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BBC Scotland News

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  1. Heavy Snow: The headlines

    Our live page coverage is drawing to a close, so here is a reminder of the main headlines today

    • The Met Office has extended a yellow warning for snow and ice covering northern Scotland until 23:59 on Thursday
    • There's been heavy snow across much of north-east Scotland overnight
    BBC Weather Watcher AndyMoe2101 sent us this picture of a snow day in Scousburgh, Shetland
    Image caption: BBC Weather Watcher AndyMoe2101 sent us this picture of a snow day in Scousburgh, Shetland
    • Aberdeenshire Council says most of its roads network has been affected by heavy snow
    • Aberdeen has also seen significant snowfall and bus company Stagecoach Bluebird says its services have been affected, with many cancelled, delayed or diverted
    • A power cut affecting seven postcodes in Stonehaven was fixed by 13:00
    • Searches are being made for an Aviemore man who has been reported missing in freezing weather
  2. Analysis

    'There is some anger but a lot of quiet resignation'

    Kevin Keane

    BBC Scotland environment correspondent

    These are the latest efforts by SSEN to return power to 2,800 homes in Shetland
    Image caption: These are the latest efforts by SSEN to return power to 2,800 homes in Shetland

    Even getting to Shetland has been difficult with snow closing the runways at both Aberdeen and Sumburgh airports.

    With the plane having to abort its landing, I thought at one point that we might end up back where we started.

    My five hour delay perhaps gives you an idea of how difficult it’s been getting engineers here from the mainland.

    This plane and some others was carrying workers from SSE who are being sent here to tackle the faults.

    They’re a welcome sight.

    At the south end of Shetland, there’s barely any snow but further north and it’s quickly gets thicker with quite a few cars abandoned at the side of the road.

    Gangs of workers can be seen busy up poles trying to get the cables re-strung.

    In Voe, which has had no power since Monday, a community hall has finally been provided with a spare generator from the wind farm being built in Shetland and local people are rallying their neighbours to take refuge there.

    There is some anger but a lot of quiet resignation that this is not going to be over quickly.

  3. Catch up on all the latest news on Drivetime...

    Drivetime with John Beattie

    BBC Radio Scotland

    John Beattie will be on air from 4pm with Radio Scotland's Drivetime.

    If you want to listen and stay with us, just click on the play icon at the top of the page.

    John will have the latest from Shetland and around the country.

    The energy company SSEN and Keith Brown, who is the Scottish government minister in charge of resilience, will both be on the programme.

    John will also speak to people caught up in the severe wintry weather across Scotland.

  4. Here's a recap of the headlines across Scotland

    If you're just joining us, here's a recap of the headlines from around the country

    • Energy firm Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks said it could be the end of the week before some homes are reconnected
    • The Met Office has extended a yellow warning for snow and ice covering northern Scotland until 23:59 on Thursday
    125 engineers have been sent to Shetland
    Image caption: 125 engineers have been sent to Shetland
    • There's been heavy snow across much of north-east Scotland overnight
    • Aberdeenshire Council says most of its roads network has been affected by heavy snow
    • Aberdeen has also seen significant snowfall and bus company Stagecoach Bluebird says its services have been affected, with many cancelled, delayed or diverted
    • A power cut affecting seven postcodes in Stonehaven was fixed by 13:00
    • Searches are being made for an Aviemore man who has been reported missing in freezing weather
  5. Winter sunrise

    Video content

    Video caption: Sun rises over a chilly River Clyde

    An ice-covered Glasgow emerges from the dark night. Wednesday's sunrise in Scotand's largest city was captured by the BBC's rooftop camera.

    Overnight temperatures in Glasgow dipped to -8.5C and despite the winter sun's appearance the sub-zero freeze has continued during the day.

  6. Council urges anyone needing help to get in touch

    With thousands of homes in Shetland now in their third day without power, anyone needing essential support is urged to contact Shetland Islands Council.

