'It's hard being a young Conservative'

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Rose argues almost every day with her housemates because she is a Tory.

It's safe to assume she didn't Facebook the fact she was coming to the conference here in Birmingham, to spend a few days with a bunch of people who are mostly older and greyer than she is.

But she told Newsbeat it's worked wonders.

She's got a better understanding of what the government is doing.

That is David Cameron's big challenge - to explain.

He's got to explain why the coalition has to cut spending so deep and so quick.

He has to convince people it's necessary. Rose is on board now, but that's easy.

The decision to cut child benefit for some high earners has shown how hard the job is.

Tough enough

No one likes having money taken away from them, especially when many are the 'stay at home mums' who voted Conservative.

But David Cameron says, time and time again, its tough but fair.

If you think the cuts of the past few days have been tough just wait for what's to come.

Public sector workers are expected to see their pensions take a hit to save money.

University students of tomorrow will be told they are going to have to fork out thousands more to pay for their education.

I heard a top minister saying: "The big question for David Cameron and George Osborne is 'are you tough enough?''

Rose told Newsbeat she is tough enough to go back home and fight with her housemates. Its going to get a lot nastier.