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Live Reporting

Amelia Butterly and Kevin Ponniah

All times stated are UK

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  1. Goodbye from Silicon Valley

    After a frantic week, #teamlead have sucessfully completed the first ever 100 Women Challenge.

    Of course their innovations are still being tweaked and tested, and we will keep you updated on what happens next.

    For now though - the BBC 100 Women team will move to India, for the next challenge.

    A team of brilliant women in Delhi will be working hard to tackle the issue of female illiteracy.

    You can follow their progress on the BBC 100 Women website, and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

    The season will also be featured on BBC News, BBC World television and World Service Radio.

  2. 'The glass ceiling has been smashed'

    The first 100 Women Challenge is drawing to a close.

    Here are the four innovations that were unveiled today:

    • A wearable tech necklace, called "Collective Sisters", which uses signals from the body to help the wearer overcome the physical manifestations of nervousness and accept supportive messages from “allies” via a connected app
    • An augmented reality app which allows women to send message to other women which they can see "floating" in the air as they walk around the office
    • An app called (see video below) that tackles issues around team meetings and how they can be dominated by certain people
    • An art installation that allows the public to hear what sexism sounds like
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  3. Amy Cuddy 'in awe'

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    Amy adds: "I would like to say I am so impressed by all of you... I wish you had existed when I was 10 years younger than you are today."

    Video content

    Video caption: 100 Women: Amy Cuddy on how posture can boost your confidence
  4. 'You are positive role models'

    The floor has now been opened for discussion and questions.

    One of Roya Ramezani's bosses at JP Morgan Chase, Brett Murray, says the company is proud of her being one of the key members of #teamlead.

    "Thanks to all of you for being absolutely positive role models," he says.

    Andrew Mackenzie, the husband of Lori Mackenzie of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research, says corporations need to be flexible.

    "I'm on the diversity council of my company at work and I understand how tricky it is to support people in the way they want to be supported."

    Erin Akinci, the scientist whose fear of public speaking inspired #teamlead, gives her opinion.

    Quote Message: The things that I really appreciate are when people I do have a good working relationship with come to ask me what would be helpful." from Erin Akinci Data scientist, Asana
    Erin AkinciData scientist, Asana
  5. 'They give me a sense of control'

    Lea, one of the young women whose experiences inspired #teamlead, is talking about the innovations.

    "This is awesome... I really appreciate that you all came here to solve problems affecting me on a daily basis," she says.

    "What is really empowering about these apps is they give me a sense of control."

  6. Innovation 4: What does sexism sound like?

    The fourth innovation is an art installation called #metoo and subtitled: “What does sexism sound like?”

    It uses audio testimonials of everyday sexism, crowdsourced by BBC outlets around the world, and “flips” the gender of the speaker to confound the expectations of listeners.

    The team has been testing it out in Silicon Valley.

    Have a watch!

    Video content

    Video caption: Roya took her art installation to the streets of Silicon Valley
  7. 'Graduates shouldn't go through that'

    Lori Mackenzie, who is on the 100 Women team, has been reacting to the sexism that Stanford University grads Lea and Sasha have faced in the tech industry (see video in post below).

    Quote Message: We need to make sure that no Stanford graduate should go through something like that." from Lori Mackenzie Executive Director, Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
    Lori MackenzieExecutive Director, Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
  8. Inspiration for the final innovation

    The final innovation was designed by Roya and inspired by two women who have faced sexism in the tech industry.

    Stanford graduates Lea and Sasha are only just starting on their professional journey in the technology industry but say they are already battle-scarred.

    From bosses "staring" at their breasts, to so-called "bro culture", they say there is still a long way to go before women in Silicon Valley offices are treated the same as men.

    Here's their story:

    Video content

    Video caption: Sexism in tech: 'A thousand little cuts'
  9. Erin tests the app

    This is Erin, the data scientist who has trouble speaking up in meetings.

    She is testing the app that has been made to help her address this - made by Rumman and Natalia.

    It’s called, as in "ally" or friend.

    You set your intention first. For example: "I want to speak twice in this meeting."

    The app then sets you tips to achieve that. And then, when you're in the meeting, it records how long you spoke for, how long others spoke for and what kinds of words were used in the meeting and by whom, i.e. Jim used the word “we” a lot, Sandy said "I" a lot, etc.

    Watch it being tested out!

    Video content

    Video caption: 100 Women: Erin tests the app
  10. 'It enables you to be an ally'

    Rumman is telling the audience that the app allows you to be an "ally" in meetings. It is not necessarily just for people who need to feel empowered in meetings, she says, but also allows leaders to monitor if they are supporting less confident members of the team.

    Natalia adds: "Over time, facilitators can use it to track how you involve everyone in the room."

  11. Innovation 3: An app to help in meetings

    The third innovation, this one developed by Natalia and Rumman, is being unveiled live on stage.

    It's an app that tackles the issues of team meeting dynamics.

    The women decided to look at this because, team-work being the norm in professional life, research shows that in a team of eight people, three of them will speak 67% of the time.

    And when women experts try to weigh in, their knowledge is often overlooked, they get interrupted more than their male counterparts, and even when they share great ideas, those ideas get claimed by others on the team.

    In many cases, team meeting stop being forums for collaboration but instead devolve into competitions for airtime, leaving little opportunity to contribute if you hesitate.

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  12. Innovation 2: Augmented reality app

    Roya says the team consulted with Marilyn Loden, who coined the term glass ceiling 40 years ago, to work on another innovation - an augmented reality app which allows women to send messages to other women which they can see "floating" in space as they walk around the office.

    She says Marilyn told her: "We need to be teaching our daughters to be taking up their fair share of space."

    Find out what she thinks about the 100 Women Challenge.

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  13. What to do if you think you're being sexually harassed at work

    Man and woman

    Sexual harassment at work has returned to the headlines after US film producer Harvey Weinstein apologised about the way he had "behaved with colleagues in the past".

    It came after a newspaper reported a number of sexual harassment allegations against him.

    What sort of behaviour counts as sexual harassment at work? And how should you deal with it if you think it is happening to you?

    Find out what action you can take.

  14. Innovation 1: A wearable tech necklace

    Roya Ramezani is talking about the first innovation on stage.

    It's a piece of wearable tech jewellery, called "Collective Sisters", which uses signals from the body to help the wearer overcome the physical manifestations of nervousness and accept supportive messages from “allies” via a connected app.

    Here's a picture of Roya wearing the necklace earlier.

    Roya Ramezani wearing wearable tech necklace
  15. 'We are making history'

    Gender diversity specialist Lori Mackenzie is kicking off the event at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

    Quote Message: Today, we are making history. Four women and a team of supporters have been breaking the glass ceiling. If anyone has had any idea that women can't do technology they just need to come here. from Lori Mackenzie
    Lori Mackenzie
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