Covid in Scotland: The headlinespublished at 13:32 Greenwich Mean Time 10 December 2020
- Nicola Sturgeon has again defended keeping Edinburgh in level three after council leaders in Edinburgh and Midlothian say they are "furious"
- The first minister was asked by both Richard Leonard and Willie Rennie why the government had not followed the public health advice and moved the capital into level two restrictions
- Ms Sturgeon said in the last seven days the number of cases per 100,000 in Edinburgh has gone up by 14% and test positivity has gone up by 0.5%
- The chief executive of Edinburgh Airport has described Scotland’s plans for mass vaccination against Covid-19 as “woefully inadequate
- Gordon Dewar has also criticised Ms Sturgeon's comment that it would not be advisable to book a summer holiday just yet

- The origins of many of the second wave of Covid infections in Scotland can be traced to countries outside the UK, a new expert report has said
- NHS Fife has confirmed that a number of people with Covid-19 have died at Canmore Lodge Care Home in Dunfermline
- 5,330 people were given the Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland on Tuesday and Wednesday
- The total number of deaths registered with Covid-19 has risen above 4,000 but the R number is expected to fall further below one
That's all from us here on the live page today. Please take care and stay safe.