Premature babies: 'He's my wee miracle man'

Sara Mac Hugh gave birth extremely prematurely at 25 weeks to her son, Michael.

He faced serious health risks, spending the first few months of his life in hospital and developing sepsis, which can be a life-threatening reaction to an infection.

Sara and her husband Conall told BBC Newsline's Keiron Tourish that they did not know whether Michael would survive.

"I was terrified - I didn't know what was going on, didn't know what to expect," Sara said.

But Michael, now who is now learning to walk and talk, recovered, leading Conall to dub him "my wee miracle man".

"With him being so tiny, you watch him and you're sort of like, you don't even know what you've been through," Sara said.

"There's adults that would go through that and couldn't come out of it."