Holbrook pupils make 'sea of souls' remembrance display

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SailsImage source, John Fairhall/BBC
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The memorial, at the front of the school, has been created in the shape of a poppy

A "sea of souls" art installation to signify the number of lives lost at sea during World War One and Two has been unveiled at a school.

The 1,548 sails created by pupils at the Royal Hospital School, external, in Holbrook, Suffolk, have been formed in the shape of a poppy.

They mark the 44,000 lives that were lost at sea during the conflicts.

The school said the sails "emulate the white rows of the cemeteries commemorating the fallen".

Image source, John Fairhall/BBC
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Florrie Owens said it was important to remember each person who died

Florrie Owens, a year 12 pupil at the school, said: "It's really moving because this happened over 100 years ago.

"To see that, still to this day, people are showing their respects and being mindful about what happened before is really nice."

Image source, John Fairhall/BBC
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The sails vary in size from 20cm (8in) to 60cm (24in) in height

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