    Council gritting teams have been working to clear roads but road conditions are still challenging in many places, especially on side roads.

    Many people may have been unable to leave homes and may need essential supplies such as medication, or need other urgent assistance.

    Council and NHS staff have been checking with residents known to be vulnerable, such as those with health or care needs, and calling on additional resources from emergency services where necessary, including 4x4 vehicles.

    Anyone who needs urgent support or supplies during this continuing spell of extreme weather is asked to contact Shetland Islands Council on 01595 744400 (office hours) or 01595 695611 (out of hours).

    The council says its staff will coordinate support to reach those in need.

    A number of community halls have also set up ‘warm spaces’ offering hot food and shelter for anyone in their local area.

    If you want too take advantage of one of the many warm spaces that are on offer in Shetland, again click here.

  7. Dozens of engineers head to Shetland to restore power

    15 crews arrived in Lerwick via the ferry
    Image caption: 15 crews arrived in Lerwick via the ferry

    Let's return to Shetland where teams of engineers have been arriving to restore power to about 2,800 homes.

    Heavy snowstorms disrupted supplies, with many facing days without power.

    Fifteen crews arrived in Lerwick by ferry on Wednesday to help with reconnection efforts, which are being hampered by continuing poor weather.

    Energy firm Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) said more crews would leave for Shetland throughout the course of the day.

    In total, 125 additional engineers will support local teams.

    The situation in Shetland has been declared a major incident, with residents urged to stay at home.

    Read more here.

  8. Change of wind direction will be 'game changer' for north

    Lunchtime Live

    BBC Radio Scotland

    Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
    Image caption: Aboyne in Aberdeenshire is among the areas experiencing bitterly cold wind

    Meteorologist Clare Nasir says although the weather is at worst-case scenario for the north of Scotland given strong winds, the sting in the wind will lessen tomorrow.

    "Then there is a wind direction change and this is a game changer for this part of Scotland which has seen so much snow and bitter air for quite some time now," she says.

    A weather warning for the central belt later in the week will be a "shock to the system", Ms Nasir says, bringing about 20cm of snow in areas above 200m.

    However, she adds that on Friday, the biggest issue will be ice for those in central areas.

  9. Roads in Shetland 'not passable by most cars'

    Lunchtime Live

    BBC Radio Scotland

    The message from Shetland Islands Council is for people to stay put if they can.

    The council's roads manager Dave Coupe told the BBC that roads are difficult throughout the island.

    He said: "Most side roads are currently blocked and the main roads at this moment in time I would recommend are passable with 4x4 vehicles. The unfortunate thing is the forecast has given us a high competence of another heavy snowfall through until lunchtime and if the wind remains we’ll see further drift."

    Quote Message: Truthfully I would suggest you should not be driving other than essential journeys." from Dave Coupe Shetland Islands Council
    Dave CoupeShetland Islands Council
  10. Road gritters

    Trunk roads and bridges operator Bear has dozens of gritters out as freezing weather continues to hit Scotland.

    Gritter, Bear Scotland
  11. The latest weather forecast

    Our weather reporter Kirsteen MacDonald says Scotland is still firmly in the grip of cold weather with a yellow Met Office warning for snow and ice in place across the north and east until tomorrow at midnight.

    This afternoon showers will feed into northern areas which will turn to snow even at low levels.

    View more on twitter
  12. Scotland's winter freeze - Ice pancakes form in park river

    Video content

    Video caption: The phenomenon was captured in Glasgow's Linn Park
  13. Islanders using camping stoves for a hot meal

    As we've been hearing throughout the day, Shetland residents have been forced to adapt as thousands remain without power.

    Shetland resident Mae Jamieson tells Radio Scotland's Lunchtime Live they are making do: "We have a gas stove and camping stove as well, so we have heating and we can have hot meals as well.

    "It's getting a bit tiring now.

    "We're not going to get power back until tomorrow evening at 11pm."

    About 125 engineers have been sent to Shetland to try to restore power to the homes of thousands of islanders.

