Pope Francis
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- Posted4 days ago
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- Posted20 November
- Posted27 October
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- Posted27 September
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- Posted13 September
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- Posted11 September
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- Posted8 September
Reporter Reads. Why is the Pope doing a long tour when he's so frail? Audio, 7 minutes
At nearly 88 years old, Pope Francis is in the middle of his longest foreign visit yet.
- AttributionBBC News
- Available for over a year
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- Posted8 September
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- Posted5 September
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- Posted3 September
Heart and Soul. Corruption in Curia. Audio, 27 minutes
How the financial investigator who fell foul of the Vatican kept his faith
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
The Inquiry. Is Pope Francis ‘betraying’ China’s Catholics? Audio, 23 minutes
Is the Pope unifying or isolating China’s Catholics?
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted12 August
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- Posted5 July
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- Posted21 June
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- Posted14 June
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- Posted13 June
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- Posted12 June
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- Posted28 May
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- Posted28 May
The Global Story. Pope Francis: How 'woke' is he? Audio, 25 minutes
A new Vatican document is challenging the Catholic leader’s progressive image
- AttributionBBC World Service
- Available for over a year
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- Posted8 April
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- Posted31 March