Classical music
The Listening Service. Is Classical music fashionable? Audio, 29 minutes
Is classical music in fashion? Who's listening and what are they actually listening to?
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted13 September 2020
The Listening Service. Musical Highs. Audio, 29 minutes
Toms Service explores the way composers engineer musical crescendos and climaxes.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted12 September 2020
- Attribution
- Posted2 September 2020
The Listening Service. HIPP to Be Square. Audio, 29 minutes
Historically Informed Performance Practice, or HIPP: what is it and why?
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted25 August 2020
- Attribution
- Posted25 August 2020
- Attribution
- Posted24 August 2020
- Attribution
- Posted23 August 2020
The Essay. Culture in Quarantine: Sounds of Silence, Seeds. Audio, 14 minutes
A cellist plants the seeds of her future in the Scottish Highlands.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
The Essay. Culture in Quarantine: Sounds of Silence, Conduit. Audio, 14 minutes
A soprano discovers the colour of her voice in a basement in Birmingham.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
The Listening Service. Is it canon? Audio, 29 minutes
The classical music canon - who decides what's in and what's out? And can it change?
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted3 August 2020
The Listening Service. The Goldberg Variations. Audio, 31 minutes
Tom Service unlocks mysteries of Bach's towering keyboard work The Goldberg Variations.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted17 July 2020
Sunday Feature. Silent Witness - John Cage, Zen and Japan. Audio, 44 minutes
How American experimental composer John Cage came to write his infamous, silent 4’33”.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
The Listening Service. Going Slow. Audio, 30 minutes
Tom Service on what happens when our music goes slow.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted8 July 2020
- Attribution
- Posted3 July 2020
The Listening Service. Music and breathing. Audio, 30 minutes
How is the rhythm and physicality of our breathing reflected in music?
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted24 June 2020