get out of the United Kingdom'.

    "It tells you something very deep. It's people saying this country doesn't work for me."

  80. Votes at 16 and 17

    Ed Miliband says there is "no case" to deny 16 and 17-year-olds the vote in future elections

  81. 'Wake-up call'

    Labour leader Ed Miliband told the Marr show: "Unless the establishment reacts to this wake-up call about how our country is run, how our economy is run, we are not going to address the discontent in England, Wales, Scotland and the whole of the United Kingdom."

  82. 'Clear promise'

    Ed Miliband tells Andrew Marr: "He made a clear promise. And I know that David Cameron will want to honour that promise."

  83. Salmond's 'place in history'

    On Alex Salmond retiring, Alistair Darling told the Andrew Marr show: "He is a very formidable politician. He has brought his party from the fringes and he's got them into government.

    "He is a divisive politician, that's the nature of the beast. But Alex Salmond has got his place in history. I'm sure that's what he wanted and that's what he'll get."

  84. 'We will deliver'

    Ed Miliband tells The Andrew Marr Show: "No ifs, no buts, we will deliver on our promise."

    Ed Miliband
  85. Miliband's worry

    David Porter

    Westminster correspondent

    Traditionally, Labour MPs have been the majority MPs in Scotland. At the moment, there are 41 Labour MPs out of the 58 MPs in Scotland. That is a very big block of MPs that Ed Miliband, if he became Prime Minister after the May General Election next year, would have to rely on. He would have to rely on those MPs to get through reforms on health and education in England.

    The argument from the Conservatives is the West Lothian question. Simply, why should MPs in Scotland whose decisions on health and education are taken in Holyrood, why should they be able to vote on those matters in England, which don't affect them? This is potentially becoming a real flashpoint between the parties.

  86. 'Clear commitment'

    Alistair Darling adds: "I spoke to David Cameron and Ed Miliband on Friday morning and I'm absolutely clear that we've got a commitment (to more devolution for Scotland). The debate in Scotland is more advanced and developed than it is in the UK because we've had a referendum campaign.

    "If anyone attempts to get out of that, how will anyone be believed on what they've got to say?"

  87. 'Non-negotiable'

    Alistair Darling told the Andrew Marr programme: "The agreement reached by the three parties, as far as I'm concerned, is non-negotiable. It was promised, it's got to be delivered and anyone who welches on that is going to pay a very, very heavy price for years to come."

  88. Darling vow on Union pledge

    Better Together leader Alistair Darling has said he fully expects the pro-Union parties to carry out their pledge to give more devolution powers to Scotland.

    alistair darling

    Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr show, Mr Darling said: "The vast majority of people expect us all to work together for the common good."

  89. Analysis

    David Porter

    Westminster correspondent

    I think what we saw yesterday from Gordon Brown was a pretty heavy shove from a former Prime Minister saying to the three UK party leaders - David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg - 'just a week ago, you signed up to this pledge, you said it was going to happen. Make sure that it does or Scotland will not forgive you'.

    As regards the division, what we are seeing now is just how complicated, how thorny a question constitutional reform is not just in Scotland but for the rest of the UK.

  90. Another referendum

    Former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Lord Ashcroft tweets: If the Westminster parties do not deliver on the "vow" made to the Scots in the #indyref then expect siren calls for another referendum.

  91. 'No ifs, no buts'

    Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, writing in The Sunday Times, insisted there could be "no ifs, no buts" about delivering the extra powers promised to Scotland, and the package "cannot be made contingent on other constitutional reforms".

    He accused the Tories of being more concerned with the threat from Ukip than the vow made to Scotland.

    Mr Clegg said: "The Conservatives, in their rush to protect themselves from an attack from the right, are only concerned about English votes on English matters.

    "Of course we need a solution to this dilemma but, by appearing to link it to the delivery of further devolution to Scotland, they risk reneging on the commitment made to the Scottish people that, in the event of a No vote, new powers would come what may.

