That's all from Holyrood Livepublished at 17:58 Greenwich Mean Time 27 February 2018
That's all from Holyrood Live on Tuesday 27 February 2018.
Scottish ministers tabled their own alternative to the EU Withdrawal Bill at Holyrood.
The Scottish and UK governments are locked in a dispute over sections of the Westminster bill relating to devolved powers.

Brexit Minister Mike Russell
The continuity bill has been introduced at Holyrood, external as a stop-gap solution if MSPs do not consent to the UK bill.
However, the presiding officer has not backed the move, saying it is not for Holyrood to legislate on.
Scottish ministers "respectfully disagree", and are to press ahead with the legislation anyway.
The UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill has now been formally introduced at Holyrood.
Join us tomorrow to hear Lord Advocate James Wolffe's argument as to why he thinks the continuity bill is for Holyrood to legislate on.