Thinking Allowed. Culture and Privilege. Audio, 28 minutes
Culture and privilege: are the cultural and creative industries meritocratic?
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
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- Posted27 August 2021
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- Posted11 August 2021
Stand-Up Specials. Scrambled EGG. Audio, 28 minutes
A comedy special. Anna Leong Brophy and Emily Lloyd-Saini explore being mixed race.
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
City of Culture: Southampton submits 2025 bid. Alun Newman. Audio, 00:06:23
Hear from those who back it the BID on the benefits if the city wins.
- AttributionBBC Radio Solent
- Posted21 July 2021
- Attribution
- Posted14 July 2021
- Attribution
- Posted8 July 2021
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- Posted30 June 2021
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- Posted25 June 2021
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- Posted10 June 2021
- AttributionBBC Two
- AttributionBBC Two
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- Posted21 May 2021
- Attribution
- Posted10 May 2021
It’s Not Always Black and White. 7. Sex and Relationships Part 1. Audio, 27 minutes
Bongi and Matt explore sex and how their cultures attitudes help shape their marriage.
- AttributionBBC Radio Stoke
- Available for over a year
It’s Not Always Black and White. 5. Great Britain Part 1. Audio, 20 minutes
Bongi and Matt explore what is great about Great Britain and what isn’t so good.
- AttributionBBC Radio Stoke
- Available for over a year
- AttributionBBC Two
- AttributionBBC One
Headliners with Nihal Arthanayake. Jane Fallon. Audio, 39 minutes
The best-selling author on her new novel and why she’s a cat lover.
- AttributionBBC Radio 5 Live
- Available for over a year
It’s Not Always Black and White. 4. Fashion and Beauty Part 2. Audio, 23 minutes
Bongi and Matt get into fashion disasters and why white men should moisturise.
- AttributionBBC Radio Stoke
- Available for over a year
It’s Not Always Black and White. 2. Cultural Differences Part 2. Audio, 24 minutes
Bongi and Matt find out what they love most about each other’s culture.
- AttributionBBC Radio Stoke
- Available for over a year