Coronavirus: What do the new statistics tell us?
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The Department of Health launched an online dashboard over the weekend which it said will be updated daily.
The portal features information on hospital admissions and discharges, bed occupancy and a breakdown of case and death numbers by age and gender.
So, what have we learned from the dashboard?
As of Sunday 19 April, there had been 612 hospital admissions and 2,307 discharged patients. These figures on the dashboard include positive and suspected coronavirus cases.
2,599Positive tests
2,307Patients discharged from hospital
53Care home outbreaks
The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units (ICU) in NI has gone down. On 14 April, there were 48 people in ICU, now there are 36.
Out of the total number of deaths, the majority of deaths have been men, with 109 men compared to 84 women. Interestingly though, more women (1,525) have contracted the virus to men (1,070).
The over-80s have been hit the hardest, with 112 deaths in that category compared to 71 in the 60-79 age range; 10 aged 40-59 and one unknown.