White Helmets: Volunteer group saves Syrian bomb survivors

After the bombs go off in Syria, the White Helmets go in.

This volunteer group tries to rescue survivors from the rubble. With limited training and few supplies, they are often the only resource for those injured in an attack. Though difficult work, it is sometimes miraculous. They were able to save a two-week-old baby who had been trapped in a collapsed building for 16 hours.

Recently members of the group travelled to Washington DC to raise awareness for their work. They hope to receive some of the international aid designated to help Syrians.

Raed Saleh, head of the White Helmet centre in Edlib, and Khaled Harrah, a White Helmet volunteer from Aleppo, spoke to the BBC's Mehrnoush Pourziaiee.


Some footage provided by The White Helmets and The Syria Campaign

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