In pictures: Second day of President Xi Jinping's UK visit

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Chinese President Xi Jinping is on the second full day of his state visit to the UK.

On Wednesday morning Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan visited Imperial College London to hear about research collaborations between China and the UK. The couple were joined by Chancellor George Osborne and the Duke of York.

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Afterwards, Mr Xi and his wife attended a "creative collaborations" event at Lancaster House, where they were joined by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

A display including James Bond's car and a Dalek was put on for the Chinese leader.

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The president also met Jackie Chan, second from left below, who appealed for support for Chinese movies.

The actor said: "I think [the visit] really helps for the culture exchange.

"Right now, China is one of the bigger markets. Collaboration really helps me to create new ideas."

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Next up was Downing Street, where Prime Minister David Cameron and Mr Xi are holding talks.

Mr Cameron's spokeswoman has said nothing is off the table during discussions and the impact of Chinese steel subsidies is likely to come up.

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A sizable number of the Chinese delegation also made the trip to Downing Street.

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Both protesters and supporters of the Chinese government gathered in Whitehall.

Some protesters carried Tibetan flags.

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During a press conference following talks, President Xi said his country attached great important to the protection of human rights. David Cameron said the leaders had discussed the excess supply of steel, which President Xi said was a problem worldwide.

Among agreements signed on a number of issues, Chancellor George Osborne signed a deal for closer customs co-operation between HMRC and the Chinese General Administration of Customs.

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As part of a busy afternoon schedule, Mr Xi also visited Mansion House with Mr Cameron and Huawei Technologies in London, where he met the Chinese communications company's staff.

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In the evening, the president and Madame Peng, joined by the Duke of York, attended a banquet at Guildhall given by the Lord Mayor and City of London Corporation. Protesters and pro-Chinese groups have again gathered outside.

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