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Live Reporting

Graham Fraser, Nick Eardley, Sandy Murray and Tom Moseley

All times stated are UK

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  1. Good evening

    Sandy Murray

    BBC Scotland news

    That's it for our live coverage today. It all begins again on Thursday morning at 07:00.

  2. Analysis

    Brian Taylor

    Political editor, Scotland

    Nicola Sturgeon will face many challenges ahead - on the realistic presumption that she is elected SNP leader and thus First Minister.

    Not, incidentally, that she was making any such presumption today: her linguistic tense was uniformly conditional.

    To add to those structural challenges, a transient one. Ms Sturgeon's voice was discernibly struggling after the rigours of the referendum.

    Facing a comparable challenge, I tendered a comradely throat pastille. (For the avoidance of any doubt, I would do likewise for any other politician from any other party. Laryngitis knows no boundaries.)

    Read Brian Taylor's full blog

  3. Cameron criticised

    Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman, in her closing speech to the party conference, mocked David Cameron - who was recorded saying the Queen "purred" down the phone to him when he called her with the result of the Scottish referendum.

    Harriet Harman

    Ms Harman told delegates: "Sometimes it's like we have got David Brent as our prime minister."

  4. Big boots, high heels

    Iain Macwhirter: Nicola Sturgeon says she will be in "higher heels" following Alex Salmond's "big boots". Elegant way of saying he's heavy handed..#indyref

  5. Get involved


    Lars G Ekstrom says: I think the big losers in this referendum will be the no-voters. Westminster politicians will peddle back on their vows before the referendum and Scotland will get fewer additional powers than you were lead to believe. And, what you get will be watered down.

    And, in three years time Scotland may well be leaving the EU with the rest of the United Kingdom because of the English voters.

  6. Miliband's Scottish hopes

    Ed Miliband has been speaking to BBC Scotland at his party conference in Manchester, saying he is "optimistic" about Labour's chances in Scotland at next year's general election and the Holyrood election in 2016.

    He also praised Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont.

    Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown played an "incredible role" in the campaign to save the Union, he added.

    ed miliband
  7. Get involved


    Stephen Canning says: After what the referendum achieved, I cannot believe someone is asking what it cost and who paid for it. It's like saying "let's not have a democracy because it costs too much". I think everyone in the UK has benefitted to a great extent, except perhaps Westminster, so who paid for it is in my view also irrelevant.

  8. Closing remarks

    Winding up the debate in the Scottish Parliament, Finance Secretary John Swinney says everyone in the chamber has agreed on the engagement of 16 and 17 year olds and their contribution to the electoral process.

    But, he says: "We don't have the legislative power in this Parliament to effect what every single one of us agrees is the right thing to do."

    In his closing remarks, he says the referendum was "an exercise in significant democratic participation".

    He adds: "The people came to their conclusion, this government accepts that conclusion, but what we will also do is continue to be ambitious for the people of Scotland, to deliver the very best that we can do."

    Finance Secretary John Swinney MSP
  9. Get involved


    John McGlynn says: I think George Chappell probably meant 'Country' and not 'County' in describing Scotland although come to think it, a 'County' is pretty much all we're considered to be by Messrs Cameron and Milliband, so he's probably right. Look - it's simple. If the infamous 'Vow' is not delivered to the people of Scotland on terms it finds favourable then the SNP has every right to go for a referendum just as soon as they like.

  10. 'Contempt'

    East Lothian Labour MSP Iain Gray says the 55% of the vote who backed retaining Scotland as part of the UK must be heard and "we must accept their decision or we treat them with contempt".

    Mr Gray says "it is quite wrong to say 'No' voters were tricked by promises of new powers" adding it could easily be said the 'Yes' campaign had tricked the voters over exaggerated oil revenues and promises.

    East Lothian Labour MSP Iain Gray
  11. 'No' landslide?

    Conservative MSP for West Scotland Jackson Carlaw says the referendum result was an "emphatic" defeat for independence, comparing it with famous landslide election results of years gone by.

    "The 85% of Scots who spoke now stand at odds with the 50% who voted for this Parliament," he says.

