About the price of football calculator

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Here's how the BBC's 2015 Price of Football calculator and survey were compiled.

About the calculator

BBC Price of Football

The Price of Football surveys the cost of the cheapest and most expensive match-day and season tickets, as well as the cost of a pie, programme, cup of tea and adult and junior replica shirts.

The calculator helps you navigate through this data with ease.

Simply enter the name of your club and you'll have all the key data presented and put into context for you.

In addition you can work out how much support of your team is costing you. Simply enter your ticket cost, food, drink and programme spend, plus how many replica shirts you buy and the amount you pay on TV sports subscriptions. The calculator will then compare that to a number of costs, such as player wages, transfer fees and other leisure pursuits.

Throughout the calculator, we compare how various costs have changed using data from previous BBC Price of Football studies.

Some data comparisons are not available for clubs not included in previous years.

The 'price of a goal' is calculated by dividing the cost of a club's cheapest season ticket last season by the number of goals scored by the team at home in the same season.

Some comparisons are not available for clubs not surveyed last season, or promoted to the National League.

Programme costs were not collected from European clubs, as many do not publish match-day programmes in the same way as UK teams.

About the survey

The BBC contacted 227 clubs for the study. Of those, 200 were in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and another 27 in Europe.

The data was collated and verified by BBC Sport journalists.

Swansea are omitted from the survey and calculator because they declined to take part.

All ticket prices refer to an adult ticket when bought individually.

The match-day ticket prices quoted refer to high and low prices available on the day of a game, to reflect the price for fans who decide on match day they would like to attend a game, and not individual offers.

Match-day costs reflect categories that are registered with the relevant league, rather than individual, or one-off, offers.

The season ticket prices quoted refer to the cheapest possible ticket (including early bird offers), and the most expensive season ticket.

Replica shirt prices are listed according to the official cost in the club shop or website - rather than separate retailers.