Influencer Elle Darby apologises over racist tweets

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Elle DarbyImage source, Elle Darby

YouTuber and influencer Elle Darby has apologised over historical offensive tweets that have resurfaced.

The 26-year-old said she was "disgusted" by the messages sent in 2011 from an old account which contained racial and offensive slurs.

The messages insulted Polish and Indian people, as well as well as those who were overweight.

In a YouTube post, external she said: "They were racist, they were fat-phobic, they were homophobic... I am ashamed."

Elle, who's from Wiltshire, blogs about lifestyle and fitness and has over 720,000 Instagram followers.

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In the video on her YouTube channel, which has more than 580,000 subscribers, she says: "There are no words to tell you how sorry I am.

"The tweets I made in 2011 were so disgusting and so far from the person I am today."

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Her fiancé Connor Swift, a fellow YouTuber and founder of a fitness clothing brand, has also apologised and said he feels "shame, embarrassment and sadness" over offensive tweets sent as a teenager.

Elle added she would be "taking a bit of time offline to further reflect on everything that has happened".

However, there has been criticism over the apology on social media.

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Newsbeat has contacted the couple's management for further comment.

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