  12. Social media campaign

    Green MSP Alison Johnstone, who represents Lothian, says social media was "invaluable" to the 'Yes' campaign.

    "It helped level what was a very unlevel playing field in terms of support from the corporate print media," she says.

    She adds: "Debate in Scotland has flourished because of, not in spite of, the diversity of speakers in both the 'Yes' and 'No' campaigns."

    Alison Johnstone
  13. 'Stoking the fires'

    Alison McInnes, Liberal Democrat MSP for North East Scotland, says Alex Salmond "should be speaking on behalf of all Scots and abiding by the Edinburgh agreement."

    "There should be no more stoking of the fires of division," she adds.

    Alison McInnes
  14. Post update

    Robert Peston

    Economics editor

    It did not feature much on the conference platform, but in the hurly burly of Labour's conference in Manchester the so-called English question loomed large - or what impact the planned, if vague, new constitutional settlement for Scotland should have on the way England is governed (and Wales and Northern Ireland too).

    I stumbled on three themes.

    One was the fury of Ed Miliband and his close circle with the prime minister - at what they saw as a cynical and short-termist attempt to turn English unease at the fiscal privileges going to Scotland into new voting procedures in the Commons that would favour the Tories.

    A senior Labour official told me he didn't see how Ed Miliband could now negotiate the detail of Scotland's new budgetary arrangements with David Cameron, given the collapse of trust between the two.

    All of which will increase the unease of Scottish nationalists that they may have been sold a hobbled pup of putative enhanced devolution by the main unionist parties in the closing days of the battle over whether Scotland would break free of the UK.

    Read the rest of Robert Peston's blog

  15. 'Frankly unsavoury'

    Last up before the closing speeches in the Scottish Parliament is Colin Beattie, SNP MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, who praises the 'Yes' campaign.

    "That we were unable to achieve independence this time around speaks not of any failings, but more of the desperate and frankly sometimes unsavoury tactics of Westminster, who had foolishly assumed the 'No' vote was in the bag."

  16. 'Therapy session'

    Labour MSP Hugh Henry, who represents Renfrewshire South, says: "It feels as though I am sitting in a therapy session for a support group for people who are really suffering."

    It is "only natural" for SNP members to feel disappointed, he says: "It will take some time for some of that to work through."

    Hugh Henry MSP
  17. Get involved


    Alan Cameron says: As a non-member of any party, and a fully paid up cynic, I would suggest to the SNP to subtly change their name, and add a softer aim for the membership card. That would probably reflect the vast majority of people who support them in Holyrood, but find Independence - at the moment - a step too far. Home Rule by stealth is fine for me.

    Mark Davies says: If the SNP do insist on another referendum I suspect they would go ahead without the agreement of whoever was the UK government. If that was the case I would suggest there is no 'NO' campaign and 'NO' voters simply do not vote. The result could hardly then be called a mandate, or democracy in action.

  18. 'Not ready'

    Bob Doris, SNP MSP for Glasgow, says he accepts the Scottish people's verdict that "as yet, they are not ready for Scottish independence".

    He accuses Labour of "demonising" Alex Salmond and the 'Yes' movement.

    On the pledge of new powers from Westminster, he adds: "If vows are broken, a new mandate should be sought".

    Bob Doris MSP
  19. Referendum questions

    Business and economy editor Douglas Fraser is answering questions on our facebook page.

    Carrie Harrold asked: What affect might the continued bickering about independence and inferences from SNP of another referendum have upon investment, employment and economic growth?

    Douglas Fraser replied: That looks to me like a rhetorical question. Bear in mind that some investment sectors held up well through the referendum campaign, notably in offshore oil and gas.

    Read Douglas's answers in full here.

  20. Full participation

    Scottish Conservative MSP Gavin Brown says if Scotland and the UK are to get the best out of Lord Smith of Kelvin's devolution commission, it will require the goodwill of all the Union parties, the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party.

    Mr Brown says it is "critical" the Scottish Government means what they say when they say they are going to participate fully".

