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Live Reporting

Edited by Rebecca Seales and Sarah Collerton

All times stated are UK

  1. That's all for now - thanks for reading!

    As we come to the end of today's live coverage, here is a round-up of key developments.

    • The UK recorded its lowest daily death toll since before lockdown. Figures showed a further 36 people had died with coronavirus across all settings. However, the numbers tend to be lower at the weekend due to reporting delays
    • Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said people should be able to "shop with confidence" when non-essential stores reopen in England on Monday
    • India is to convert 500 railway carriages to create 8,000 more beds for coronavirus patients in Delhi as infections surge
    • The number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan could more than double by the end of this month and peak at 1.2 million a month later, the country's planning minister has warned
    • Spain will lift border checks with all other EU countries in the Schengen Zone, except Portugal, from 21 June, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has said
    • The Iranian government has reported its daily coronavirus death toll has risen above 100 for the first time since April
    • Chile, Argentina, Peru and Colombia have reported a record number of Covid-19 infections in the past 24 hours

    And finally... you've been kept up-to-date today by our team of reporters in the UK: Rebecca Seales, Vicky Baker, Joshua Cheetham, Becky Morton, Alex Therrien, Sarah Collerton, Ashitha Nagesh, George Wright and Victoria Lindrea. Our colleagues in Singapore will be resuming live coverage at 0500 BST on Monday.

  2. Sri Lanka holds 'coronavirus-proof' test vote ahead of election

    Authorities in Sri Lanka have held mock elections as part of a test of new anti-coronavirus voting measures.

    Voters wore face masks, stood 1m (3ft) apart in queues and brought their own pens and pencils to mark ballot papers.

    Officials were protected by plastic screens or face shields, and sprayed disinfectants on voters.

    Sri Lanka postponed parliamentary elections, originally scheduled for April, because of the virus. The vote is due to be held on 5 August.

    Sunday's trial run was held in four of the country's 22 electoral districts. It was designed to get voters used to the new system and see if extra voting time was needed.

    Read more here

    An election official behind a plastic sheet marks the finger of a voter (L) with ink during a mock election to test the guidelines implemented against the COVID-19 coronavirus in Ingiriya of Kalutara District in Western Province on June 14, 2020.
  3. Urgent meeting on Delhi hospital crisis

    The Indian government has called an urgent meeting of the leaders of the country's main political parties to discuss the coronavirus crisis in Delhi.

    The meeting, which will be held tomorrow, comes after India reported almost 12,000 new cases in 24 hours.

    Delhi's hospitals are overwhelmed with coronavirus patients, with reports of people dying after being repeatedly turned away from different hospitals.

    It's estimated the health system will need tens of thousands more beds in the coming weeks in order to deal with the virus, which hasn't yet peaked.

    About 500 railway carriages are going to be converted into Covid wards.

    Video content

    Video caption: Coronavirus: Indian hospitals struggle to cope with the outbreak
  4. Analysis: Reopening of shops will be gradual

    Katy Austin

    Business Correspondent

    From Monday, all non-essential retailers will be allowed to reopen in England.

    But not all shops will raise the shutters on day one - the reopening will be gradual.

    For many, it’s an important opportunity to welcome customers back to spend in store.

    Having spent time and money preparing safety measures in line with “Covid-secure” guidelines, they are hoping shoppers have the confidence to return, and that they follow rules on queuing and hygiene.

    Some expect an initial surge of activity. However, businesses I’ve spoken to expect much lower levels of trade overall in the coming months, compared to before the crisis.

    One reason is that social distancing will limit the number of customers in store - another is that the experience will be different.

    There will be less spontaneous browsing, for example, and no taking a break inside a cafe or restaurant, while hospitality venues remain closed to sit-in customers.

    The lockdown also accelerated change that had already begun: A move towards more online shopping, with fewer physical stores likely to be needed in future.

  5. Berlin united in socially distanced human chain

    Socially-distanced human chain in Berlin

    Thousands of people formed a socially distanced human chain in Berlin today to protest against racism, while observing coronavirus guidance.

    The chain stretched from the Brandenburg Gate, past the old East Berlin television tower, and into Neukölln district.

    Political parties, climate change campaigners and other activist groups - including Grannies Against the Far Right - took part in protest events in several German cities.

    Socially-distanced human chain at Brandenburg Gate
    Socially-distanced human chain in Berlin
  6. How will shopping be different in the near future?

    Video content

    Video caption: Coronavirus: How to keep safe while shopping

    Perspex screens at the tills and floor markings to keep shoppers 2m (6ft) apart have already become a regular fixture in supermarkets. You are likely to see them in other shops too, such as bookseller Waterstones and Boots, the UK's biggest pharmacy chain.

    Some more unfamiliar measures - including pleas not to touch items unless you intend to buy - will be in place to try to reduce the virus spread.

    Shoe shop Kurt Geiger will put footwear aside for 24 hours after a customer has tried them on, and Waterstones says it will "quarantine" books for 72 hours after people have touched them.

    The number of customers allowed in stores will also be limited, and businesses have been asked to encourage people to shop alone, if they can.

