Benefits 'lifestyle' to end: Your reaction

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Chancellor George Osborne says the 'benefit lifestyle' choice will end

Another £4bn is going to be cut from the welfare and benefits system, on top of £11bn in cuts already announced.

Chancellor George Osborne says it's about tackling "the person who sits there and says, 'You know what, this is a lifestyle choice for me.' That lifestyle choice is going to come to an end."

Most of the hundreds who've texted us, or who have already posted on our Facebook page, like the idea - at least in principle.

Jack in Colchester says: "There's many people who know how to work the system in order for them not to work that hard."

Kerry in Nottinghamshire texted to tell us about her neighbours.

'About time'

She says they've got six kids and are planning another one.

She says: "Neither of them have any plans to work - yet they seem to have more money than us.

"They order takeaways, they're out for day trips, whereas we're working all the time."

Ray from County Tyrone says: "It's about time someone clamped down on these scroungers.

"They have got away with living in free houses and benefits for far too long."

But the Treasury also admits it still doesn't know how or where it'll make reductions.

So, until officials say more, Tracy on our Facebook page is worried.

She writes: "I get £40 a fortnight from benefits... how much more can they take?"

Tasha from Reading says she can't work for medical reasons but the benefit money she gets means, "I only just manage to eat once a day - sometimes less".

This post on Facebook comes from Sarah: "I was made a single parent when my child's father left us - and thank goodness for the help of benefits".

She adds: "The government are targeting the wrong people and should leave loving, caring single parents alone to look after their children how they choose to."

For now, the government is still able to talk broadly about making savings that only affect shirkers or scroungers.

The real test will come down the line - can they avoid harming people who really need the money they currently claim?