Workers at Barts NHS Trust to strike over pay

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St Bartholomew's HospitalImage source, Getty Images
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The trust runs five hospitals including St Bartholomew's Hospital

Porters, cleaners and facilities staff at one of the largest NHS trusts in the UK are to stage fresh strikes in a dispute over pay.

Members of Unite at Barts NHS Trust will walk out from 19 to 21 February.

The union said the workers in east London have not received a lump-sum payment that NHS workers were offered for working during the pandemic.

Barts NHS Trust said it was working "to find a suitable resolution".

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "If Barts thinks that our members will go quietly into the night, they have another think coming.

"They have seen their comrades at other trusts rightly win this pay award and they will keep fighting and keep striking until Barts does the right thing and pays up."

The trust runs five hospitals: The Royal London Hospital, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Mile End Hospital, Newham Hospital and Whipps Cross Hospital.

A spokesperson for Barts Health NHS Trust said: "We are continuing to engage with staff and unions to find a suitable resolution to the issues raised, including those relating to the NHS lump sum payment.

"We understand colleagues are unhappy and are working to find a resolution as soon as possible."

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