    Scottish Conservative MSP Gavin Brown
  21. 'Glasgow was awash'

    SNP MSP Sandra White, who represents Glasgow Kelvin, says the 'Yes' campaign was "absolutely inspiring".

    "Glasgow in particular was awash with 'Yes' was fantastic to watch."

    Sandra White MSP

    She says the "vow" made by the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems is "unravelling" and calls the 'No' campaign "the misinformation and fear campaign".

  22. 'Credit to Scotland'

    Finance Secretary John Swinney says the referendum debate was "full, open and engaged".

    Mr Swinney says the campaign was a "credit to Scotland" and highlighted the level of voter registration, participation level, turnout levels and the contribution of the newly enfranchised 16 and 17 year olds.

    Finance Secretary John Swinney MSP

    The Finance Secretary confirms that he and Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon have met with Lord Smith of Kelvin to "confirm the Scottish Government and SNP will participate fully in the process".

    He added the peer is undertaking in "trying to secure agreement around additional responsibilities to come to Scotland".

  23. Referendum debated

    The Scottish Parliament has returned to the debate on the outcome of the referendum, following First Minister Alex Salmond's statement yesterday.

  24. 'Scotland has spoken'

    SNP MP Pete Wishart has blogged about the result of the independence referendum and the future for his party.

    He writes: "Scotland has spoken and rejected independence by a clear majority, but yet we don't feel defeated or diminished."

  25. Westminster Deputy?

    Journalist Euan McColm tweets: "Convinced the snp should seek a deputy from westminster/euro parl, leaving @JohnSwinney as @NicolaSturgeon's political deputy at holyrood.

  26. 'Settled will'

    Labour MSP Drew Smith has responded to Nicola Sturgeon's leadership speech this morning.

    He said: "If Nicola Sturgeon wants to move forward after so long as Alex Salmond's deputy she needs to show that she has learned the lessons of the referendum which her old boss has found so difficult to heed. That must mean being prepared to accept that Scotland remaining within the United Kingdom is the settled will of the Scottish people.

    "Nicola Sturgeon should reflect that in any new agenda she seeks to set out."

  27. Get involved


    Gary McAlanon says: As an SNP Voter, I would say that there should not be another referendum for a while. Although, it is a democratic right to have it in your itinerary, because it still keeps Westminster government in line…Just look at the way they have pandered to the Scottish people over the last two years...

    But please remember this everyone of Scotland: If Scotland was not contributing enough into the Westminster pot, do you think they would have wanted to keep us?

  28. Referendum questions

    Join @BBCDouglasF now for a live Facebook Q&A as he answers your questions on the #indyref and its aftermath.

  29. Get involved


    J Maxton says: Why are you still using heading "Scotland Decides" when Scotland has decided and why are you using Referendum Live when referendum was LAST Thursday so no longer live.

    Glenn Wildgoose asks: Can anyone tell me who actually paid for the Scottish referendum and what it cost?

  30. Facebook Q&A

    Join the BBC's Business and Economy Editor Douglas Fraser for a Facebook Q&A on 'the aftermath of the #indyref'.

    You can take part in the event at 15:00 on the BBC Scotland News page.

  31. Get involved


    George Chappell says: The SNP will never let this go for as long as they are in power. We had a vote and it was 'No' but Ms Sturgeon says "opinion and demand" will dictate future decisions. It's what they want regardless of what the majority of the Scottish people wanted. The 'No' opinion doesn't count because it's not what the SNP want. Please SNP let it go and bring this great county back together.

  32. Video - Sturgeon's speech

    Nicola Sturgeon says she will wear her "own shoes" if she becomes First Minister and SNP leader, but said she owed Alex Salmond an "immeasurable" personal debt.

    You can watch footage of her speech announcing her candidacy here.

    nicola sturgeon
  33. Economic concerns

    Will more devolution help Scotland's economy? A group of Scottish business leaders have signed a statement saying any new settlement should focus on economic growth.

    David Watt, executive director of the Institute of Directors, told BBC Radio Scotland that during the referendum debate "the level of discussion on the economy was quite limited and very focused on individual benefit rather than the wider country's benefit.

