Rare Earth. Amazon Future. Audio, 53 minutes
Drought and fire are devastating the Amazon rainforest. What can be done to save it?
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Unavailable
- Attribution
- Posted14 November
- Attribution
- Posted30 October
The Food Chain. Living with water shortages. Audio, 27 minutes
The cities living with drought and limited water supplies
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted16 October
- Attribution
- Posted15 October
- Attribution
- Posted3 October
- Attribution
- Posted18 September
What in the World. Wildfires and drought in Brazil - what does it mean for the Amazon? Audio, 15 minutes
And what wildlife is at risk in the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal areas?
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted3 September
- Attribution
- Posted3 September
- Attribution
- Posted17 June
- Attribution
- Posted31 May
- Attribution
- Posted29 April
- Attribution
- Posted24 April
- Attribution
- Posted18 April
- Attribution
- Posted17 April
- Attribution
- Posted12 April
- Attribution
- Posted12 April
- Attribution
- Posted10 April
- Attribution
- Posted7 April
- Attribution
- Posted3 April
- Attribution
- Posted28 February
- Attribution
- Posted17 February