

  • MSPs took evidence from Scottish Water on its annual report and accounts and then discuss the possibility of conducting an inquiry into the closure of the Forth Road Bridge

  • All eyes were were on Finance Secretary John Swinney as he unveiled his draft budget for 2016-17

  • MSPs backed the general principles of the Land Reform Bill after its first debate

  1. Question on youth employment in Scotlandpublished at 14:13

    SNP MSP Stewart Stevenson asks how youth employment in Scotland compares with the rest of the EU.

  2. Women's Employment Minister Annabelle Ewing says the pay gap is narrower in Scotlandpublished at 14:12

    Women's Employment Minister Annabelle Ewing says the pay gap is narrower in Scotland than the rest of the UK. 

    Ms Ewing says the fact this is having to be discussed is beyond comprehension. 

    Women's Employment Minister Annabelle Ewing

    Mr Beattie says any gender gap is too high. 

    The minister says addressing the gender pay gap is a top priority of the Scottish government. 

  3. Background: The Gender Pay Gappublished at 14:10 Greenwich Mean Time 16 December 2015

    The latest figures, published last month, show that the gender pay gap has fallen faster in Scotland than it has in the UK as a whole.

    Gender pay gap figures for 2015Image source, PA

    The difference between the full-time median earnings of men and women fell by one fifth of a percentage point in the UK while in Scotland the drop was 1.8 percentage points.

    The gender pay gap in Scotland now stands at 7.3%, according to the Office for National Statistics, while in the UK it is 9.4%. 

  4. Question on gender pay gappublished at 14:10

    SNP MSP Colin Beattie asks what its position is on reports that the gender pay gap in Scotland is 7.3%, compared with 9.4% in the UK. 

  5. The infrastructure priority on energy efficiency will be developed as it is pilotedpublished at 14:08

    Fair Work, Skills and Training Secretary Roseanna Cunningham says the infrastructure priority on energy efficiency will be developed as it is piloted. 

    Fair Work, Skills and Training Secretary Roseanna Cunningham

    Ms Cunningham says it will provide a tremendous opportunity in jobs and skills.  

  6. Question on implications for skills and training of the proposed national infrastructure priority on energy efficiencypublished at 14:07

    Green MSP Patrick Harvie asks what the implications are for skills and training of its proposed national infrastructure priority on energy efficiency. 

    Green MSP Patrick Harvie
  7. Minister says there are ongoing discussions with the Treasury on the apprenticeships levypublished at 14:05

    Fair Work Secretary Roseanna Cunningham says there are ongoing discussions with the Treasury on the apprenticeships levy. 

    There is still not clarity on Scotland's share, the minister says.

  8. Background: Apprenticeships levy to raise £3bnpublished at 14:04 Greenwich Mean Time 16 December 2015

    A new apprenticeship levy of 0.5% on company payrolls will raise £3bn a year and fund three million apprenticeships, the chancellor announced in the autumn statement. 

    The new charge will be imposed from April 2017 and help ensure that big business shoulders the cost of training workers, George Osborne said. 

    But business groups have described the levy as a new "payroll tax". 

    Builder and apprentice laying bricksImage source, Getty Images

    The Institute of Directors said it would be a big cost for many companies, including medium-sized firms.

    The CBI said it was a significant extra tax for business that would hit many smaller companies. 

    Only businesses with a wage bill of more than £3m will pay the levy, which the government said would exempt 98% of employers. 

  9. Question on the Apprenticeship Levypublished at 14:03

    SNP MSP Christina McKelvie asks for an update on its discussions with the UK government regarding the Apprenticeship Levy. 

    SNP MSP Christina McKelvie
  10. Background: Scottish unemployment total rises by 11,000published at 14:02 Greenwich Mean Time 16 December 2015

    Unemployment in Scotland rose over the summer months but fell in the UK as a whole, according to official statistics published last month. 

    The jobless total north of the borderincreased by 11,000 in the three monthsto September, to stand at 166,000. 

    Across the UK, the number of unemployed fell by more than 100,0000 over the same period, to 1.75 million.

    Queue outside job centreImage source, PA

    The Scottish unemployment rate is 6%, which is above the rate of 5.3% for the whole of the UK. 