    "Bluntly, if we want to increase employment and decrease unemployment, we have to have a stronger economy."

  34. Get involved


    Eric Ewing in Aberdeen wrote: So Nicola will add independence again to the SNP manifesto, should we be surprised, not at all, after all how can a 383,937 majority be wrong.

    It is time the SNP faced facts, independence is not wanted by the majority in Scotland. It is time to stop dividing families and towns and villages and to promote togetherness.

    Please end the bickering, to para phrase Mr Salmond " I have a government in Holyrood I did not vote for!" but I get on with it, and it is democracy - like it or loathe it.

  35. Sillars - Poor will pay the price

    Jim Sillars, the former deputy leader of the SNP, has written that the poor will "now pay the price" of the No vote in the independence referendum.

    In an article for the Edinburgh Evening News, he says "the efforts of the Yes campaigners will prove not to have been in vain."

    Mr Sillars previously warned "scaremongering" business leaders they faced a "day of reckoning" if Scotland had voted Yes.

  36. Sunday Herald

    The Sunday Herald, the only Scottish newspaper to support independence, has reported a doubling of its year-on-year sales, Press Gazette reports.

    Writing on Twitter, the paper said it was "speechless and very grateful".

  37. Analysis

    James Cook

    Scotland Correspondent, BBC News

    Today, launching her leadership bid, Ms Sturgeon made a point of reassuring voters that the final decision would be for them: Scotland would not be unilaterally declaring independence.

    This is a necessary step to prevent people being scared off from voting for the SNP in parliamentary elections.

    But the strategy now is likely to be this: if you can't bring the people to independence, then bring independence closer to the people.

  38. Sturgeon's priorities

    Conservative MSP Annabel Goldie calls for Ms Sturgeon to "set a statesman-like course" if she becomes First Minister.

    Former Labour health minister Susan Deacon says Ms Sturgeon has to acknowledge that no party can solve "huge issues" like poverty with a single piece of legislation, while ex-Labour MSP Pauline McNeill calls for "some transparency in the discussion around public spending".

  39. Get involved


    Brian Anderson says: Scotland can settle the West Lothian Question itself should Miliband not exempt his Scottish MPs. If we only voted in SNP MPs ourselves the problem is solved. No Scottish Labour MPs to vote on English matters. Seems a logical solution.

  40. 'Women-friendly policies'

    Dr Kenny also says there is evidence to suggest women politicians advocate "women-friendly policies".

    It is a "complex relationship", she says, but "there is a link".

  41. 'Men in suits'

    Dr Meryl Kenny, of the University of Leicester, says having women leading the SNP, Labour and the Conservatives would be a "ground-breaking moment in Scottish politics" which "stands in very sharp contrast to the men in suits at Westminster".

    However, she says there is "still a long way to go for women's representation in Scottish politics".

  42. Female First Minister

    John Beattie on BBC Radio Scotland is discussing the prospect of Scotland having its first female First Minister in Nicola Sturgeon.

    Conservative MSP Annabel Goldie says Ms Sturgeon is a "very capable operator".

    She says it will be a "really interesting dynamic if she takes office", with three women heading up the three of the main parties in the Parliament.

    "They're all three different characters, which is what I find interesting."

  43. Loyal player

    Andy Murray is "unquestionably loyal" to Great Britain", says the Lawn Tennis Association after he was criticised for supporting Scottish independence.

    Andy Murray

    The online abuse directed at Murray after he declared his backing for the "yes" campaign was described as "vile".

  44. Danny Alexander on powers pledge

    Danny Alexander has told BBC News that whichever main Westminster party is elected will give more powers to Scotland as one of its first acts.

    The chief secretary to the treasury said ministers were already working on plans and fully intent to keep to the timetable set out by Gordon Brown.

    Mr Alexander said: "The timetable we set out, which we set out during the final stages of the referendum campaign, involved a heads of agreement by St Andrews day, that's what Lord Smith has been set out to do.

    "It involved then putting forward draft clauses for the legislation that we would all agree to and setting that out in legislation that would then be agreed to and followed by whichever party of combo or parties is in government after the election."

