Holly Bramley: Memorial candles lit a year after her death

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Holly Bramley shrineImage source, Annette Bramley
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Ms Bramley has thanked everyone who lit a candle in memory of her daughter Holly

Candles have been lit in memory of Holly Bramley whose body parts were found a year ago in a Lincolnshire river.

The remains of the 26-year-old were found in the River Witham, near Lincoln, in March 2023.

Holly's mum, Annette Bramley, 64, said she "wanted to mark a day in the calendar" to remember Holly.

Nicholas Metson, 28, pleaded guilty to Holly's murder, which took place between 17 and 25 March 2023.

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Candles were lit by people at 19:00 GMT on 17 March in memory of Holly Bramley

In a Facebook post Holly's mum, from Holbeach, invited people to "light a candle in honour of our beloved Holly".

The candles were lit at 19:00 GMT on 17 March to mark a year since Holly died.

Ms Bramley said: "I was amazed at how many people wanted to join in and support the memory of Holly. It has been comforting.

"We just wanted to mark a day in the calendar where it is expected Holly lost her life.

"We didn't want it to pass without showing our support."

Holly's family and friends also tied flowers and balloons to Thurlby Bridge in Bassingham on 17 March, the village where her body was found.

Image source, Annette Bramley
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Flowers were left on Thurlby Bridge in Bassingham by Holly's friends and family

Metson, of Shuttleworth House, Lincoln, who was married to Holly, previously admitted conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by disposing of her body on 25 March last year.

Another man, Joshua Hancock, admitted a charge of obstructing a coroner.

Ms Bramley said her "aim is to become a focal point", offering help for domestic abuse victims.

She is undergoing domestic abuse champion training with Lincolnshire's domestic abuse service.

Metson and Hancock are due to be sentenced on 5 April at Lincoln Crown Court.

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