My life in Kenya's Mau Mau

In the 1950s, a secret Kenyan organisation, the Mau Mau, began an armed revolt against British colonial rule in Kenya.

Under British rule, most of the best land had been taken from Kenyan communities and given to white settlers. Oppressive laws and taxes were imposed on the indigenous population.

The Mau Mau attacked some foreign settlers. But in reality, most of their victims were fellow Kenyans.

The British response to the Mau Mau was brutal.

It's estimated that tens of thousands of Kenyans were killed as British forces tried to suppress the rebellion. Many Kenyans were tortured and abused in detention camps that were set up across the country.

Gitu wa Kahengeri joined the Mau Mau's freedom struggle as a young man.

He spoke to Witness about the long years he spent in detention camps, and his elation when Kenya was finally declared independent.

Witness: The stories of our times told by the people who were there.

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