  45. Young voters worldwide

    With votes for 16-year-olds on the agenda since the referendum, at what age do people get the vote in other countries?

    According to a Parliamentary briefing published in May:

    "The voting age for national elections in EU countries is 18, except for Austria where it was reduced to 16 in 2007."

    The Isle of Man and Jersey have lowered their voting age in national elections to 16, while 16-year-olds also get the vote in Brazil and Argentina.

  46. 'Another referendum'

    Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw has said Nicola Sturgeon's campaign launch "confirms that a vote for the SNP in 2016 is a vote for another independence referendum".

    He added: "It's more important the Scottish Government does that than reflects on its broken dream. People have moved on, the SNP must too."

  47. Get involved

    As Nicola Sturgeon launches her bid for SNP leadership, what are your views on the way ahead for her party? Let us know by email

  48. 'Huge blunder'

    This morning's newspapers have been giving their verdict on David Cameron's comments about the Queen's response to the referendum result - which were caught on camera.

    According to the Daily Mail, Mr Cameron - who was chatting to ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg - will have to apologise to the Queen, while in the the Mirror, former BBC Royal Correspondent Jennie Bond describes it as a "huge blunder".

    There is more reaction in the BBC's review of the English editions.

    David Cameron and Michael Bloomberg
  49. Get involved


    David McKay of Portknockie says: The power to give the Scottish Parliament extra powers to raise taxes in Scotland to protect our welfare services in Scotland against cuts in the rest of the UK, because of Westminster's obsession with a low tax economy, raises the spectre of increased benefit tourism within the UK.

    We already have a substantial migration north of retired people in search of the better quality of life in Scotland and free personal care for the elderly...There are potential downsides to a being a caring society.

  50. Sturgeon debate


    John Beattie

    BBC Scotland

    As @NicolaSturgeon launches bid I will be joined by Annabel Goldie, Susan Deacon, Pauline McNeill and Dr Meryl Kenny to discuss at 12.30.

  51. Timetable

    Writing about the Commons motion on more powers for Holyrood at the website, Alex Stevenson says: "This has technically, er, not happened yet. Gordon Brown originally promised that the motion would be tabled last Friday.

    "In his post-referendum speech in Dalgety Bay in Fife on Saturday, he moved the goalposts again. 'Published yesterday, the resolution to Parliament will be laid formally when it opens its doors on Monday,' Brown declared."

    But he concludes: "The reality is that this is the sort of minor detail which is likely to get lost in the wash. The text of the resolution has been published and agreed to - it's actually what the bulk of the remaining timetable is based on."

  52. Sturgeon - A Profile

    With Nicola Sturgeon launching her bid to replace Alex Salmond as SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland, Andrew Black looks at the politician and examines what sort of leader she could be.

    Nicola Sturgeon
  53. Sweet Sixteen

    Departing First Minister Alex Salmond has called for the voting age in UK elections to be lowered to 16 by the 2015 General Election, following the success of 16 and 17-year-olds having the vote at the Scottish independence referendum.

    Labour leader Ed Miliband has said his party would give all 16 and 17-year-olds the vote.

    Teenager at polling station

    So should the voting age be lowered? Vanessa Barford explores the issue.

  54. Sturgeon's Speech - Key Points

    Key things Nicola Sturgeon said at the launch of her campaign to be SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland:

    • She will work with other parties to deliver more powers for the Scottish Parliament. But she said there are "worrying signs" powers promised will not be delivered.
    • Scotland could only become independent if the electorate backed the move in a referendum.
    • The election of a party with a commitment to a second referendum in their manifesto would be a mandate to hold another . Ms Sturgeon would not rule out the policy being in the SNP's manifesto in 2016.
    • Ms Sturgeon will not endorse a deputy and hopes somebody runs against her for the leadership.
    • She will be a first minister for the "whole of Scotland" if elected.
  55. Heading for victory?

    Daily Record

    The Daily Record reports today that Alex Salmond was confident of a victory in the referendum because of information he was given by Canadian experts.

