Ex-soldier's calls for more help for Wiltshire veterans

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Will StoneImage source, Aled Thomas
Image caption,

Will Stone (Left) said he served as a rifleman in the army for five years

A former soldier turned councillor who has lost comrades to suicide has asked his council to do more to help military veterans.

Councillor Will Stone spent five years as a rifleman in the 1st Battalion of The Rifles Wiltshire regiment before joining Swindon Borough Council in May.

He submitted a motion asking for the experience of ex-service personnel to be considered when deciding on support.

Mr Stone said despite "praiseworthy" council work, it could offer more help.

His motion says: "The council should use the lived experiences of veterans when taking decisions to support their mental and physical health.

"The council already undertakes praiseworthy work to support veterans but while they are still taking their own lives more should and needs to be done."

If the motion is passed it will ask the council's recently appointed Armed Forces Champion, councillor Lawrence Ellito, to "write to the Army, Navy, and RAF welfare services to ask for advice".

"The Armed Forces Champion should then write a report for the adults' health, care and housing committee on their findings, to help improve the support that the council provides," it says.

'Truly heart-breaking'

Mr Stone said this is a subject close to his heart.

"I left the army five years ago and in this short period of time four people I had the pleasure of serving with have taken their lives.

"This is truly heart-breaking. These are just the people I knew personally.

"I feel we owe them and their families more. We need to do our best to protect the people who have once protected us.

"Swindon has a proud military history. Let's honour that by being a leading council in supporting our service personnel."

The motion will be presented at a full council meeting on 29 September.

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