Calls for £2 bus fare cap in Gloucestershire

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Interior of an empty bus
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Transport Secretary Grant Shapps says the subsidised fares will help "people on low incomes"

Bus fares could be capped at £2 for regions outside London under new government plans.

In London fares are capped at £1.65 to encourage the use of public transport amidst the cost of living crisis.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has called for a year-long cap in places such as Gloucestershire, funded through a £260m subsidy.

A spokesperson for Gloucestershire County Council said they "welcome the plan" and look forward to more details.

Examples of bus costs in the West include the Stonehouse to Stroud journey - which takes 17 minutes - and currently costs £2.80.

'Really interesting idea'

While taking a bus from Gloucester to Cheltenham costs £3.80.

Graham Vidler, chief executive of the Confederation for Passenger Transport, said it was a "really interesting idea" that would "help with cost of living for existing passengers".

But he warned alongside the cap bus services "really need to see the levels of investment in Gloucestershire that we're seeing in many other parts of the country at the moment".

Mr Vidler said it was important the government make sure there are enough drivers and "buses have appropriate priority on county roads".

He said the scheme was recently trialled in Cornwall and produced "early encouraging signs" in the uptake of public transport.

'Lifeline' for locals

Cllr Catherine Braun, leader of Stroud District Council, said: "Buses are vital to creating fairer, greener communities and a £2 cap on bus fares would be very welcome.

"In rural areas, like Gloucestershire, buses can be a lifeline for local people and are valued more than ever due to the cost of living crisis."

However she said it is "no good having cheap fares for buses that don't exist" and called for "significant investment in the bus network".

Any progress on bringing the initiative to further regions is expected to happen after the new prime minister is announced on September 5.