Swimming club fears for Belper Leisure Centre future

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Mike Brett
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Mike Brett says the pool's closure would be a terrible loss

A swimming club has said the potential closure of a pool that is nearly 50 years old would be a "terrible loss".

The owners of Belper Leisure Centre, in Derbyshire, say it will have to close in June if a buyer is not found, due to rising energy bills.

Several local athletes grew up using the pool, including Ross Davenport, who swam at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics.

Mike Brett, head coach of the Belper Marlin Swimming Club, said: "Most of our training has been done there."

He said the club had existed for around the same amount of time as the pool.

Image source, PA Media
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Derbyshire swimmer Ross Davenport used to swim in the pool before heading to the Olympics

"A lot of our swimmers are regional qualifiers," he said.

"A lot of them have swum in the Midlands Championships recently or are hoping to get there in the near future.

"It's going to be massive [if it closes]. It would be a terrible loss.

"Somehow we have to keep on going, try and nick an hour here and there from other local pools if they'll let us.

"It's not going to be easy. I'm not sure where we could train."

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The centre is owned by an independent charitable company

The centre is owned by an independent charitable trust called Belper Leisure Centre Ltd.

Rachael Vickers, manager, said energy costs had increased by about 400%, due to rises following the war in Ukraine.

"Obviously we are in desperate need of funding," she said.

"The only other option is to sell the leisure centre.

"We are hoping obviously that someone would be interested in purchasing it for a leisure facility, so we can be around still to serve the facility and maintain the staff."

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About 70 jobs are at risk should the centre close

About 70 jobs are at risk should the leisure centre close.

A motion calling for Amber Valley Borough Council - which has previously contributed funding via an annual grant - to cover its increased costs, as well as a one-off grant of £360,000, will be introduced at its first full council meeting after the election on Wednesday.

Conservative MP Pauline Latham said: "Belper Leisure Centre is a very important community hub, delivering exercise facilities but also providing a community meeting place, and opportunities for school sport.

"I urge all parties, including the charity owners, Amber Valley Borough Council, Sport England, and the energy companies whose price increases have led to the spiralling costs, to work together in the interests of the people of Belper."

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Pauline Latham urged all the parties to work together to save the centre

A spokesperson for Amber Valley Borough Council said: "The council attended a meeting to receive details of the activities which have been carried out to identify options which may enable the centre to operate and continue to provide services to the community of Belper.

"It was disappointing that neither Belper School or Derbyshire County Council attended the meeting to set out how they intend to help to address the current budget deficit which the centre is facing.

"The borough council does not own the facilities and it is not responsible for the operation of the centre but it is considering how it can assist."

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