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Live Reporting

Andy Roberts and Sophie Gidley

All times stated are UK

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  1. Thank you and goodnight

    Thanks for following the BBC Wales leaders' debate with us.

    See our Election 2016 website for more reaction and campaign coverage in the run up to polling day.

  2. Time's up: Debate is brought to a close

    We don't get to the fourth question, but Huw Edwards tells viewers about the follow-up programmes starting at 22:00 BST on BBC Two Wales and BBC Radio Wales. 

  3. 'We're not forcing students to stay in Wales'

    Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood denies wanting to force young people to study in Wales - "that's a lie".   

    She also points out that it was the former Labour UK government which introduced tuition fees.

    Welsh taxpayers were inadvertently funding universities in England with Labour's current tuition fee policy, she claims. 

    Carwyn Jones responds by saying Welsh students should not be denied the "best experience possible".

    Tory leader Andrew RT Davies says the key was helping with upfront living costs and to support part-time learning - FE colleges have been "robbed" to support university education, he claims.

    Lib Dem leader Kirsty Williams says no party had a good record on student finance, including hers. She pledges £2,500 grants for living costs. 

    UKIP's Nathan Gill promises free tuition for science, technology, engineering, and medical students.   

  4. 'We will always look after our students'

    Geography student Carys Fry asks a supplementary question about student finance, saying more help is needed with living costs.

    Alice Hooker-Stroud says the Greens think education should be free for everyone and there should be help with living costs.

    Carwyn Jones says Labour "will always look after our students", wherever they go to study and work. He also points to Lib Dem broken promises on tuition fees in England. 

    Geography student Carys Fry
  5. Labour-Tory spat on education

    Carwyn Jones tackles Andrew RT Davies on Tory plans to scrap the educational maintenance allowance which helps less affluent students.

    Mr Davies says he would put the money into post-16 school transport.

  6. 'One size doesn't fit all'

    UKIP's Nathan Gill defends his plans for grammar and vocational schools when challenged by the other leaders, saying "if one size fits all, why are we behind Estonia?"

    Tory Andrew RT Davies says the English model of academy schools would not work in Wales but he wants to give parents and communities a bigger stake. 

    Lib Dem Kirsty Williams says academy schools in England don't put more money into the classroom, and she also calls for measures to prevent rural school closures.  

    UKIP's Nathan Gill
  7. 'Falling behind Vietnam and Estonia'

    Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood says Wales has fallen behind Vietnam and Estonia in education standards.

    She wants more investment in scientists and engineers.

    She also pledges more money for early years education, better rewards for skilled teachers, more apprenticeships and a debt-write off system for graduates who work in Wales.  

  8. Tories want to directly fund schools

    Tory Andrew RT Davies claims there was a lack of political leadership from Labour over 17 years on education.

    He wants to give more money directly to schools and give them more freedom to run their own affairs, as long as they offer the national curriculum.

    Wales also needs more people with vocational qualifications, he adds.   

    Andrew RT Davies
  9. 'It's about leadership'

    Labour's Carwyn Jones says he wants teachers' pay and conditions devolved so they can be improved in Wales.

    He says he wants there to be no difference in the performance of schools in the richest and the poorest areas of Wales.

    Lib Dem Kirsty Wiliams agrees leadership was key, so she was shocked when Education Minister Huw Lewis admitted Labour had "taken its eye off the ball".  

    She wants teachers to have the time to teach their pupils with smaller class sizes.

  10. Education should 'inspire children'

    UKIP's Nathan Gill calls for the return of grammar schools for academic children, and vocational schools for those more inclined in that direction.

    Alice Hooker-Stroud of the Greens says education should inspire children, not just "put them on a treadmill" for a job.

    She calls for more effort to save rural schools from closing, saying they are the heart of their communities.

    Parties on stage
  11. 'How will you support teachers and schools?'

    Daxa Patel, a mother of school age children, asks the third question: "How will you support teachers and schools to deliver a 1st class education system for Wales?"

    Question asked by audience
  12. Other parties' messages broadcast

    A pause from the debate for recorded messages from other parties standing in the election.

    Shaun Cuddihy from the Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party says the measure would save money.

    Shaun Cuddihy

    Robert Griffiths of the Welsh Communists says the steel crisis shows the need for a powerful Welsh Government which can invest in vital industries.  

    Robert Griffiths

    Lady Lily the Pink of the Monster Raving Loony Party says it will reduce the number of assembly seats from 60 to 5 and rename it the "Welsh Ensemble"   

    Lady Lily