Ask for Angela: Cumbria Police relaunch safety scheme

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Ask for Angela posterImage source, Cumbria Police
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Police say more bars and pubs have joined the relaunched scheme

A police force has relaunched the Ask for Angela safety scheme amid reports of drink and needle spiking in England.

Cumbria Police said it would help keep people safe as more went out on darker nights following the pandemic.

The scheme, which runs in bars and pubs around the UK, allows anyone feeling unsafe to discreetly signal to bar staff for help.

Ch Insp Gill Cherry said a force survey found people did not always feel safe on a night out.

"That is why this scheme is so important and [it is] important to raise awareness of it," she said.

"It can provide the public with peace of mind that a discreet exit is available should they be in a situation where they feel worried and concerned in a participating bar or pub.

"Whilst the campaign focuses on those who are on dates, it also applies to any situation where a person feels uncomfortable or threatened."

Image source, PA Media
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Bar staff will call a taxi or help people leave by a back door

The nationally recognised scheme uses asking for "Angela" as a code for people to signal they need help.

Trained staff in participating venues will then take the person to a safe place and call a taxi, contact a friend or family member, or help the person leave by a back door.

Posters advertising the scheme will be displayed discreetly and people can call, prior to meeting someone for a first date, to check if a venue has signed up to it.

The manager of Carlisle's Walkabout bar, Carol Carruthers, said it was a "fantastic safety initiative".

"We want people to be able to feel they can relax and have a nice night out," she said.

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