    But despite these precautions, many shoppers are feeling anxious about their return to the High Street.

    More than half of UK customers expect they will now go shopping less often over the next one or two years, according to a survey of more than 1,000 people by accountancy giant EY.

  7. Analysis: Daily rise in death figures offers some hope

    Rachel Schraer

    BBC Health Reporter

    The daily coronavirus death toll reported by the government tells you how many deaths were recorded that day - not how many actually happened.

    So we expect to see lower figures at weekends.

    Even accounting for the Sunday effect though, today’s figure of 36 deaths in all settings across the UK is hopeful - it’s the lowest daily figure seen since before lockdown.

    Last Sunday, the grim toll was down to 55 and, the week before that, 111 Covid deaths were recorded.

    But the day before lockdown when recorded deaths were last at this level, it took under a fortnight for this figure to have increased ten-fold.

    The outbreak escalated with frightening speed and came down much more slowly.

    With further relaxations to lockdown kicking in from Monday, scientists and government will be keeping a sharp eye on these figures in the hope that another uncontrollable escalation can be prevented.

  8. 'A stranger told me to put a disgusting tissue on my face'

    Face masks in Oxfordshire, England

    As face coverings become mandatory on public transport in England from tomorrow, we've been listening to what you have to say.

    Christine Bithrey, from London, told us she has chronic asthma and that wearing a mask makes it feel harder for her to breathe. In a government briefing earlier this month, transport minister Grant Shapps said people with breathing difficulties would be exempt from the new law.

    Christine is currently working from home but she doesn't want to use public transport, because as her condition is hidden, she fears she will be attacked or stopped for not wearing a mask.

    "I am terrified about the prospect of using public transport", she says. "A couple of weeks ago I went on a bus to a different location, and I was coughing because of my asthma. I am nearly 60. A man appeared in front of me with a disgusting tissue and asked me to put it over my mouth."

    But Christine says she will need to travel to work at some point.

    "I have no idea how I am going to get to my office," she says. "I spoke to some staff at Camden Road station who said they weren't even aware of any exemptions. If London Transport Police approaches me, how can I prove I have a health condition?"

  9. More lockdown easing in Australia

    Restaurant in Sydney

    Australia's two largest states, New South Wales and Victoria, have announced their latest plans to ease lockdown restrictions.

    NSW officials have said the 50-person limit at funerals will be lifted immediately, while nightclubs and music festivals will be allowed to operate from August if new cases of coronavirus remain low.

    Meanwhile in Victoria, indoor businesses will be allowed to have up to 50 seated customers at a time - an increase from the current limit of 20 - from 22 June.

    Restaurants in parts of the country, including Sydney, had already reopened earlier this month.

    Australia has had 7,320 confirmed cases, and a total death toll of 102.

  10. London Zoo gorillas get ready for grand reopening


    There's a festive atmosphere at London Zoo ahead of its reopening tomorrow, and the gorillas have had bunting put up in their treehouses as they prepare to greet fans once again.

    The zoo closed in March when the UK went into lockdown. When it reopens on Monday, there'll be limits on visitor numbers, one-way routes, and paw-print-shaped social distancing markers.

    Daniel Simmonds, team leader of the zoo's primates, told Reuters news agency the gorillas "have already adjusted to the fact that people haven't been coming in, but equally I am absolutely sure they are going to be really excited when they see lots of friendly visitor faces visiting them tomorrow".

  11. Nearly 11,000 Germans to 'test' holidays on Spanish islands

    People sunbathe in playa de Palma beach in Mallorca

    Almost 11,000 Germans will be arriving in Spain's Balearic islands next week as part of a scheme helping to boost the tourism industry after it was ground to a halt by the coronavirus pandemic.

    They will start landing on Monday and most will stay on the largest island, Mallorca. However a smaller number will head to Ibiza and Menorca.

    So who are the lucky ones? Spanish news outlet El Mundo has declared them "false tourists", as they are industry professionals, such as travel agents and hotel owners, rather than random holidaymakers. Their trip is a test run, so others can hopefully follow in their footsteps.

    The visitors will be exempt from virus testing and mandatory two-week quarantines, which are in force across mainland Spain. But they will have to fill out a form, have their temperatures taken on arrival, and provide authorities with their contact details and accommodation addresses so they can be traced if necessary.

    Tourism is a vital industry for the islands, accounting for approximately a third of the region's economy. But unlike their German counterparts, Spaniards are still prohibited from visiting anywhere but their home regions.

    Spain was initially set to reopen its borders to other EU countries from 1 July. But this weekend Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said this will be moved to a week earlier. The 14-day quarantine requirement for overseas travellers to Spain will also expire on 21 June.

  12. Pakistan's cases 'could double by end of the month'


    The number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan could more than double by the end of this month and peak at 1.2 million a month later, the country's planning minister Asad Umar has warned.

    Pakistan currently has almost 140,000 confirmed cases and its death toll is more than 2,600. However, because testing remains limited, it's thought that the real numbers are higher.

