Extraterrestrial life
5 Live Science Podcast. Dr. Karl. Audio, 49 minutes
What would a Martian look like?
- AttributionBBC Radio 5 Live
- Available for over a year
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- Posted3 December 2019
Rewinder. Two: Rod, Clutter and Little Green Men. Audio, 28 minutes
Greg James, self-confessed 'proud radio nerd', rummages through the BBC's vast archives.
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
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- Posted22 September 2019
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- Posted20 September 2019
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- Posted19 September 2019
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- Posted13 September 2019
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- Posted12 September 2019
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- Posted7 September 2019
Discovery. Paul Davies on the origin of life and the evolution of cancer. Audio, 27 minutes
Paul Davies talks to Jim al-Khalili about the origin of life and the search for aliens.
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
NASA's new mission to search for life in our solar system. Newsday. Audio, 00:02:46
Could Titan - one of Saturn's moons - be home to alien life?
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Posted28 June 2019
Discovery. Will we ever find alien life? Audio, 27 minutes
3/6 Where are we looking for alien life and what are the chances of finding it?
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
CrowdScience. Could dark matter harbour dark life? Audio, 31 minutes
Marnie Chesterton answers Indian listener Gautam’s question about dark life
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted2 April 2019
The Documentary Podcast. So where are the aliens? Audio, 27 minutes
If space aliens are out there…why haven’t we found them?
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted24 March 2017
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- Posted15 November 2017
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- Posted11 January 2019
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- Posted4 January 2017
Witness History. UFO Sightings: The Rendlesham Forest Incident. Audio, 9 minutes
At Christmas 1980 strange objects and lights were seen over a military base in England.
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
Could this asteroid be an extraterrestrial probe? Newsday. Audio, 00:02:23
Scientists say the interstellar object could be alien technology
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Posted5 November 2018
Curious Cases. Series 11, The Alien Enterprise Part 2. Audio, 25 minutes
Are intelligent aliens out there?
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year
Curious Cases. Series 11, The Alien Enterprise Part 1. Audio, 26 minutes
How do we look for alien life, and what are we expecting to find?
- AttributionBBC Radio 4
- Available for over a year