    Office for National Statistics (ONS) data also showed that employment in Scotland increased by 3,000, to reach 2,614,000. 

    The number of people claiming Job Seeker's Allowance dropped by 1,700 to 68,800 between September and October - 20,200 fewer than a year ago. 

  11. Question on unemployment in Glasgow Provanpublished at 14:02

    Labour MSP Paul Martin asks what steps have been taken to tackle unemployment in Glasgow Provan. 

  12. Minister says over 80% of employees in Scotland are currently being paid the living wage or higherpublished at 14;02

    Fair Work Secretary Roseanna Cunningham says there has been substantive progress made on the living wage.

    Fair Work Secretary Roseanna Cunningham

    Ms Cunningham says over 80% of employees in Scotland are currently being paid the living wage or higher.   

  13. Background: Fifth of working people in Scotland 'paid below Living Wage'published at 14:01 Greenwich Mean Time 16 December 2015

    A fifth of working people in Scotland are paid less than the voluntary Living Wage, according to research published in November. 

    Figures, published by KPMG, indicated 20% of employees earned less than the Living Wage - an increase of 1% from last year. 

    Scottish bank notes

    But Scotland had one of the lowest proportions of workers paid below the rate, 3% less than the UK average. 

    The Living Wage is set by an independent foundation and has been adopted by 380 Scottish firms. 

  14. Portfolio questions gets underwaypublished at 14:01

    SNP MSP Willie Coffey asks the Scottish government how many employers in Scotland pay the living wage. 

  15. Extensive budget coverage begins from 2.30pmpublished at 14:00

    From 2.30pm we will bring you extensive coverage of the draft budget statement from John Swinney.

    budgetImage source, bbc
  16. Scottish government invest in support for young families - ministerpublished at 13:59

    Children and Young People Minister Aileen Campbell thanks SNP MSP Christian Allard for clearing up the pronunciation of Garioch. 

    The minister says there are many issues facing young families today such as mental health, isolation and separation. 

    Children and Young People Minister Aileen Campbell

    She says the government have invested in this area through various funds and strategies.

    Ms Campbell says the work that Home Start and its dedicated volunteers is to be applauded. 

    The minster says volunteers get benefits back including being involved in the local community and experience.

  17. Single parents particularly benefit from Home-Startpublished at 13:54

    SNP MSP Christian Allard explains the pronunciation of Garioch (PRON: Geer-ee) and says in the North East there are many people from around the world.

    SNP MSP Christian AllardImage source, bbc
    Image caption,

    SNP MSP Christian Allard

    Mr Allard praises the staff of Garioch Home-Start and the important support they provide.

    He says single parents particularly benefit from Home-Start. 

  18. Home Start needs government support - Tory MSPpublished at 13:50

    Conservative MSP Alex Johnstone gives apologies for his colleague Nanette Milne who was due to be at the debate.

    Ms Milne has been called away on other business says Mr Johnstone.

    Alex Johnstone Conservative MSP

    The Conservative MSP says he is delighted to be a part of the debate and he thinks it's wonderful that this organisation is there to support family networks. 

    Mr Johnstone says that these organisations need support at a government level and that should not be forgotten. 

  19. Increased sense of isolation for families in rural areas - Labour MSPpublished at 13:47

    Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald says in rural areas there is an increased sense of isolation and this affects the service Home Start Garioch can offer.

    Labour MSP Lewis MacdonaldImage source, bbc
    Image caption,

    Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald

    Mr Macdonald says Home Start operates across the UK and around the world and there is a network of Home Start schemes in the North East.

    They all make use of the skills of the volunteers and that is absolutely critical, he says.

  20. Service as vital today as it's ever been with elfare cuts - SNP MSPpublished at 13:40

    SNP MSP David Torrance says volunteers are expected to have some experience but they also receive training.

    After the training they are paired with a family, he says.

    SNP MSP David Torrance

    Mr Torrance says the work of Home Start is as vital today as it's ever been particularly with the UK government welfare cuts.

    The SNP MSP says in his constituency of Kirkcaldy has a high level of teenage mothers who are often disadvantaged and require the help of organisations such as Home Start.