    Gale force winds and further snow and rain are forecast.

  14. How are things looking across Scotland?

    If you're just joining us, here's a recap of how Scotland is coping with the pre-Christmas freeze:

    • Fifteen crews arrived in Lerwick by ferry to help with reconnection efforts which are being hampered by continued poor weather
    • A helicopter is also being used in efforts to restore power
    • Energy firm Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks said it could be the end of the week before some homes are reconnected
    Electricity pole
    • The situation in Shetland has been declared a major incident, with residents urged to stay at home
    • There's been heavy snow across much of north-east Scotland overnight
    • Aberdeenshire Council says most of its roads network has been affected by heavy snow
    • Aberdeen has also seen significant snowfall and bus company Stagecoach Bluebird says its services have been affected, with many cancelled, delayed or diverted
  15. What are SSEN saying?

    Mark Macdonald from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), said:

    “Now that it’s safe to fly, we’re organising helicopter patrols to fly our overhead lines and assess the extent of the damage, which will help us better target our restoration strategy.

    “The welfare of our customers is vitally important to us and we’re offering to reimburse food costs for all customers currently without power and reasonable accommodation costs for customers on our Priority Services Register who are unable to make alternative arrangements."

    Quote Message: Anyone who has any concerns for themselves or others, particularly family members or neighbours who may need extra support, to give our teams a call on 105." from Mark Macdonald Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN),
    Mark MacdonaldScottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN),
  16. Here's the latest from Shetland...

    SSEN vans
    Image caption: SSEN vans arrive in Lerwick

    Efforts to restore power to areas affected by severe weather conditions in Shetland were boosted this morning by the arrival of a further 15 power line crews at first light.

    Further teams and equipment are due over the next 24 hours.

    Engineers arrived on the first ferry from the mainland and Orkney to assist local teams, with more crews leaving for Shetland throughout the course of today.

    In total, 125 additional engineers are supporting SSEN local Shetland teams in the restoration effort.

    As of 11.45am this morning around 2,800 customers remain off supply in Voe, Whalsay, Brae, Yell and the West Mainland.

    The situation in Shetland has been declared a major incident, with residents urged to stay at home.

    Energy firm Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks has said it could be the end of the week before some homes are reconnected.

  17. Energy saving tips: Five ways to cut costs this winter


    Winter weather has arrived, but many people are struggling with the cost of heating and other home energy bills.

    Here are some ways to help keep costs down. While the actual savings differ for different people, at the end of each section we explain how the savings figure was worked out.

    1. Using the thermostat and timer to take control of your heating settings could save you about £150

    2. Reducing your combi boiler flow temperature to 60C could save you about £100   

    3. Installing a water-efficient showerhead or having showers in four minutes could save you about £90

    4. Turning down radiator valves in less-used rooms could save you about £70

    5. Draught-proofing your doors, windows, chimneys and floors could save you up to £215

    Read more here

  18. How warm should I heat my home?


    Frazer Scott, the chief executive of Energy Action Scotland tells Radio Scotland our health and wellbeing is so dependent on the warmth of the air we are breathing every day in your home.

    According to WHO it's between 18C degrees and 21C degrees, with 21 being the main living space Mr Scott says.

    He says for people who are older or who have an underlying health condition it's higher, between 20C degrees and 23 C degrees in your living space.

    This can be really challenging for people, particularly with the rapid increase in energy costs.

  19. How to thaw a frozen condensate pipe

    One of the common reasons for a boiler not working is that the condensate pipe has frozen.

    The condensate pipe leads waste water away from the boiler and if fitted outside the home it can be susceptible to freezing.

    To thaw out the pipe, experts at the Skills Training Group suggest these three steps:

    1. Locate the pipe, it should be white and protrude from the wall portion located directly behind your boiler.

    2. Boil your kettle and let the water cool for about 15 minutes before pouring it over the pipe.

    3. Reset your boiler and check it is working properly.