    Analysis of "secret opinion polling" led the First Minister to believe 54% of Scots would back a "Yes" vote in the vote, the paper reports.

  56. Sturgeon on 'mandate for referendum'

    Sturgeon: "If there is a commitment to a referendum in a manifesto of the SNP at an election and we win that election then that is a mandate for a referendum."

  57. Existing powers

    Ms Sturgeon says she does not accept that the SNP was "sitting idly by" and not using the powers it already has available. She cites the extension of childcare by the Scottish Government as an example.

    "We are using every power and resource at our disposal to try and make the biggest difference."

  58. Sturgeon on Deputy Leader

    Discussing her successor as Deputy Leader of the SNP, Ms Sturgeon says: "I've made a decision that I will not endorse a Deputy Leader candidate. There will be no joint ticket.

    "I think it is important that the party gets a free choice."

    She says she believes the party will be offered a "very healthy and good choice."

  59. 'All of Scotland'

    Ms Sturgeon says that if elected, she would be First Minister "for all of Scotland".

    She says she is "very proud" to be a Glasgow resident and an MSP for the city, but adds: "A first minister is not elected to represent one part of the country."

  60. Sturgeon on Salmond's future

    Ms Sturgeon says she is "not going to look into the future" and predict Alex Salmond's future role in Scottish politics. But she says she welcomes his decision to seek to stay an MSP at Holyrood.

  61. 'Worrying signs'

    Ms Sturgeon says there are some "worrying signs" that the promise of more powers won't be delivered.

    She adds: "My focus right now is on respecting the outcome of the referendum and moving forward."

  62. Sturgeon on further powers

    Ms Sturgeon says that if promises made by UK parties "are not delivered, then I think the UK parties will encounter a very angry reaction from the public".

    She adds: "My focus right now is on respecting the outcome of the referendum and moving forward to ensure the implementation of what I think is the will of the people as expressed in it."

  63. 'No shortcut'

    Scotland will only become independent if the people of Scotland vote for independence in a referendum, Nicola Sturgeon says.

    "There is no shortcut to independence."

  64. Another referendum?

    On the possibility of another referendum, Ms Sturgeon says "opinion and demand" will dictate future decisions.

  65. Sturgeon on independence

    Speaking about Scottish independence, Ms Sturgeon said: "I believe as strongly now as I did before the referendum."

    She adds that there is a majority for change, including many who voted No.

  66. Sturgeon 'can't wait'

    Ms Sturgeon added: "I can't wait to get to work. For now, I very much look forward to subjecting myself to the democratic process of my party."

  67. Sturgeon on poverty

    Nicola Sturgeon says it is time to make "genuine participative democracy a reality".

    She pledges to tackle the "poverty and inequality that blights the lives of so many people".

    Nicola Sturgeon
  68. Sturgeon on 'limited powers'

    Nicola Sturgeon: "As First Minister my responsibility will be to use those powers we already have. Any government I lead will always make best of the limited powers at Holyrood."

  69. Sturgeon on Salmond

    Sturgeon: "Alex Salmond transformed the SNP and as First Minister he has made Scotland a better place. He also helped make me the person and politician I am today. The personal debt I owe him is immeasurable.

    "I am not Alex Salmond. His are big boots to fill, but if given the opportunity to lead I will wear my own shoes and they will have higher heals."

  70. English cream tea

    Sunday Herald Scottish Political editor Tom Gordon: Very English nosh on offer at @NicolaSturgeon SNP leadership launch. Hands across the border?

  71. Sturgeon launches leadership bid

    Nicola Sturgeon is officially launching her leadership campaign in Glasgow. She says: "I am putting myself forward for two simple reasons: I want to serve my party and my country and I believe I am the best person for the job."

  72. Private polling

    Laura Kuenssberg

    BBC Newsnight

    A senior Labour figure has told me that private polling towards the end of the referendum campaign put 'Yes' on 53% - it was that number that panicked them, rather than the YouGov poll.

  73. Referendum rentals

    The Evening Times

    The paper reports: Uncertainty over the outcome of the vote led to a growth in the sector as cautious potential property owners delayed purchases and turned to renting as a stop-gap, according to the latest Scotland Buy-to-Let Index from Your Move.

