Audio of Tate balcony teen telling carers of plan to kill

The teenager who threw a six-year-old boy from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern in London had spoken about plans to push someone off a high building around a year earlier.

One of Jonty Bravery's carers said opportunities to stop him were missed.

BBC News has obtained a recording of Bravery telling his carers about his plan to kill someone and go to prison.

His care provider, Spencer & Arlington, said they had "no knowledge or records of the disclosure".

At the time of the attack Bravery, who has autism, was in the care of Hammersmith and Fulham Council. He lived in a flat in Northolt, west London with round-the-clock care.

In autumn 2018, a carer recorded Bravery talking to him and another carer about his plan to commit murder.

"In the next few months I've got it in my head I've got to kill somebody," Bravery said in the recording, obtained by a joint investigation with the Daily Mail.

Read more: Jonty Bravery told carers of plan to kill a year earlier

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