    "Worse still, if the Conservatives enter into a Dutch auction with Ukip over ever more extreme solutions to the issue of English votes they could jeopardise the union they purport to defend.

    "Surely we haven't fought to save our union in a vote north of the border, only to see it balkanised in Westminster?"

  92. 'Travesty of democracy'

    UK government Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, writing in The Sunday Telegraph, said Holyrood should not receive more powers while Scottish MPs can still "shape the destiny" of the NHS, education and justice systems south of the border and force "socialist policies" on England.

    "That would be a travesty of democracy, and would be regarded with fury by the English," he said.

  93. Shapps says 'no reneging'

    Tory chairman Grant Shapps told BBC 5 Live the devolution vow would be honoured by the Westminster parties but accused Labour leader Ed Miliband of "weak leadership".

    He said: "What we think is, actually, it's absolutely right more powers go to Scotland, that's clearly what was promised in the referendum if there was a No vote.

    "There's no reneging on that at all, that is what's going to happen.

    "At the same time, we need to sort out what happens for England, and let's face it the rest of the United Kingdom is 60 million people on top of the five million in Scotland. The rest of the United Kingdom, therefore, has to have a fair settlement as well."

    He added: "We need to make sure that there are English laws voted on by English MPs. It's pretty straightforward, it's not really very complicated."

    He said Mr Miliband "doesn't want to sort the problem out" and his proposed constitutional convention starting next year is a "complete joke".

  94. Nicola Sturgeon's story

    With Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon the hot favourite to replace Alex Salmond as SNP leader, you can read all about her journey to the top here.

    Nicola Sturgeon
  95. Leaders' pledge

    The Sunday Post also features the referendum on its front page, with the pledge by Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Nick Clegg to meet their target for more devolved powers.

    Sunday Post
  96. The Motion

    Here is the text of the motion on further powers that will be put before the UK Parliament tomorrow:

    That this House...

    • welcomes the result of the Scottish independence referendum and the decision of the people of Scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom;
    • recognises that people across Scotland voted‎ for a Union based on the pooling and sharing of resources and for the‎ continuation of devolution inside the United Kingdom;
    • notes the statement by the prime minister, deputy prime minister and leader of the opposition regarding the guarantee of and timetable for further devolution to Scotland;
    • calls on the government to lay before Parliament a Command Paper including the proposals of all three UK political parties by 30th October and to consult widely with the Scottish people, civic Scotland and the Scottish Parliament on these proposals;
    • further calls on the government to publish heads of agreement by the end of November and draft clauses for the new Scotland Bill by the end of January 2015.
  97. Reconciliation

    The Right Reverend John Chalmers said today's service in Edinburgh "is not just a photo opportunity".

    He said: "It is a real serious opportunity to look inside ourselves and commit to togetherness.

    "There were times when people said we wouldn't need any activity to bring people together. 'Scots will fix that overnight'. I don't think that is true for a lot of people."

    Mr Chalmers told Radio Scotland the church could be part of a process to help reconciliation.

  98. Yousaf not running

    SNP minister Humza Yousaf tweets: For all journalists that are still calling about leadership let me be clear: No ifs, no buts, no mibbees - I am #TeamSturgeon

  99. The Aftermath

    Scotland on Sunday features stories about Nicola Sturgeon's leadership chances and disorder in George Square.

    Scotland on Sunday
  100. Get involved

    Text 80295

    Barry, Blantyre: Does anyone really believe the Westminster establishment will give a toss about Scotland now the turkeys have voted for Christmas?

    Margaret, Dundee: Tell A Salmond to be quiet. He lost. The people of Scotland gave him a bloody nose. He promised Nirvana which he could NEVER have delivered, so his pot has a nerve calling the kettle black. He's a lame duck now, resigning when he did to spoil the news of a no vote and you lot fell for it! DON'T give him the oxygen of publicity. He's yesterday's man.

