New Jurassic Coast museum planned for Weymouth

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Lucy CulkinImage source, Lucy Culkin
Image caption,

Trust CEO Lucy Culkin said she hoped the museum would be open within two years

Plans for a new museum and visitor centre for the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site have been revealed.

The Jurassic Coast Trust said it hoped to build a museum and visitor centre in Weymouth, Dorset.

The facility would house a new public collection of fossils currently held in private collections and provide a focal point for visitors.

Trust CEO Lucy Culkin said she hoped the centre would become a reality within as little as two years.

She said an existing building had been identified as a potential site for the project and a feasibility studies were already taking place.

Ms Culkin said: "One of our core criteria is to promote and improve accessibility to the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site.

"We are working with many partners and stakeholders and have already sought feedback from over 100 individuals and organisations as part of our feasibility work."

If the site in Weymouth proves to be viable, the trust will seek funding for a project team to complete master planning and secure the financing required.

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