Cambridgeshire Police raids net £3m in cannabis

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Cannabis plantsImage source, Cambs Police
Image caption,

More than 3,500 cannabis plants were seized during 19 raids in Cambridgeshire

More than £3m worth of cannabis plants have been found after police raided 19 locations across Cambridgeshire.

It was part of an operation involving all 43 police forces in England and Wales.

Most of the search warrants were carried out by officers in Peterborough, with one each in Ramsey, Chatteris and St Neots.

Several people were detained and four have since been charged in connection with the production of cannabis.

During the raids, cash and an imitation firearm were also recovered and a vulnerable adult was safeguarded, Cambridgeshire Police said.

Det Supt Ian Middleton said: "The costs to society from these criminal enterprises are far reaching, fuelling serious violence and acquisitive crime.

"With the help of local residents, we will tackle and dismantle them and make clear to criminal groups that our county is a hostile environment for them in which their trade is not welcome and will not be tolerated."

Police involved in the nationwide crackdown, known as Operation Mille, have seized up to £130m worth of cannabis plants and arrested almost 1,000 people.

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