Your views on Labour leadership hopefuls?

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After it lost the election how does the Labour Party pick itself up and persuade people it can run the country again?

They're going to spend the next few months choosing a new leader who they hope will help them win back power at the next election.

These people are from Hastings - one of the places where Labour lost to the Tories, and where they hope to get support back with a new man at the top.


Kelly, 22, hairdresser

What makes a good leader?

"Someone that means what they say and gets to the point."

From our pictures, she couldn't choose between the brothers David and Ed Miliband, or Andy Burnham. She said: "They all look quite similar but they're all young, they're new faces."

Sophie, 21, hair salon manager

What makes a good leader?

"You've got to be strong. Trust is a good thing. You've got to be fair, and you've got to listen to people's views."

She picked out Ed Miliband because: "He looks a lot younger. He's fresh-looking".

Katie, 21, admin assistant, and Abbie, 21, student

What makes a good leader?

Abbie says: "You've got to be able to communicate with people and have an awareness that not everyone's like you.

Katie adds: "you need to be fair and compassionate, but also firm."

They picked Diane Abbott and Andy Burnham as their favourites from the pictures. Abbie says Diane Abbott's "different and might shake things up", but Andy Burnham looks "proper Labour".

Michael, Chris and Jamie - all 18 and just finished A-levels or BTECs

What makes a good leader?

Jamie says: "You need experience so you know what's happening. You need to be strong and stick to your beliefs."

Chris adds: "You've got to be honest and stick to realistic goals. It helps if they're popular too and they've got charisma."

Michael says: "It needs to be someone who knows how to control people."

They picked out the Miliband brothers, David and Ed. Chris says: "They look quite young, so they should be able to stay leaders for ages. They'd hopefully represent us as young people a bit better too".

Jay, 29, self employed landlord

What makes a good leader?

He says: "Definitely experience. I mean look at Obama - that guy's running the show now."

He picked Ed Balls and Ed Miliband because: "These guys look serious and they look the part of a Labour party boss."