Election results: Warwick Tory and Labour leaders lose seats
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Labour went into the Coventry election with 40 of the council's 54 seats
The Conservatives have lost control of Warwick District Council with both the Tory and Labour group leaders losing seats to the Greens.
The Green Party took all three seats from Conservatives in the Kenilworth Park Hill ward including that of council leader Andrew Mobbs.
Labour leader Kirstie Naimo lost her Leamington Brunswick seat, which also had a Green clean sweep.
No party has overall council control, with the Tories losing 11 seats.
The party now holds 19 seats, the Lib Dems nine, Green eight, Labour five and Whitnash Residents Association three.

The Green Party took eight seats at Warwick District Council
Green Party councillor Alix Dearing, who took a Kenilworth Park Hill ward seat, said it was too early to talk about forming a coalition with any party but they were pleased and honoured to have done so well.
"There has been the Brexit issue, and national party politics, but I can say with complete confidence that we haven't really played that at all in our campaign," she said.
"We have just listened to local people, we've engaged with them, we've found out the issues that matter to them and completely grassroots activities all the way through."
Elsewhere hundreds of ballot papers were spoilt in Rugby borough, many with "Brexit" scrawled on them, the authority's returning officer said.
Adam Norburn said despite the protests, turnout was on a par with previous years at just over 32%.
Other results
Rugby remains under the Conservatives having secured 24 of the 42 seats
In North Warwickshire the Conservatives lost one seat to Labour but remain in control
Coventry remains under Labour control
Stratford-on-Avon stays under Conservative control although the Lib Dems gained seven seats

Becky Gittins won the Earlsdon seat for Labour in Coventry
Ken Taylor, the Conservatives' former council leader in Coventry, lost his Earlsdon seat after representing the ward for 33 years.
Labour's Becky Gittins, who won it, thanked him for his service and said "regardless of party politics" it would be "a difficult role to fill".
"I would like to thank residents for voting for change in Earlsdon," she added.

Each party retained the same number of seats in Rugby Borough Council

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