  101. The Vow

    Today's front page of The Scottish Sun on Sunday features the story of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown urging all of the Westminster parties to meet their vow for additional powers for the Scottish Parliament.

    Scottish Sun
  102. Momentous times

    After a historic week in Scotland, the Sunday Mail aims to reflect that on its front page.

    Sunday Mail
  103. 'Contrasting emotions'

    Right Reverend John Chalmers, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, will lead a service this morning at St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh with leading members of the Yes and No camps in attendance.

    Speaking on Radio Scotland, he said: "We need a variety of events to bring people together to unite in common purpose.

    "The word I have heard a lot of people use is gutted on one side. On the other side, there are people who are possibly relieved if not elated.

    "Across Scotland and in different ways, people need to find opportunities to deal with those contrasting emotions."

  104. Miliband interviews

    Ed Miliband will be speaking on The Andrew Marr Show from the Labour party conference in Manchester. However, the BBC's political editor in the South of England, Peter Henley, is reporting that the Labour leader has cancelled other BBC interviews.

    Peter Henley: Ed Miliband has pulled out of planned BBC interviews tomorrow. They've cancelled BBC English Regions, Scotland, NI & Wales.

  105. Sunday Herald

    The Sunday Herald has a wraparound front cover.

    The paper says: "We are proud to be the newspaper that gave voice to 45% of the Scottish population. A big responsibility and huge honour."

    sunday herald
  106. Darling says promise 'non-negotiable'

    Alistair Darling, who led the Better Together campaign, insisted the pledge for more powers would be acted upon within the stated timetable.

    Speaking to the BBC's Andrew Marr programme in an interview to be broadcast later, he said: "The agreement reached between the three parties is non-negotiable."

    "It was promised, it's got to be delivered, and anyone who welches on that will pay a very heavy price for years to come."

  107. Sturgeon favourite

    Half the Scottish cabinet have publicly backed Alex Salmond's deputy, Nicola Sturgeon, to replace him as SNP leader and first minister.

    Ms Sturgeon has yet to formally throw her hat into the ring.

    Nicola Sturgeon

    But on Friday she said she could think of "no greater privilege" than to seek the leadership.

    Pundits and bookmakers have already tipped her as the clear favourite, although as yet there are no declared challengers.

  108. Watch Salmond clip

    Alex Salmond

    In the interview recorded for the Sunday Politics, Mr Salmond said the pledge made by David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg had been "cooked up in desperation".

    You can watch the full interview on Sunday Politics on 21 September 2014 at 11:00 BST on BBC One.

  109. Salmond quotes

    Mr Salmond said: "I am actually not surprised they are cavilling and reneging on commitments, I am only surprised by the speed at which they are doing it. They seem to be totally shameless in these matters.

    "The prime minister wants to link change in Scotland to change in England. He wants to do that because he has difficulty in carrying his backbenchers on this and they are under pressure from UKIP.

    "The Labour leadership of course are frightened of any changes in England which leave them without a majority in the House of Commons on English matters.

    "I think the vow was something cooked up in desperation for the last few days of the campaign and I think everyone in Scotland now realises that".

  110. Salmond on the Vow

    Mr Salmond was speaking to the BBC's Sunday Politics programme, which will be broadcast on BBC One at 11:00.

    The first minister said he believed the late vow of new powers made by the leaders of the three main UK parties had won the referendum for the "No" side.

    But he predicted "No" voters would already be angry at having been "misled", "gulled" and "tricked" by the pledge.

  111. Salmond hits out

    Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond says he is surprised at the speed with which Britain's main political parties are reneging on commitments to Scotland, following a vote against Scottish independence. He told the BBC that many voters would feel misled. The British government has denied that a timetable for giving Scotland more powers will slip.

  112. Sunday live

    Steven Brocklehurst

    BBC Scotland news website

    Good morning and welcome to today's live page coverage of the latest post-referendum news and analysis.