Stansted Mountfitchet care home welcomes therapy owl

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Care home residents sit with Bonzo, with one stroking herImage source, AgeCare
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Bonzo the barn owl visited Hargrave House in Stansted Mountfitchet

A therapy owl made a "wonderful" impression during a flying visit to a care home in Essex, one of the animal's owners said.

Bonzo the barn owl swooped into Hargrave House in Stansted Mountfitchet to give the residents a lift.

An animal therapy scheme is being run to mentally stimulate people with certain physical or mental health conditions.

Care home manager Angela Dickson said the benefits were "huge".

"Everyone loved having Bonzo visit and were happy to be given the chance to hold her," she added.

Image source, AgeCare
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Animal-assisted therapy aims to stimulate the minds of people with certain physical or mental health conditions

Des Jordan, of Bonzo's home at Performing Pets, said animal-assisted therapy helped to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

"It's wonderful to see the pleasure she brings to residents," he said.

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