Lackham House to be refurbished by Wiltshire College and University

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A large period building with stone pillars, surrounded by gardens and hedgerows, seen from the airImage source, AWW
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Lackham House is set amongst fields and woodland on a 234-hectare estate

An historic building on a university campus is set to undergo an extensive refurbishment.

On 8 April, Wiltshire Council approved the plans for the Grade II-listed Lackham House, on the Wiltshire College and University Centre's Lackham campus.

The renovation aims to "deliver high-quality, modern education facilities" whilst maintaining the character and period features of the building.

Plans include a VR simulator room and the restoration of period features.

Lackham Housen, built in the late 18th Century, is located between Chippenham and the village of Lacock.

According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS), the revamped "agri-business centre" will contain flexible, multi-use teaching and conference spaces, as well as VR teaching and simulation rooms.

Image source, AWW
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The redevelopment will feature a new VR simulator teaching room

A press release published in August 2023 by the Wiltshire College and University Centre (WCUC), which first announced the plans, suggested that the refurbishment had a planned completion date of summer 2024.

However, the planning application for the work in question was only submitted to Wiltshire Council in January 2024.

It stated: "While the house has a series of grand spaces with impressive period features, many of the finishes and decoration are tired and in need of modernisation.

"Furthermore, the existing building services and lighting do not meet the requirements of a modern education facility, leaving the house currently underused."

The existing carpet in the foyer will be stripped out and the herringbone timber floor will be restored, before the installation of a new contemporary reception desk.

Iain Hatt, principal and CEO at WCUC, said: "This renovation project will allow students to utilise the latest innovative technology in land-based sectors and support us in addressing the skills gaps highlighted by employers."

The original WCUC press release said the works were part of a £2.2m project, £1.7m of which had been awarded by the Department of Education.

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