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Live Reporting

Andy Roberts, Nick Servini and Cemlyn Davies

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    That's the end of our live coverage of the Labour leadership hustings in Cardiff. Thanks for joining us - see the BBC News website for further reports and reaction.

  2. Via Twitter

    Peter L Davey tweets: #andyburnham #Andy4Leader #YvetteForLabour answered the questions best and showed leadership skills #labourhustings #Labourleadership

  3. Via Twitter

    Damien Faulkner tweets: @andyburnhammp possibly wins it but for me @jeremycorbyn would be Labour's best chance of offering clear & distinct vision. #labourhustings

  4. Post update

    Jeremy Corbyn: We need to think very seriously about the economic strategy this party follows. Be proud of what our movement is about.

  5. Post update

    Liz Kendall: I will champion great businesses to create jobs of the future. I'll be the leader the Tories fear.

  6. Post update

    Daniel Davies

    BBC Wales political correspondent

    Meanwhile, on BBC Wales' Sunday Politics Wales programme, former Labour adviser David Taylor says Labour must reflect on a "disastrous general election". "We've had two months of denial from Carwyn Jones," he said.

    Catch the programme later on the BBC iPlayer.

  7. Post update

    Andy Burnham: I'm sick of losing. Millions of people have lost connection with Labour. I will make the changes Labour needs to make.

  8. Post update

    Nick Servini

    Political editor, Wales

    Yvette Cooper at #labourhustings "David Cameron has a woman problem, let's give him a bigger one." Huge applause.

  9. Post update

    Yvette Cooper: Make sure you choose someone who can be a Labour PM and who can take on David Cameron - a challenge I would relish!

  10. Post update

    Questions over - candidates now making their final pitch to party members.

  11. Post update

    Question - what is the biggest threat facing the UK?

    Liz Kendall names Islamic State and climate change, Jeremy Corbyn says renewing Trident will make us poorer, Yvette Cooper says climate change and extremism, while Andy Burnham warns of a more fragmented UK.

  12. Post update

    Jeremy Corbyn wins applause with his stated opposition to free schools.

  13. Post update

    Liz Kendall: End the debate about structures - good heads and good teachers make good schools.

  14. Post update

    Andy Burnham: I believe in comprehensive education with every fibre of my being. I don't believe in the free market of academies and free schools.

  15. Post update

    Question on education and how to boost prospects for poorer children - Yvette Cooper says England's free schools are not value for money as they put power in the wrong areas of the country.

  16. Via Twitter

    Cardiff councillor Huw Thomas tweets: No help for #undecided members ar #Cardiff #labourhustings Impressive answers from all candidates. Shows the strength of the party.

  17. Via Twitter

    Cathy Owens tweets: #labourhustings fascinating and full of energy. Suspect could have filled a much bigger venue.

  18. Via Twitter

    Joshua Lovell tweets: A question on moving Labour too much to the Right. Its not about moving Left or Right. Its about moving forwards #labourhustings

  19. Via Twitter

    Christopher Evans from Cardiff tweets: Burnham actually had some good answers on YoofVoters but he's delivering it in a style reminiscent of 'Pumped Up' Cameron #labourhustings

  20. Post update

    Kendall: we lost the election because people didn't trust us with taxes. Corbyn: We should be proud of our values as a socialist party.

  21. Post update

    Nick Servini

    Political editor, Wales

    It's warming up #labourhustings as they get stuck into what went wrong at the general election. Cooper: campaign too narrow, Kendall: Labour fell into Tory traps.

  22. Post update

    Yvette Cooper: The Labour Party was too narrow at the election...we have to reach out. Andy Burnham: We've been in an identity crisis.

  23. Post update

    Nick Servini

    Political editor, Wales

    Punchy performance from Andy Burnham appears to be going down well, particularly on youth wages and qualifications.

  24. Via Twitter

    Ogmore MP Huw Irranca-Davies tweets: Excellent q&a at #Labourleadership hustings on Wales powers/funding, #greecereferendum , UKIP, immigration, Europe ... all in 1st 20 mins!

  25. Post update

    Andy Burnham: Traditional Labour areas have changed, we need funding to support areas affected by migration.

  26. Post update

    Yvette Cooper: We have to challenge the myth UKIP only takes votes from the Conservatives.

  27. Post update

    Jeremy Corbyn agrees - "you can't out-UKIP UKIP."

  28. Post update

    Liz Kendall: "We need firm rules on immigration, but we must never try to out-UKIP UKIP. I hated those immigration mugs."

  29. Post update

    Next question comes from Cardiff councillor Ali Ahmed who wants to know what the candidates would do to deal with UKIP.

  30. Post update

    Nick Servini

    Political editor, Wales

    Funding for Wales comes up early #labourhustings. Yvette Cooper line that Tories nationalise decisions and localise blame goes down well.

  31. Post update

    Jeremy Corbyn: I want a constitutional convention. Yvette Cooper: We've got to get a fairer deal for Wales.

  32. Post update

    Andy Burnham: We have to stop taking people for granted. Liz Kendall: We have to keep fighting for every vote.

  33. Post update

    Question 2: What reward would you give loyal Welsh support?

  34. Post update

    Liz Kendall: Eurozone countries should bust every sinew to reach a deal.

    Jeremy Corbyn: Greece should be allowed to go down its chosen road.

  35. Post update

    Yvette Cooper says Britain mustn't turn its back on Greece. Andy Burnham says Greek people should vote yes to the bailout terms that the Syriza government wants to reject.

  36. Post update

    First question for candidates: If you were living in Greece which way would you vote in today's referendum and why?

  37. Post update

    Alan Edmunds and Labour candidates

    Alan Edmunds, editor of the Western Mail, welcomes the candidates on stage.

  38. Post update

    Candidates arrive

    There's a standing ovation for the Labour leadership candidates as they walk to the stage at Cardiff City Hall.

  39. Post update

    Cardiff City Hall

    Around 600 people were expected to gather at Cardiff City Hall for the event.

  40. Post update

    Nick Servini

    Political editor, Wales

    One Labour MP says the hustings is 80% personality and 20% policies at this stage.

  41. Post update

    Andy Burnham arrives

    Andy Burnham's supporters include Shadow Welsh Secretary Owen Smith.

  42. BBC Wales political editor Nick Servini sets the scene

    Nick Servini

    The one and only Labour leadership hustings in Wales has a sense of urgency which doesn't exist in many parts of the UK because of the assembly election next year.

    From a Welsh perspective, there haven't been any major policy differences between the candidates so far.

    They all support devolution and to varying degrees they want Carwyn Jones to have a stronger role in the UK Labour party in the future.

    Ultimately, the Welsh members will be looking for the person with the right personality to attract enough voters who aren't party members to become Prime Minister.

    It's all part of a summer of soul searching by the Labour party as it tries to establish what went wrong across the UK and in Wales where it lost a number of key seats, and didn't see it coming.

  43. Post update

    Yvette Cooper and supporters

    One of the four contenders, Yvette Cooper, arrives with a group of supporters

  44. Post update

    Labour leadership hustings banner

    Welcome to our live coverage of the Labour leadership hustings at Cardiff City Hall.