Trump recognises Jerusalem as capital: Your reactions

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Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital has been met with worldwide dismay and sparked Israeli-Palestinian clashes - but also divided opinion here in the UK.

The US president said moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was a "recognition of reality" and "also the right thing to do".

Here, people living in London and Birmingham share their reactions.

'Jerusalem has always been my capital'

Joel Fox says he is a "Jewish man, born and brought up in England". He is 37 and runs a restaurant in London.

He spent two years living and studying in Jerusalem but says "only time will tell" whether President Trump has made the right decision.

"Jerusalem is a mixed community where you can see Jews, Muslims and Christians living side by side," he says.

"I would be on one side of the city's walls and you would hear the call to prayer coming over the top, no one was bothered."

Joel says he is unsure what effect Trump's announcement will have, but thinks it will "escalate something".

He says he has experienced anti-Semitism in the UK, which he says is "blurred with anti-Zionism".

"Recently I was tripped and pushed over in the street, called a pig by a white man," he says.

"I used to be bullied as school by Jewish kids so it's about the person, not where they come from."

Joel is clear on one thing - even before Donald Trump's announcement: "Jerusalem has been my capital since I was born".

'It has affected me a lot as a Muslim'

Salim Mohammed, from Birmingham, says the decision has "affected me a lot as a Muslim".

"My brothers and sisters have been under occupation for a long time," he says.

"People being oppressed, no matter where it is in the world, should be something that us as human beings care about."

Salim says President Trump "doesn't realise lives are being affected via the things he is saying".

He thinks that there are two ways to bring about peace: "Palestinians accept Israel taking over - or introduce a two-state solution."

He says: "It is like people have come into my house, and taken over different parts of my house, and now I'm left with the options.

"Either I sign away my home or accept living in the bathroom."

'I am really offended by this news'

"I am a Muslim and this is part of my life," says Jamel, also from Birmingham.

"It's like somebody has just taken something out of you and given it to someone else.

"It is not just a problem for Palestine but the whole Muslim world."

He says President Trump is not going to promote peace but "war, nothing but war".

Jamel says: "I never thought there was any peace before, and I never expected peace.

"I think the solution is [with] the UN, international law and human rights. If we go back to that we will resolve it."

'My grandchildren are about to move to Israel'

Alison Mazin, from London, has a daughter living in Tel Aviv and is worried about her son, who is about to move to Israel with her four small grandchildren.

She is concerned about what might happen in the wake of Mr Trump's announcement.

"I don't know what he thinks he is doing, there could be a lot of trouble," she says.

"In theory it could be a real mess."

She says she is worried that this might unite Arab opinion against Israel.

"There might be more tension here, one thing happens and the Jews are always blamed."

She was shopping with a friend in a supermarket packed full of Chanukah goods, ready for the Jewish festival which starts next week.

Her friend, who did not want to be named, said: "I'm worried there could be a backlash here, we have to be prepared."

'This won't make a difference'

Moshe Benezra runs a Jewish delicatessen in Golders Green, north London.

He was born in Israel but has lived in the UK for more than 40 years.

"It's about time, we have been waiting 3,000 years for this," he says.

He claims ordinary Palestinian and Israeli people will not make trouble, but those influenced by Hamas and Hezbollah will.

"Palestinian and Israeli people help each other, they give work to each other, but some just want to upset the equilibrium," he says.

He says 90% of people who have come into his shop are happy with President Trump's decision, but that 10% are worried about the problems it will cause in Israel.

He say his London life will not change, however.

"I have Arab friends, we go out together, we have a drink together, we get on with our busy lives, this won't make a difference.

"People with no job, with nothing to do, they may cause a problem."