    "Expert estimates say the number of confirmed cases could go up to 300,000 by the end of June if we keep on flouting SOPs [standard operating procedures] and taking the problem lightly," said Umar.

    He issued the warning as people reportedly ignore guidance on social distancing and hygiene measures to stem the spread of the virus.

  13. Sturgeon 'optimistic' about moving to next lockdown phase

    Video content

    Video caption: Coronavirus: Sturgeon hopes to allow more social interaction this week

    Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said she remains optimistic that she will be able to announce to the Scottish Parliament on Thursday that the country is ready to move into phase two of easing lockdown measures, and that people in the "shielded" group will be able to go outdoors for exercise.

    The first minister said at today's briefing that she may announce a partial move, rather than a complete move to phase two.

    She said this could allow more social interaction, the re-mobilisation of the NHS, and would indicate when the retail sector might reopen.

    The first minister also stressed the importance of social distancing, and said the two-metre rule would remain under review, but would only be reduced if it was deemed safe to do so.

  14. Surge in gender-based violence as South Africa lockdown eased

    Tshegofatso Pule
    Image caption: Tshegofatso Pule, who was eight months pregnant, was killed recently

    As some coronavirus restrictions have been eased in South Africa there has been a surge in violence against women, President Cyril Ramaphosa said.

    He called it a "dark and shameful week" for his country.

    Several women have been killed, including Tshegofatso Pule - who was eight months pregnant when she was found stabbed and hanging from a tree.

    Among the restrictions that have been lifted recently are a ban on the sale of alcohol.

    "Gender-based violence thrives in a climate of silence. With our silence, by looking the other way because we believe it is a personal or family matter, we become complicit in this most insidious of crimes," the president said.

    Read the full story here.

  15. With new rules from Monday, here's where you need a face covering in the UK

    A woman wearing a face mask

    Face coverings on public transport - and for hospital staff, outpatients and visitors - will be compulsory in England from Monday.

    This is in line with new World Health Organization (WHO) advice.

    It says non-medical face coverings should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible - including on public transport.

    Elsewhere in the UK:

    Read more here

  16. Charting Coronavirus trends in the UK

    The Visual and Data Journalism Team

    As we reported earlier, the UK today saw its lowest rise in the number of people who died after testing positive for coronavirus (36) since 22 March, though figures tend to be lower at the weekend due to reporting delays.

    Here's a look at how the UK's outbreak is changing, in charts.

  17. Tulsa public health director 'concerned' about safety of Trump rally

    Donald Trump rally

    Next week US President Donald Trump is planning to hold an election rally in the US city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. But Tulsa's public health director, Bruce Dart, says he is concerned about the risks it poses due to the national outbreak of coronavirus.

    “I think it’s an honour for Tulsa to have a sitting president want to come and visit our community, but not during a pandemic,” Dr Dart told local outlet Tulsa World.

    Oklahoma and Tulsa County reported a record increase in infections on Saturday, according to Tulsa World. As of Saturday, more than 8,000 cases and 359 deaths have been confirmed across the state.

    “Covid is here in Tulsa, it is transmitting very efficiently,” Dr Dart said. “I wish we could postpone this to a time when the virus isn’t as large a concern as it is today.

    “I’m concerned about our ability to protect anyone who attends a large, indoor event, and I’m also concerned about our ability to ensure the president stays safe as well,” he added.

  18. US man, 70, gets million-dollar medical bill

    A 70-year-old man who nearly died of coronavirus has reportedly been handed a $1.1m (£876,000) medical bill in the US.

    The Seattle Times reported that Michael Flor racked up the bill after needing 62 days of hospital treatment.

    Flor was so seriously ill that at one point nurses held up a phone for him so he could say goodbye to his wife and children.

    The 181-page bill totalled $1,122,501.04.

    However, Flor shouldn't have to dig into his own pockets as he is covered by Medicare, a government insurance program for the elderly.

    "It was a million bucks to save my life, and of course I'd say that's money well-spent ... But I also know I might be the only one saying that," he told the Times.

  19. 'It's been a very lonely time': Living on your own in lockdown

    Ione Wells

    BBC News

    Jan Maddox with her partner
    Image caption: Jan Maddox has not been able to see her partner since the day before lockdown

    For people living alone the risks of loneliness in lockdown are significantly greater, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.

    In England, adults living alone or single parents can form a "support bubble" with another household - but that's not the case in Wales.

    Jan Maddox, 71, is from Newport in south Wales but her partner lives in the Midlands. She is one of nearly eight million people in the UK who live alone.

    "For the last three months, the only living thing I've touched is a dog," she says.

    "I did have a terrific social life. I was always out with friends, pub quizzes, music - everything. That all stopped. It's been a very lonely time."

    Read more.

  20. UK sees lowest rise in deaths since pre-lockdown

    A further 36 people have died in the UK after testing positive for coronavirus, taking the total number of deaths to 41,698, according to figures from the Department of Health.

    The figures include deaths in all settings, not just in hospitals.

    This is the lowest daily rise in the UK since 22 March, when 35 deaths were recorded. However, figures tend to be lower at the weekend, due to reporting delays.