In Pictures: UK National Giant Vegetable championship

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Girl sitting by big pumpkin
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A pumpkin weighing 40 stone (255kg) has won first place in the UK National Giant Vegetable Championship at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern, Worcestershire. The competition has been running for 17 years, but was held in Malvern for the first time this year.

An onion
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The heaviest onion weighed more than one stone (6.85kg), and was grown in Nottinghamshire. Entrants came from all over England and Wales for the event which has previously been held in Bath.

Sign showing class categories
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The heaviest three onions weighed just under three stone (18.45kg) in total, while the heaviest tomato came in at just under half a stone. There were 22 categories for both weight and length.

Man with forklift truck and a pumpkin
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The pumpkins were wrapped carefully for travel and brought into the Three Counties Showground pavilion by forklift truck. The largest needed three men to push it into position.

A parsnip
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The longest parsnip was 6m (20ft), beating the second longest by 2m (6ft).

A pumpkin
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Pumpkins of all colours were entered, the most unusual were the black ones.

Big leeks
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The heaviest leek weighed 12lb (5.4kg), the heaviest celery was nearly four stone (25kg) and the heaviest radish was just over one stone (6.8kg).