    The lettings agent found the average Scottish rent now stands at £537 a month, a £14 (2.7%) increase in the year to August.

    Read the full story here.

  74. #TeamSturgeon

    Finance secretary John Swinney tweets: "Delighted @NicolaSturgeon will contest @theSNP leadership. She has all the fine qualities to take Scotland's cause forward. #TeamSturgeon"

  75. Poll - Youth voted No

    A poll conducted on the day of the referendum suggests the majority of people aged 16 to 24 voted No.

    YouGov's analysis indicates that 51% of people in the age group rejected independence, with 49% voting Yes.

    The only group in the study that backed independence on the day were those aged 25-39, with 55% backing Yes compared to 45% saying No. Some 66% of people aged over 65 voted No, it also suggests.

    The Herald has picked up on the story here.

  76. Shopping and voting

    On votes at 16, Richard Haynes says: I wouldn't let a 16 year old do the shopping. Elect a government is suicidal.

    In contrast, Daisy Cluck says: absolutely. Informed young voters, unlike some adults who only rely on media for information.

  77. Welsh independence?

    Away from Scotland, a poll for the BBC suggests support for Welsh independence has fallen to just 3% there.

    Some 49% are in favour of more power for the Welsh assembly, the poll indicates.

    The survey also found 12% wanted to see the assembly abolished.

    ICM Research interviewed a random sample of 1,006 people in Wales over the telephone.

    Welsh assembly
  78. Disloyal?

    Political commentator Gerry Hassan tweeted: Is #Cameron constitutionally illiterate? Time & again he has undermined the constitutional practices of the UK he supports. #purringqueen

  79. SNP Timetable

    Glenn Campbell

    BBC Scotland news

    Nominations for a new leader of the SNP open today. Nicola Sturgeon will put her name forward this morning, and trigger a contest for the deputy leadership which she currently holds.

    Any party member wishing to stand against her has three weeks - until 4pm on the 15th of October - to declare. A valid nomination needs to be endorsed by 100 party members from at least 20 local branches.

    Ballot papers will be sent out to all party members on 22 October, to be returned by 12 November. The outcome will be announced at the SNP conference in Perth at midday on Thursday, 13 November. The deputy leadership race will run to the same timetable.

    The 26,000 new members the SNP has recruited since the independence referendum will be entitled to vote, as long as they signed up before today.

  80. Get involved


    Alan Cameron from Aberdeen wrote: John Wilson, the SNP list MSP for Central Scotland ,seems to have a problem with democracy.

    His own party passed a lengthy resolution accepting or seeking membership of NATO - in the event of Independence.

    If one cannot accept the argument, vote and decision of the majority in his own party then he along with the others should simply resign their seats and make way for those those young people who " move up" and are just waiting in the wings.

  81. Support for Sturgeon

    External Affairs minister Humza Yousaf tweets: Excited today! Isn't a deputy in world that shown loyalty & commitment of @NicolaSturgeon over last decade let's get #TeamSturgeon trending!"

  82. Apology to Queen

    The Scottish Daily Mail says Prime Minister David Cameron will apologise to the Queen after being recorded commenting on her reaction to the referendum result.

    Scottish Daily Mail

    The Prime Minister, overheard by waiting camera crews while in conversation with ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said he had "never heard someone so happy" at the result.

  83. 'Small elite'

    Labour leader Ed Miliband has been speaking to the Today programme about his vision to the future of the UK. He said the level of support for independence in Scotland was part of a wider problem, saying: "People believe this country works for a small elite at the top and doesn't work for most people."

    Speaking about his speech at Labour party conference yesterday, he added: "What we presented yesterday was a plan to deal with these issues."

  84. Scotland reunited

    This morning's Daily Record looks at yesterday's post-referendum debate, saying rivals have pledged to work together to secure new powers for Holyrood.

    Daily Record

    It also carries a story with former first minister Henry McLeish commenting on the "crisis" in Scottish Labour.

