Blackberry 10 phone launch: Your stories

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Blackberry launch the new handsets

The first two handsets powered by the new Blackberry 10 operating system have been unveiled.

Its appeal could determine whether the firm has a long term future. Some analysts suggested its efforts might have come too late to make much headway against the most popular smartphone platforms: Google's Android and Apple's iOS.

You have been sharing your thoughts on Blackberry and how you feel it fits into the crowded smartphone marketplace.

David Hartwell, Newbury

I am a former Blackberry user of many different models and I have to admit I was not a fan. Then I got a Bold, light, great battery life and I could type on that little keyboard almost as fast as on my PC.

I could rattle off emails so fast, I didn't bother taking my PC if I was only out of the office for a day, everything I needed was on that device.

And if I lost it or it got broken, our IT guys could port the whole thing over to a new device and I would be up and running with no input from me in an hour. Then a bad thing happened.

My current company decided that we would switch to Android and I got a Samsung Galaxy. My life has changed, the email system is hopeless, the virtual keyboard is so hard to use accurately that my typing speed is one third that of a Blackberry. The screen is admittedly beautiful and the multi media impressive, but you pay with the battery life, which is one working day if you are lucky - and the phone aspect is poor - poorer range and inferior call quality

I still have my Blackberry Curve 9360 in my office, I saw it in my draw today and had a pang of longing to use its wonderfully simple menu system, brilliant email interface and superb keyboard. I'm just waiting for IT to have a change of heart and give me my productivity back. Blackberry: good luck with this model, there are many folks out there who really need a corporately connected device in their professional life who know only a Blackberry will do. These consumer devices just don't cut it in the corporate world. Blackberry really did improve my productivity.

David Butterfield, Antrobus

I bought a top of the range Blackberry 9900 about a year ago, my first BlackBerry, expecting all-singing, all-dancing connectivity.

In my opinion, it's not fit for purpose. The simplest of tasks are beyond this phone; it can't even play a video clip embedded on the BBC website.

When I complained about its failings I was asked to be patient and all my concerns would be addressed in due course.

I've heard nothing until this morning. Listening them extol the virtues of their loyal customer base is so far off the mark.

I'm locked in for another year on my contract with a seriously duff handset but once this contract is up I expect I'll buy an iPhone.

Evie Copeland, Dumfries

I love my Blackberry. I've had one for the last seven years or so and it's always been my handset of choice. I'm so glad they've stepped up the game and are releasing something that can properly compete with what's out there now.

I love my iPad and iPod buy have always preferred having a Blackberry as my mobile phone. At university it was really handy and nothing else has ever really appealed to me.

I have at times felt a bit left behind when friends and colleagues are picking up new iPhones or Samsung handsets, but I've always been a loyal Blackberry customer. I'm glad I've stuck with them so far and am looking forward to getting a nose at the BB10.

Rob Stein, Nottingham

Firstly, a high amount of details were leaked before the event so there was nothing to be excited about. Everyone knows that this is Blackberry's last chance, so we know that this isn't going to be innovative, rather 'let's finally get in the market and try and make some money/impact'.

Secondly, the OS10 is a mess. It looks very basic, like it has been designed for businessmen who want to believe they are using something as good as an iPhone, for example. The new hub looks all over the place, with too many different ways to try and organise yourself. The maps application isn't even on par with Apple Maps, which says it all. And there is a disgusting amount of gestures, half of which are just unnecessary.

The Z10 is trying to look like an iPhone 5, that isn't even an argument. Things like the fact that the battery is still removable is just so typically Blackberry.

In summary, Blackberry are two years too late into the market, in my opinion. Now they are trying to make an impact, but the only way of doing that is to create something innovative, something that people have always wanted in a phone, but never realised they needed it.

This is simply another phone in a market that is just far too cluttered with the likes of Apple, HTC, Samsung, Microsoft, and so on. Why are people suddenly going to drop their iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3 and think "ah, Blackberry are back, thank God for that"?