  85. Powers consensus

    The Herald runs with Lord Smith's comments on the debate over more powers for the Scottish Parliament.

    The Herald

    The paper says Lord Smith, who is chairing a commission into further powers, has told parties to compromise to reach a deal.

  86. Home Rule

    Mr Kerevan says the main focus for the SNP in the short term will be securing more powers for the Scottish Parliament.

    He said: "The immediate battleground is securing what Gordon Brown has promised us and that is home rule.

    "Home rule is not just a bit more devolution, home rule means what it says on the tin. It means we get to control domestic affairs. I think if there is a retreat by the Labour Party in Scotland on that, there will be a massive popular upsurge."

  87. Two Deputies?

    George Kerevan has also raised the prospect of the party choosing more than one deputy, to cover both Holyrood and Westminster.

    He said: "I think there is a case for saying. probably the SNP at this stage of the game, needs more than one deputy."

  88. Sturgeon's Deputy

    Bill Jamieson, former executive editor of The Scotsman, told Good Morning Scotland that the race for Deputy Leader of the SNP was a chance for younger blood to come through.

    "There is no lack of candidates that would make a good deputy for Nicola. Fergus Ewing, of course has got lots of experience, Mike Russell, Richard Lochhead, Humza Yousaf would also be candidates potentially."

    He also said the party may look to Westminster for a deputy leader, given London's role in debating what new powers the Scottish Parliament should have.

    "There is some strong candidates there," he added. "Stewart Hosie would be one, Angus Robertson another. It's quite an open field for her deputy."

  89. Need for debate

    Journalist George Kerevan has been speaking to Good Morning Scotland about Nicola Sturgeon's leadership of the SNP.

    He told the programme that the SNP needs some sort of debate on the way forward, saying: "The party does not take coronations well. I'm not sure that there will be anybody challenging Nicola, but the party certainly needs a debate over policy.

    "Whatever happens over Home Rule, we are moving towards the 2016 election, we are getting income tax powers anyway. We need to start thinking about that so I think there is a lot of policy debate that has to come up."

  90. Voting Age

    Some of BBC Scotland's Generation 2014 project have been speaking about the prospect of the voting age being lowered.

    Amy Jo Randalls, who voted for the first time last week, said: "I think it's something I would support but I do have a couple of doubts about it. For instance, with the recent referendum it has been a very binary decision - it was a Yes or No decision. Information was very easy to come by."

    She believes things are more complicated when it comes to general elections: "There are a lot of people - eleven adults - who do not understand what is going on."

  91. Front pages

    Referendum issues continue to feature on the front pages of today's Scottish newspapers.

    The Scotsman

    The Scotsman leads with the news that SNP MSP John Wilson has resigned from the party, citing concerns over policy on Nato and trident. He told the paper that he did not quit during the referendum campaign to avoid distracting from the push for independence.

  92. SNP Leadership


    Gary Robertson

    BBC Radio Scotland

    SNP leadership contest to kick off. What direction will new team take? George Kerevan & @Bill_Jamieson#bbcgms 0735

  93. Sturgeon Analysis

    BBC Scotland political correspondent Glenn Campbell has been speaking to Good Morning Scotland about what we can expect Nicola Sturgeon to say later this morning.

    He believes a coronation looks more likely than a contest at the moment.

    He said: "She will make clear that she still supports Scottish independence, that remains her ultimate political objective, but that she is prepared to work with Lord Smith's commission to increase the powers of Holyrood short of independence."

  94. Sturgeon bid

    Nicola Sturgeon is expected to launch her bid to become leader of the SNP and first minister of Scotland later this morning.

    Ms Sturgeon, who is Alex Salmond's deputy at the moment, is clear favourite for the job and may not even face a contest.

    The MSP for Glasgow Southside is expected to say she will work with other parties to deliver more powers for Holyrood.

  95. Good morning

    Graham Fraser

    BBC Scotland

    Good morning, and welcome to another Referendum Reaction live page. We will bring you all the latest news and analysis following last week's Scottish independence referendum result. You can get in touch with us by email, by texting 80295 or by using the #bbcindyref on Twitter.